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One Step at a Time - March 2014

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    One Step at a Time - March 2014

    NoraC;1641280 wrote: Ok - I haven't had time to read back. But, I did see that you are trying to have a fivesome without me. I don't think so!!! I'm in!! Plus, I've been watching The L Word so I'll know what to do. :H
    Okay, this made me spew my kombucha on my laptop screen from laughing!!!! :H


      One Step at a Time - March 2014

      Right... hang on till you hear THIS one. Here's what happened earlier. I'm really quite freaked out about it. This teen to young 20's female appears from nowhere and is hanging out in my side yard with a chihuahua... noon-ish, maybe 12.30. And I swear to Gawd she is doing something really nasty to that dog... she was bent over it for almost half an hour, and I'm not going to describe this but I KNOW what I saw and that was NUTS.

      So... I remembered Cher was home today (her mum is coming into town from New Jersey). She tells me it's probably best to go out and confront her, which I do (yuuuuck....) and it turns out she is a guest in one of the town houses in my community.

      So what do you think about THAT then? I am frikken flommoxed on this one. I should have called the cops. That poor dog.

      OK. I swear... I am in possession of my faculties! Really, I am! Gawd, if anyone had ever said I'd see something like that in my yard I'd never have believed it.

      Puppy love.

      Glad I have an alarm system.


        One Step at a Time - March 2014

        Well my feet didnt sweat in the sandals,a benefit of being a.f i guess haha,came home and did a half-ass "just dance"workout but hey beats lounging on the couch,Kradle,i p.m'd you i hope it worked,im horrible at it,K9, Sierra's hair looks good,but she'd look cute with anything anyways,sorry about the falllMama,yikes! I knew there was a reason not to clean,gives me one more excuse haha,hope you feel better Zen,and you guys are All pervs!!!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          One Step at a Time - March 2014

          are you freaking serious Zen????? My imagination is going wild here
          Nora is GAME????????????????????????????????????????? We have sunk to a new low.....or high, depending on how you look at it. The L Word taught me a few things too.
          Sorry Madison is sick...
          and I'll have to use "Holy Crap on a Stick".....ROMBL
          So I had a little boo hoo in the car on the ride home and Bret just help my hand and I feel a little better...just in cry baby mode right now
          Dottie - if I could to the frozen north right now, I would help you with all your stuff.....even mouse poo:h
          off to get lost in Dexter, take some Motrin and eat left overs...
          ps...glad you don;t have stinky feet Pauly!:H
          Zen's it.......:h:h:h
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            One Step at a Time - March 2014

            these two kitties are cracking me up! They roll and tumble and pounce on each other!
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              One Step at a Time - March 2014

              Zen, you can still call the cops...this dog needs to get away from that freak! God, I hate when people abuse animals. :upset: Please, call them.


                One Step at a Time - March 2014

                Zenny...what the hell was she doing to the dog??? We are officially a rated X thread now so you can just tell us! Please do not tell me she was nekked! I'm trying to imagine what she could have been doing, but you say it was a Chihuahua?? OMG...was it screaming in terror? Seriously, we need ALL the details.

                Yeah, who'd a thought we'd get someone of Nora's caliber to join our little group? LOL We are DEFINITELY movin' on up in the world. Holy crap on a stick. :H
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  One Step at a Time - March 2014

                  I put up a new picture in preparation for our SIXSOME.

                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    One Step at a Time - March 2014

                    Eew,a couple of months ago some meth head was naked in her yard getting weird with a pitbull,luckily a neighbor called the cops,i saw it on the news here in town,feckin freaks!!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      One Step at a Time - March 2014

                      This topic reminds me of when I did a search for my screen name on Google. "K9Lover" brought up some less-than-savory videos....let me tell you. :egad:
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        One Step at a Time - March 2014

                        K9Lover;1641355 wrote: This topic reminds me of when I did a search for my screen name on Google. "K9Lover" brought up some less-than-savory videos....let me tell you. :egad:
                        Wow...I have to say, that never occurred to me! :eeks:

                        Your new avatar is muy bueno!


                          One Step at a Time - March 2014

                          You all crack me up...just the kind of perversion I need. ;-))
                          Maybe I will join in too.....

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            One Step at a Time - March 2014

                            Okay, I have regained my composure a bit. Just REALLY bugs me when peeps get freaky with their pets.

                            Mama, I'm glad Brett held your hand while you were weepy...that's so sweet. :h Also, I so hear you about the kitties being good medicine. When Mrs. Fen's BIL passed away (very suddenly) a year ago, her sis and our nephew got two kitties from the, about a year, the other, a kitten. We have never laughed so hard watching those guys stalking each other! They both ran into the bathroom, and SIL heard a big "splash"...and then, they both ran out the door, one soaking wet. :H Those cats have brought new life into the house.

                            K9, I have to agree. Nora joining the "secret girlfriends society" has definitely elevated us.

                            Pauly, the "dance" workout sounds way better than what my lazy butt did today. I did visit my dear mum, though.

                            Kradle, the juicing thing sounds like a good idea. Plus, ginger just makes everything better.


                              One Step at a Time - March 2014

                              Interview update...

                              I did have a job interview with a home health care agency on Friday. I left at 1:30, and by the time I reached my cabin at 3:00, I had an email inviting me to join their team. That was so nice. Honestly, though...I wanted the Senior Helpers job the most, as I love that demographic and did so well in that interview.

                              I called the woman who interviewed me for that job today and she called me back. They totally want me, but haven't heard from one of my professional references, the Dialysis Unit I worked for. I am calling HR tomorrow to get the number to email to the Senior, I am good to go for orientation there on Friday! I can't believe I'm such a hot commodity, but the lady I spoke to today said she'd never given anyone a higher score on the interview than me. Nice to hear.


                                One Step at a Time - March 2014

                                Dottie Belle;1641357 wrote: You all crack me up...just the kind of perversion I need. ;-))
                                Maybe I will join in too.....
                                Dottie, join us! We will be a "seven-some"! :H

