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One Step at a Time - March 2014

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    One Step at a Time - March 2014

    Hi all,
    Nora I just hate dentists. I have a tooth that I have invested $$$$ in for root canal and crown now it needs to be pulled and I just don't want to deal with it. Need to find an oral surgeon I guess since I am on an anticoagulant and I don't want to bleed to death from getting it pulled. Always some dam thing...
    Off to visit dad then Costco. Going to train trip presentation later and maybe dinner out with friends who are going to the same presentation. Maybe dinner out wonder the scale is not moving...

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      One Step at a Time - March 2014

      Mama, I hope your day stays peaceful. :h

      Zen, who does your friend go to? Is she nearby? There are docs who prescribe bio-identicals without taking you through the wringer. Sounds like you found a real rip-off place!
      Oh, I'm in with that job. Running around like crazy getting all my ducks in a row.

      Sometimes I don't think humans are meant to be monogamous...but Pauly's hubs needs to wear protection if he's dallying with the ladies, and Pauly should have the same right to do as she pleases, then. My ex work-wife is polyamorous and she and her hubs have certain ground rules they stick to. They love each other very much, and it works for them.

      Nora, that sucks! Dental stuff is such a pain in the butt. :l


        One Step at a Time - March 2014

        Holy Filet-O-Fuck Zenny! What a load of crap you just went through at the whore-moan doctor!! Jeez. Isn't there anything over-the-counter (supplements) that you can try? I know you can buy the B12 (I use liquid) and there is stuff to help with bone density too. Lord almighty, this whole health care thing is a joke.

        I don't even bother with the dentist! Why go in just to have them tell me what I "should" have done, when I know good and well I am not going to do it? I rinse my mouth with Coconut Oil every night (and yes, I spit now Zenny! I read about the bacteria....eww). So that's all I'm doing...damnit!

        So Mama, PG&S is out today huh? I bet you are having a relaxing day. Why would she need to be out TWO days for that though? Me thinks she is a big baby. LOL Stay strong this weekend (if that's what you want to do). You seem to be able to get a buzz from time to time then get right back to abstaining. I learned my lesson (again) 3 weeks ago. The way I drank was in no way "normal" or even "fun". I'm glad there was nothing good about it...makes it easier to not ever go back there!

        I am enjoying my Toffee flavored creamer. Oh and I gained 7 pounds back. What the feck. Oh well, I will hopefully be hiding my rolls in a uniform soon! LOL

        Be back later!! Love y'all!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          One Step at a Time - March 2014

          K9, you crack me up with your phrases! :H


            One Step at a Time - March 2014

            Dottie, geez...I imagine you'd have to go off of the anti-coagulants before your dental procedure. What a pain!


              One Step at a Time - March 2014

              Yep fen and that is why I dont want to do it...risk a blood clot to have a tooth pulled and the docs dont want to keep prescribing antibiotics.....what a mess..

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                One Step at a Time - March 2014

                Holy crap on a stick! Where did all those posts come from? I now have to read back... again!!!


                  One Step at a Time - March 2014

                  Hey all,Zen,what the hell?selling the stuff to you,doesn't sound right,Fen,finding pants is a pain for most women i think,i have a longtorso too and i absolutely hate those damn low-cut jeans! the only one who looks good in those was Britney Spears circa 2000, real women have hips dangit! Michelle sent me some pics of Olympia yesterday,it's kinda close to Kradle in WA so thats cool,it was all rainy looked nice,theres a duck pond outside their balcony,very pretty,so i feel better about the move which i dunno their lease is up in i dunno if they will come back here or stay up there,i guess his family is all here in Vegas,Nora,you poor thing! did it just happen recently?cuz i remember you fell awhile ago too,i really dont know if hubs is cheating,a few years into my drinking career i cheated,with my brothers 21 year old best friend! imt bad,i just didnt care about much back then and it was a getting even thing,now im too feckin lazy to cheat,hope everybody's thursday is good,probly check in later
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    One Step at a Time - March 2014

                    Dottie,that's scary,but i'm sure they'll probly just have you off the anti-coags for a week prior or something hope it goes smoothly
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      One Step at a Time - March 2014

                      Nora... Is your dentist good? Only reason I ask is it's quite tough to match up one front crown with an existing tooth. My two front toofers are crowns... I had them done together. Gawd, I could buy an RV and tour for 6 months with the effin money I invested in my teeth.

                      Dottie... why would they have to pull a tooth that has a crown and a root canal already? Did the post for the crown break or something? Be safe with it all... X

                      Fenny... Yep. I found me a right rip-off artist. Your ex work-wife's situation sounds very like my girlfriend's. (Her ears must have been burning... she called me within 5 mins of me posting about her.) :wow: I'm going to call Mary and see what doc she uses. I guess this area of medicine is a bit of a minefield and I need to find a decent doc.

                      Niner... it IS a joke. And to tell me I need supplements for my thyroid when the Life Extension doctor was so pleased with my thyroid panel? Money grabbing assholes! Re the coconut oil... you;re supposed to swish it around in your mouth for 10 mins or so to draw out the bacteria... then... spit!!! (And, yes, it DOES look a bit like that!!!) :H

                      Pauly... 21 years old?! You cradle snatcher you! Ha ha haaaa... (I guess THAT evened the score...)


                        One Step at a Time - March 2014

                        Zen there is an infection somewhere in the tooth..who knows if they got all the root but when it flares up my face looks like a chipmunk.....and hurts like hell so instead of more do overs I want it out. One dentist was pushing for a tooth implant but that was really expensive too and it is a back tooth...I will live without it..

                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          One Step at a Time - March 2014

                          If it's just a back tooth Dottie, to heck with an implant. I guess it was a bad root canal by the sounds of things. Have they just done the one root canal on it? They might want to try a 2nd root canal before pulling it seeing as you've already spent for the crown... they can do it with the crown in place... they just drill through it.


                            One Step at a Time - March 2014

                            OK, wish me strength. I'm about to pay those humongous bills and look for a whore moan doc. Fun fun fun I tells ya... :upset:


                              One Step at a Time - March 2014

                              My very back tooth is broken because of the 25 year old filling, but I will be damned if I pay $800 to fix it. I say pull that sucker (when it starts to hurt). On second thought, I'll pull it myself! The pulling will probably cost $400. I'll tie a string to my tooth, the other end to the cocker spaniel, then make a loud noise so he takes off at a fast pace. :H

                              How the heck can you swish coconut oil for TEN MINUTES?? I can't swish anything that long. And yes, I spit it in the toilet, because it will clog up the sink drain.

                              I am waiting to hear about the next steps for my job. IF they can accept that I smoked marijuana 10 or 20 years ago, then the next step is a psychiatric evaluation. THEN the Chief's interview, which will be the easiest part of this damn process since I already kissed his butt once. I swear it would be easier to get elected President than complete this effin background check.
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                One Step at a Time - March 2014

                                zen the second root canal was really expensive, I chceked that out and I am not willing to invest any more money in that darn tooth. I just need to find an oral surgeon....

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

