I am just now seeing this thread! What a thought provoking question!
I seem to be an amalgam of 'all of the above'!
I got stuck in the DENIAL stage...I'd get a few days, then rationalize it and fall. I could always find someone on here who was worse than I was....it was a real trap I'd set for myself. I blamed everyone else for why I drank. Finally one day, my hubs issued an ultimatum: Him or AL. Believe it or not, it was a difficult decision. I had to quit and STAY quit and stop bullshitting myself. I struggled, like we all do, then one day I read a post about Letting Go. It was an awesome post, I still have it. After I read that it seemed like the road smoothed out in front of me. I was still holding on to the fact that one day, I just might be able to drink again....once I let that go, it was 1000 times easier. Just let it go. Now, after 3 years, I think what a powerful force addiction is. I respect it with every ounce of gumption I have. I respect it like a rattlesnake. I am not going to poke it with a stick, or try petting it....it is out to kill me. My mantra is NOT ONE, NOT EVER!
I also think there's another component. Being able to quit is one thing, be able to KEEP that quit is another. It is vital that we, as alkies, maintain a support system. The world out there is telling us constantly it's ok to drink! Our friends and family are pushing it on us and tv is bombarding us with sexy advertisements about it! It's not easy to stay quit with all of these messages hitting us! Staying connected with The Mothership (your support system, MWO, AA, or something) is critical. I've seen so many with good solid quits in place leave here and think they had this...they knew what to do, only to get sucked up into it again. I've seen it enough to where my butt is velcro'd in and I check in every single day...in good times and in bad. When things are bad, THAT'S when you need this place the most! Disconnecting from the Mothership will only get you in trouble....ADDICTION is one of the powerful forces there is....it will suck you back in unless you have support to fight it off.
I feel like I had a secret weapon and her name is Lavande. I am so fortunate that she never gave up on me. Her tough love was exactly what I needed, and it has saved my life. I will forever be grateful to that woman! So I just do what she does, and so far, so good.