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    Most days are just fine; good or difficult -I enjoy most all of them. Then some days turn out like today; they just hurt. Unfortunately, my mind still says Firewater could help soothe the pain. I know better, yet the thought looms. I have been taking baclofen this entire time and it has been a lifesaver for me, at least as far as immense cravings are concerned. My point is this: Regardless of how you quit drinking, the drink thought seems to always creep back in at the most inappropriate of times. The most cruel part about alcoholism is the fact that it always tells you that you can rely on it -even when you know how devastating the results will be. Talking about adding fuel to the fire???

    Since my initial sobriety back in April of 2013, life has been good. I have survived some major-major stumbling blocks. Again and once again, when I began this journey, I threw the towels in -I was done, willing to do anything to stop drinking- and I mean anything. And I did quit drinking and my life has improved dramatically since.

    Fast forward to today. I have so much to be grateful for and most especially the removal of alcohol from my life. Yet again, I become saddened about one of grown adult children and what I should have/could have done differently or better and the light bulb of alcohol turns on. No, I did not drink though the urge to do so was quite overwhelming.

    Guilt from the past can be so cruel. Just a little fondling of the mind can wreak such havoc that it leads back to the overwhelming thought of the poison. Life is too good today to live in my past that I can not ever change. But sometimes, that past is my reality and that is what I have to live with to get through today. Thanks for the ears.

    This day shall pass too and I still look forward to tomorrow.

    Thanks for any feedback.


    I'm so sorry you had a tough day today, Spirit. I just want to let you know that you've been a huge inspiration to me.
    You had the power all along, my dear.


      *** THIS TOO SHALL PASS **

      Kailey;1633871 wrote: I'm so sorry you had a tough day today, Spirit. I just want to let you know that you've been a huge inspiration to me.
      Much thanks to you Kailey. Acceptance is the key; I just don't always like to hear that crap -even though it is true.


        *** THIS TOO SHALL PASS **

        Spiritwolf I am so sorry. I too have many regrets so know how it is to get your mind twisted into thinking that it doesn't matter.
        I am glad you came here and talked about it. Knowing others share the same pain has helped me in the past and I hope it helps you.
        Someone on here said that today and tomorrow are joined at the hip, what we do today makes our tomorrow. I am glad your tomorrow will not be filled with the regret of drinking.
        You are my friend. Seeing your posts makes me smile thinking of you and Flash
        Sharing that special bond we share with our beloved canines.
        Have a better evening and a good day tomorrow.
        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


          *** THIS TOO SHALL PASS **

          little beagle;1633886 wrote: Spiritwolf I am so sorry. I too have many regrets so know how it is to get your mind twisted into thinking that it doesn't matter.
          I am glad you came here and talked about it. Knowing others share the same pain has helped me in the past and I hope it helps you.
          Someone on here said that today and tomorrow are joined at the hip, what we do today makes our tomorrow. I am glad your tomorrow will not be filled with the regret of drinking.
          You are my friend. Seeing your posts makes me smile thinking of you and Flash
          Sharing that special bond we share with our beloved canines.
          Have a better evening and a good day tomorrow.
          LB -Your words are truly uplifting. I needed to hear this and Flash did too. Some days I just have to admit that I am so glad that hound is in my house aggravating me to just pet him one more time or to take him for another walk. We both could use a walk right now.


            *** THIS TOO SHALL PASS **

            In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


              *** THIS TOO SHALL PASS **

              Alky;1633898 wrote: *** WHAT'S WITH THE ASTERISKS AND THE SHOUTING? ***
              Pain causes my caps lock to lock


                *** THIS TOO SHALL PASS **

                ****THAT'S FUNNY SPIRITWOLF****

                Alkie, I love your signature. WOW.

                Spirit - sorry you're having a hard day. My dad is fond of saying that whatever happened in your past good or bad helped make you the person you are today. Keep that in mind as you look forward to what you can do today.


                  *** THIS TOO SHALL PASS **

                  Hi Spiritwolf , sorry to read of your tough day.
                  I hope posting has helped.
                  Your words have helped me today to stay strong and af.

                  Damo in Dublin
                  Still trying !!!
                  AF 25th June2014


                    *** THIS TOO SHALL PASS **

                    spiritwolf333;1633865 wrote: Most days are just fine; good or difficult -I enjoy most all of them. Then some days turn out like today; they just hurt. Unfortunately, my mind still says Firewater could help soothe the pain. I know better, yet the thought looms. I have been taking baclofen this entire time and it has been a lifesaver for me, at least as far as immense cravings are concerned. My point is this: Regardless of how you quit drinking, the drink thought seems to always creep back in at the most inappropriate of times. The most cruel part about alcoholism is the fact that it always tells you that you can rely on it -even when you know how devastating the results will be. Talking about adding fuel to the fire???

                    Since my initial sobriety back in April of 2013, life has been good. I have survived some major-major stumbling blocks. Again and once again, when I began this journey, I threw the towels in -I was done, willing to do anything to stop drinking- and I mean anything. And I did quit drinking and my life has improved dramatically since.

                    Fast forward to today. I have so much to be grateful for and most especially the removal of alcohol from my life. Yet again, I become saddened about one of grown adult children and what I should have/could have done differently or better and the light bulb of alcohol turns on. No, I did not drink though the urge to do so was quite overwhelming.

                    Guilt from the past can be so cruel. Just a little fondling of the mind can wreak such havoc that it leads back to the overwhelming thought of the poison. Life is too good today to live in my past that I can not ever change. But sometimes, that past is my reality and that is what I have to live with to get through today. Thanks for the ears.

                    This day shall pass too and I still look forward to tomorrow.

                    Thanks for any feedback.
                    I don't think this is unusual and have heard some long term AFers say that at the oddest times they'd suddenly feel an urge to grab a drink, and not just any drink, it would be a very specific one, might even be a drink they'd never liked!

                    The living starts when you get AF and nothing, not even baclofen can help us deal with life. Life is a rollercoaster and when you least expect something comes along and wham, the old coping mechanism pops up. Doesn't mean you have to act, a bit of self-acceptance can go a long way.
                    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                    AF date 22/07/13


                      *** THIS TOO SHALL PASS **

                      The 12 steps of AA help you deal with guilt and making up with your past.....just a thought??
                      I have not done it, but I have been in plenty of meetings and the pain in your post made me think of it...
                      much strength and support
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem

