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Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

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    Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

    Cheeses! I'm well impressed with myself. I managed the weekly shop in 45 mins flat. Managed to get a few good specials too. Everyone's been told they need to sort out their own lunch. I'll be making a curry for dinner, and make enough so it'll serve for tomorrow night as well.

    Now I just need to get all the paraphernalia I'll need for a leisurely Sunday paper session on the patio. Those unmentionable rolled tobacco products, an ashtray, packet of Smint, glass of diluted granadilla cordial, a little something to snack on and I'm all set.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

      tiptronic_ct;1633299 wrote: Cheeses! I'm well impressed with myself. I managed the weekly shop in 45 mins flat. Managed to get a few good specials too. Everyone's been told they need to sort out their own lunch. I'll be making a curry for dinner, and make enough so it'll serve for tomorrow night as well.

      Now I just need to get all the paraphernalia I'll need for a leisurely Sunday paper session on the patio. Those unmentionable rolled tobacco products, an ashtray, packet of Smint, glass of diluted granadilla cordial, a little something to snack on and I'm all set.
      Enjoy Tipps - do not allow any thoughts of 'other' unmentionable to creep in.
      Stay in the NOW-I'm going to.
      Though my set-up isn't half as nice as yours - it sounds idealic :h


        Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

        mollyka;1633307 wrote: You going oooommmming today? Tell us a bit about it --- are you good at it?
        It's called MIND CALM - modern meditation.
        No -none today -I'm shite tbh -good to give advice - but don't DO it myself.
        I'm supposed to do 2 x 10 min sessions a day. Not really happening - I forget
        It's just stopping & clearing your mind. That nothing is wrong with NOW - so never make judgments based on past or future.
        I have a book here - must dig it out and read more.
        Wish I was Tipps & I could haul ass out to the patio & read there for the day.

        Need new reading glasses I think - so the reading has suffered:upset:


          Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

          Molly, is Joe and Joey commiserating and spoiling you rotten, or do they still expect to be waited on?

          Tips, I had to Google Smints!

          Satzy, could you not take DVDs to old-age homes, hospitals etc?

          Spidey, stay indoors - see what happened to Molly when she went out? Do the shop, get the voucher - much nicer than the Colonel's frankenchick. (Am I sort of contradicting myself here, in any way?)

          Wish our library would do interlibrary loans - the place was closed for a while last year so it could get outfitted for that, and since then absolutely less than nothing has been happening on that front. And this in a country where almost nobody reads, the majority of the population can't afford books, and even those who can, complain how expensive books are (but can afford all sorts of other crap that would buy them a book or three) (big breath) or they read crappy magazines and call them "books" (really, they do, they don't know the difference between a book and a magazine) and let me not start on library use.

          Soap box put away, thanks.

          No, actually not. I hate it when people walk into my house and the first question I get is "Have you read all these books?" Easy way of telling whether we'll get along or not. Love the people who walk up to a book case and take a book out to page through it.

          Goodness, I feel so much better! And I actually felt pretty good when I sat down at the lappie.

          Existential question of the day: braai for lunch or braai this evening? (When my godson was starting to speak I tried to teach him to say "existentialism" - and it's slightly longer in Afr than in Eng. So my sweet SiL took it on her to teach the little one - the next time I saw him, it was the only word he would say to me! Why are my eyes suddenly so blurry?)
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

            Good morning Tipperoooo, Dreamydooooooooooo, Our Whizzy, Satzuma, Mollymooo, Foxyloxy, Spidysylve and the ombloodynipotent Frog.

            Had to watch this over and over's so cute.

            My 2 pennorth worth...............I reckon the most important thing in a child's life is learning to read............forget all the other shit until they've grasped reading. Tbh I got that from one of my aged aunts, she was head teacher. Once that's learnt.......the other stuff drops into place.........

            And like Molls, I was trundled along to the library every single Wednesday........I can remember getting excited about it being new book day.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

              :waving: JC

              Just what have you been up to, seeing that your mood thingy says Innocent?
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

                DreamThinkDo;1633326 wrote: :waving: JC

                Just what have you been up to, seeing that your mood thingy says Innocent?
                Because I'm as pure as the driven slush.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

                  :hiya: Dreamy & JC
                  Fell back to zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
                  We never had many books in our house growing up. Only school books.
                  Agree totally - that reading is so important for vocabulary and for facts you actually learn from them.
                  I started reading properly when I first fell pregnant - then ate them for years.:H
                  Have shelves loaded with them. Lot of 'self-help' ones in recent years tbh.
                  Like you molls it went -but hasn't returned in my case.
                  Yes I have somewhat replaced reading with lappy & DVD's.
                  Great one at the moment:
                  The Bridge - the Danish version.
                  Subtitled but so kinda 'raw' and I believe it's MUCH better than the BBC version.
                  The policewoman is NUTS in this one.....


                    Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

                    It's raining here -sorry but :yay:
                    Suits me to stay indoors today -and do bits ! Little bits - !


                      Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

                      First things first...........if I ever, ever mention making a carrot cake again..........please do me the greatest kindness of smacking me firmly round the lug holes..

                      Secondly Mr JC has just sliced though the live wire on the hedge trimmer..........and is stamping and effing and blinding like no tomorrow...........I have locked the back door.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

                        mollyka;1633352 wrote: :H:H first things first --- is he INSIDE the back door or OUTSIDE?:H
                        What's wrong with the carrot cake??
                        Outside...........I'm not having that language in the house..............that's my job.

                        Ach the cake.......... it was just such a fecking faff to make. There's bowls and muscavado sugar from backside to breakfast time.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

                          JackieClaire;1633357 wrote: Outside...........I'm not having that language in the house..............that's my job.

                          Ach the cake.......... it was just such a fecking faff to make. There's bowls and muscavado sugar from backside to breakfast time.
                          Sit down JC and stay calm.

                          Off ladies to DO SOMETHING

                          In a while >>>>>>


                            Army Thread Sunday 2nd March


                            Think I might do me nails and have a bit of settee time.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

                              Quickly signing in to say 'The Bridge' is on my netflix list. Saw series 2 and was hooked. Have got s1 ep 9 to watch.

                              Yes, wrong way round but series 2 was on bbc2 when I spotted it.

                              Now, something to eat....


                                Army Thread Sunday 2nd March

                                Hi, Roxane. How is your Sunday going? :l NS

