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One Step at a Time - March 2014

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    One Step at a Time - March 2014

    I wanted to tell you guys that Kellie passed her cosmo test! got the letter today and she just has to pay $67 to get her license and off to work she goes(but not with me)
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      One Step at a Time - March 2014

      Kradle - :l So very scary about not being able to find the girls. And, I was really sorry to hear about that news helicopter. Thought about it quite a bit today.

      IAD - hope that you enjoyed your day late St Patrick's Day meal.

      Fennel - how are you doing? Sending you an e-mail. Did I hear that you played checkers this weekend too??

      K9 - Everything is still crossed for you. I love your hair & WHN's hair. Cute pic.

      Pauly - FANTASTIC!!! So happy that Kellie passed her test!!!:goodjob:

      Dottie - How is it going? You are doing so great with the food and gym.

      Zen - sorry about the credit card. What a pain!!!

      Mama - are you doing ok?

      Is Liz on her cruise? How long was it? I hope she's having a fantastic time!

      Nursie - how are you doing?

      Where is Glass? The last thing I remember seeing is that she wouldn't let Mama slip her the tongue. :H
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        One Step at a Time - March 2014

        Audrey, Honeysoup and Pavati......

        Just wanted to say hello!!! I haven't had time to read around to catch up with you. I hope that you all are doing ok. :l:h:l
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          One Step at a Time - March 2014

          Hi Nora,
          Gym again tomorrow. It is helping me sleep. Need to get back on the cooking thingy. Our stove is behaving badly so we need to replace it...too many new things on them and not sure what to buy. Still trying to be move vegetarian at least as much as dh will eat.
          Feeling good cravings come and go without much thought...finally!!

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            One Step at a Time - March 2014

            Kradle, I hope you are okay.

            K9, AWESOME HAIR! I hope you hear soon about your interview.

            Mama, your hair will be so gorgeous. As for Lady Gag-a, she needs to give the kid up for adoption.

            Pauly, yay for Kelly passing that test!

            Tony , I'm half Irish too! Glad your power is back.

            Zen, at least you know about your hormone situation, and can address it now.:l

            Had my own job interview today and had to endure both a criminal AND financial background check. Results back by Friday, probably. Maybe not until Monday or even Tuesday.


              One Step at a Time - March 2014

              NoraC;1639344 wrote: Audrey, Honeysoup and Pavati......

              Just wanted to say hello!!! I haven't had time to read around to catch up with you. I hope that you all are doing ok. :l:h:l
              I'm piggy backing what Nora Said!! :l:h
              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
     tool box
     newbie nest


                One Step at a Time - March 2014

                Morning kittens...
                at work super early, so I am faffing around here.
                I have loads of conference calls today, so I will check in when I can
                Nora - I am fine. My laptop is about to crap out and it's too darn hard to post from my phone, so I have been lax about checking in in the evenings.
                Will try to do better, I promise
                Fenny - if I may ask....what job are you applying for?
                Kradle- I am glad you got the girls sorted. I would have been flipping out. How is Mastt?
                Dots- I was telling hubs this morning that we should go walk after work, before we start cooking dinner. Yeah, right.....................
                K9 - keep us posted. How is WHN?? You have not said much lately. Is she ok?? Am I being too nosey.
                Zen - are your hormone issues estrogen related? I cannot DO HRT since I am a cancer survivor. If I know you, you will research the heck out of your issue. It surprises me, as you know more about supplements and vitamins than anyone on the planet!!
                Off to prepare to impress the honchos at corporate
                Have a fabulous Wednesday and know that I adore you all!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  One Step at a Time - March 2014

                  Hey all,this week seems to be going sloooow,took Brady to the eye doc yesterday and his vision has actually improved he doesn't even need glasses now,when he was 6 he started wearing them,then they'd break and i'd drag ass getting a new pair so it's been awhile without them maybe he outgrew bad eyesight,i dunno,he looked creepy with his eyes dilated aah! Zen,i think i need to get a hormone panel done,i'm positive i've got some screwy shit going on too,well off to get ready for work,bleh,hope everyone has a good wednesday
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    One Step at a Time - March 2014

                    mama bear;1639440 wrote:
                    Fenny - if I may ask....what job are you applying for?
                    Waitress at Hooter's. :H


                      One Step at a Time - March 2014

                      Just kidding...senior home health carer.

                      I had an awesome dream last night...that I was making out with Jane Lynch! She was a dreamy kisser! :h


                        One Step at a Time - March 2014

                        Pauly, that's awesome about kiddo's eyes getting better, especially as they always seem to break those things- and they're EXPENSIVE!

                        Nora, did you play checkers last weekend, too? Somehow, I missed that! I like to get a game in at least once a week. More if I can. :H

                        I hadn't heard about the news helicopter. Going to go scout around and take a look-see...


                          One Step at a Time - March 2014

                          What a tragic story...a wonder that more people were not injured/killed.


                            One Step at a Time - March 2014

                            Good morning peeps,
                            Have another possible interview here near home tomorrow am, fingers crossed.

                            Hope everyone is doing well.

                            AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
                            As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.


                              One Step at a Time - March 2014

                              Hi all,
                              Day 200 and I so cant believe this.
                              Off to the gym and dragging dh. I am so sleepy this morning. Raining and dreary. Would like to sleep all day....but I will do the treadmill 30 minutes and like it.....

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                One Step at a Time - March 2014

                                fennel;1639450 wrote: Waitress at Hooter's. :H
                                OMG :H:H Well, I will keep all my body parts crossed for you! :bust:
                                Sounds like we are in Background Check Hell together. The guy at PD that does the investigation sent me an email this morning confirming receipt of my packet and letting me know he'd start today. Yikes. I was 100% honest on that thing, I hope it doesn't turn around and bite me in the butt. LOL

                                Mama - WHN is doing great! I guess I've been quiet about her because we havent had any issues. The psychiatrist upped her Celexa to 40mgs and we (well SHE, but I monitor!!) have been religious about taking them, and viola...seems to be working. She's in a good mood and excelling at home schooling. No drama for this mama lately...thank goodness!! And no, you can NEVER be too nosy. I am an open book. Sometimes too much so. HA We do go back to the psychiatrist on March 31st, so we will see what develops.

                                Pauly - I am sure Brady's eyes will be fine. I had glasses when I was 5 years old and the doc told my mom if I wore them then I wouldn't need them as an adult...and suprise suprise, he's been right so far! The sad thing is that my doctor (Optometrist) went slightly nutty (okay very) and now he stands around town strumming his guitar and singing. He also puts up signs saying that God is dead and he went to the funeral. *sigh* least he fixed my eyes before he plunged over the edge. LOL

                       I have to confess, I had cheetos last night and about 4 bowls of cereal. I only gained 2 ounces though so maybe I can get back on track. Honestly I don't really care anymore, I can hide my rolls soon in my Police uniform! (Fingers crossed)

                                Honeysoup - Check in! We care about you!!! :h

                                Hello to everyone else, you know who you are! Love y'all!!!
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

