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Army Thread Day before POETS Day

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    Army Thread Day before POETS Day


    Have I missed yis all?


      Army Thread Day before POETS Day

      Need to put something down here......bit confused/scared/edgy......

      So we are having this party for the bro Sat night- all the planning n prep left to me!

      Just back from trip to Tesco to buy the food n drink....first time in over a year I've found myself in the drink aisle... find myself lookin at the wine and feeling that yearning again- not sure of what the yearning is for- maybes the warmth, the cosiness, the escape- fuck I dunno. Have come home now with boot load of the stuff and it's niggling at me...... Know Ive got all the what are they called?- triggers- hungry, tired and pissed-offness- know I gotta eat and just get to bed but that stuff can fairly lure ye:upset:

      Remind me why I cant drink again??????? Why????

      That's right, once I'd have one it would lead to another and another etc....I'd wake up tomorrow feeling more physically shite than normal all nervy and jumpy and so feckin ashamed of meself. Oh fuck this is horrible...just had to get it off the chest so to speak!!:upset:

      Putting this down here cos I want to be accountable. I wont drink now- wouldn't shame meself after posting.....


        Army Thread Day before POETS Day

        :l to you sweetpea


          Army Thread Day before POETS Day

          Hey wee Inchy:l

          Ach pay no heed- Iz just being a silly emotional mare tonight! Not thinking straight- well I never seem to think straight but even more crooked than normal this eve!
          Got some grub on and will head to the leaba once have eaten.
          When I think about it- I'm just being silly- like do I really wanna drink? No. Just the idea of it, the romantic and downright stupid thoughts that it would be nice.

          How're you doing?


            Army Thread Day before POETS Day

            mollyka;1634960 wrote: In the bed pet just logged in for a last peek - what can I say - all the truisms in the world won't stop u feeling like that RIGHT NOW u are tired and prolly self-pitying - don't mean that in a mean way - I mean literally -I really understand - but what ur imagining u want or may want to happen -a sorta happy release for a while - just can't - try an accept that for tonight get something to eat and go to bed - it WILL feel different in the morning - try and b grateful for ur wisdom in posting this - ur an absolute gem lovely girl - remember that!!?? Xxx
            Aye Molls:l- grub's up now and then bed.... just had to put it down here tho as know it will stop me from doing something stupid that will regret. Picking wine for the party tonight I found myself looking at the % on the bottles FFS just like when used to be buying for self- like no way was I getting anything less than 14% So fucked-up!!

            Away for me supper now- thanks for the wise words as always:l See yis in morn xx


              Army Thread Day before POETS Day



                Army Thread Day before POETS Day

                :hiya: Satz

                May let this food settle afore laying down I suppose- not used to eating so late. Me body tis more than a little fecked-up at mo.


                  Army Thread Day before POETS Day

                  Evening, Army!:wavin::hallo:

                  Most of you are going to bed/have already gone to bed and I am in the air, on the way to Atlanta, so I thought I would pop by and say hi.

                  Dream, thanks for the lovely PMs.:l You do have a lovely and subtle way of convincing someone to change their minds.:H:l

                  Jackie-today's business in Boston was wonderful. The sun was out and I got a chance Satz and you guys live anywhere near County Clare? My ex-beau is 1/2 Irish to see the harbor....which I usually don't get to do because it's nighttime when I travel, but not today. On to Atlanta and Buckhead....where Elton John owns a penthouse right near the mall where I'll be shopping with my client. Hope you had a wonderful day.

                  and his descendants are from there. I grew up west of Milwaukee, WI, and they have a wonderful Irish restaurant there called County Clare. Love love love Guinness Stew.

                  Big hellos to Tips, Sweetpea, Rox, and everyone else in the Army....happy POETS day tomorrow. I think I will check in with you in the morning. :-)


                    Army Thread Day before POETS Day

                    sweetpea29;1634958 wrote: Hey wee Inchy:l

                    Ach pay no heed- Iz just being a silly emotional mare tonight! Not thinking straight- well I never seem to think straight but even more crooked than normal this eve!
                    Got some grub on and will head to the leaba once have eaten.
                    When I think about it- I'm just being silly- like do I really wanna drink? No. Just the idea of it, the romantic and downright stupid thoughts that it would be nice.

