Nice hair color! What product did you use Niner? I have my highlights done professionally but I'm a dab hand with the boxes. Necessity is the mother of invention!
So we're onto a fivesome now, and growing... should we contact the Guiness Book of Records yet? I'm thinking the "large SECRET girlfriend" category... shhhhh.....
Dottie and Mama... it's not nice having to deal with the folks' stuff. I guess it might be better to just bite the bullet and get it done as the longer it drags out the worse youz will feel. Letting stuff drag on makes us all feel like shite anyway, and especially in this case I think.
Pauly... big hugs... I'm sorry you're not feeling so great. :l
Mama... I had to hire and fire on the yachts and it's always a bit of a kick in the teeth when someone walks out... it's MUCH more satisfying to fire them first! :H Kidding!!! Good luck with finding someone suitable...
Sounds like you had a fun childhood Glass!
Fenny and Mama... I went down like a sack of spuds a couple of years ago... I was carrying laundry in from the garage and slid on a trailing nighty (I have wood floors). My legs disappeared from under me and I landed on my elbow holding on to the effin armload of laundry... totally knocked the stuffing out of me. I'm sure it looked bloody funny but, man, I was sore for weeks! Do you have bruises Mama?
Fen... don't you have an interview coming up?
I'm starting to feel a bit more human today but really tired. I hardly slept last night. I don't want to take any more of the flu meds... they messed me up. :nutso: All they do is mask the symptoms anyway and I reckon they're harder on your liver than AL is. I have the house to myself today and I'm going to chill out so I'm fit enough to go down south to the whore moan doctor tomorrow.
My cats don't fart by the way. If they did, I'm sure Bill would blame them all the time...

I think I'll take a look at your Netflix doco from last night Niner. Going to have a shower and do some laundry and then it's couch time chez Zen. I feel like a lazy biatch but I have zero energy today.