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6 days AF

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    6 days AF

    It has been a long time. But I have made it 6 days AF. Feeling somewhat strong and trying to ignore the craving hours when they hit.
    Head will be hitting the pillow tonight - with no regrets once again!

    6 days AF

    Hi Meech, we have not met before and nearly the whole 7 days good on you. those cravings are a killer but you have made it this far so stay positive. the cravings get less and less as time goes on and just think no hangovers in the morning.

    Life is good!
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      6 days AF

      It is scary but exciting to know that I do not have the dreaded hangovers which control my life and ruin so many plans I have for my family, my friends and myself. I am still feeling very weak and insecure as the AL Beast has had the control for quite some time.
      I so want to have the control back and get rid of the doubting that I can ever truly be free from AL.


        6 days AF

        God i so do not want another hangover in my life but i know if i have one drink then thats it for me. The early days are the hardest but just take each day as it comes. I slept when i was tired as my sleeping pattern was all over the place, i ate a sugar factory, i was anxious for a few days and all over the place BUT the good news is, it goes away in a couple of weeks. I have very few al cravings now, it is more like a "gee i'd like one wine" but i know i can never drink again and that was the hard part of giving up al, the NEVER again. Now its okay for me not to drink.

        I was a 20+ year drinker and at the end of my drinking spree 1 to 2 bottles of white wine a night, every night of the week. I so dont know how i functioned but i was very dedicated to drinking, very! Now i am very dedicated to not drinking and that means for me being on here when i wake up and at night and anytime i feel or have an al thought. I posted like mad on the newbies nest for help and i have received it 100 fold. I watched a lot of al doco's on youtube and movies like Smashed, Flight etc. Scare tactics work well.

        My children are so very proud of my achievment to date and so am i and it gets better and better Meech. Stay positive and dont ever feel sorry that you cant drink, feel happy that you dont drink.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          6 days AF

          Patience my friend! As Ava says its tough at the start but it gets easier as the weeks go by. It took most of us years to get addicted to AL and have it rule our roosts so its going to take time to kick the nuisance out for good. The important thing is to keep ignoring it when it calls and walk away from it. Distraction was also a great help for me. Not just food or posting on MWO but reading/watching DVDs (still is but thats not a distraction now) or whatever you enjoy. Quitting is not just about the absence of our old love - its about pouring ourselves into exciting things - sometimes these are very mundane - but you will have lots of time to try these out.
          Good luck.


            6 days AF

            Meech - so great to see you!!!!!!!! :h:l
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              6 days AF

              Good to see you back Meech
              Great on your AF time - keep going, you won't be sorry!!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                6 days AF

                Hi Meech. I'm relatively new here but have the same goal as everyone else. I'm starting day 9 of an AF journey. I'm on a 3 month goal, but as each day passes, I really can't see any logical reason to return to alcohol. I'm enjoying this too much.

                The clear head in the morning, feeling physically better, having more spare time in the evenings to do constructive tasks instead of being sedated into drunken inactivity.

                Good luck and stay strong!


                  6 days AF

                  Hi Meech, I am at around the same number of days AF. Lets stay vigilant because right now we are in the honeymoon phase and we may get cocky and over-confident if we are not careful. I love the sober life and am glad to have you back here by my side.
                  "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."