                    How're you doing?:l:l Poor Sweetie - great you nipped that in the bud. It's prolly the celebration of finishing work too - old habits and all that. The shopping would have been better tomorrow when you were less vunerable? The grub will have made ALL the difference I hope.
                    sweetpea29;1634964 wrote:
                    Picking wine for the party tonight I found myself looking at the % on the bottles FFS just like when used to be buying for self- like no way was I getting anything less than 14% So fucked-up!!
                    I do the opposite. Well did at Christmas-they all got whatever I liked the look of. Some were 12% - pisswater to me - wouldn't dream of anything less than 14%for myself
                    Again :l -hope you feel better in the morning.


                      Army Thread Day before POETS Day

                      :waving: Rustylocks
                      No - Co.Clare is on the West coast.
                      Molls & I are in Dublin on the East coast and wee Sweetie there is in the North .
                      But none of us are too far from anywhere here in little Ireland. So 1.5 hours would have us in County Clare :thumbs:

                      Enjoy your trip...:l

                      I'm away to my bed ....
                      Drop in tomorrow -we'll all be here on the couch watching tv and eating chocolate:H


                        Army Thread Day before POETS Day

                        :waving: Hiya Rusty from another rusty-top

                        Satz- shoulda just got the beggers the cheapest shite going! Now will have a house full of drunken rellies to contend with- hopefully they'll get any petty squabbles over and done with before the wedding and not be showing us up in front of the brides' ever so well-behaved lot!!:H

                        Nighters all- gonna go play me some Sudoku xx


                          Army Thread Day before POETS Day

                          Was just having a wee lurk on my of these days I'll try and post from it.

                          Just wanted to send you a few :l:l:l Sweetypie.

                          If your rellies need any cheap crap we've got 4 bottles of Aldi white & red wine 8% ABV they're more than welcome to..............btw who drinks 8% ABV............evah.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Day before POETS Day

                            Oooopppppssss. I just re-read my previous accidental cut and paste that shouldn't have happened. Sorry!! And I am typing this sober. Hahahaha! What I meant to say is that my ex-beau is 1/2 Irish and his descendants are from County Clare.

                            Oooh, Molly and're from Dublin? My brother's friend had a "destination wedding" there a few years back. My brother said it was amazing.

                            Hi Sweetpea! Yeah, I'm a Rustylocks alright....freckles and the whole bit. This made me laugh:
                            shoulda just got the beggers the cheapest shite going! Now will have a house full of drunken rellies to contend with- hopefully they'll get any petty squabbles over and done with before the wedding and not be showing us up in front of the brides' ever so well-behaved lot!!
                            Jackie-Does Mr. JC get jealous of you spending so much time here....since you said you were crawling into bed with your kindle and peeking on here? I'm just being nosy, and I'm very curious, too.

                            Back to ho hum paperwork. Still in the air for another hour. It's another full flight but I have to say, people don't drink on flights like they used to, although tonight I am not listening to the oh-so-obvious and horrendous sound of someone puking, like I did last night.:argh::helpme:mg.

                            Ack...screw the paperwork. I'm taking a nap. Later. :-)


                              Army Thread Day before POETS Day

                              night to ya'll, I'm still up of course, been working all evening, done some art for myself, now onto some writing. A rough day tomorrow as I have to see the lecturer I have the problem with, I made a complaint about him with some classmates, but as only I stuck to it guess who's taken the blame for anything silly the other 4 said? yeah that'll be me - bullied me quite horribly for a while there and I still hate seeing him. But onwards and upwards, home I go tomorrow and meeting with some friends after class too, a fair change from my reclusive days of old haha.

                              again night all, and have a wonderful friday

