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I was starting to feel good,

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    I was starting to feel good,

    I ditto what Lush said. PM's should be "private messages". And yes we all want the very very best for you and your baby.
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


      I was starting to feel good,

      I agree that if you receive a PM it is meant to be confidential and personal. I also understand that some PM's can be very upsetting and something worth talking about to get other peoples input. My thoughts here would be to leave the authors name out of it. Just talk about the content and if you need to talk to that person directly about hurting your feelings then you can do that through PM as well. We've all been there.
      It's tough sometimes being on a forum and expressing our views when you have so many people coming from so many different parts of the world. Each communication style is so different.
      Just know that we support you and your baby...always!
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        I was starting to feel good,

        I would like to say that I had not realised it was a private message - yes I can be a dur brain.

        Secondly, I think we should let it go now about it being a private message, goingsober mum is pregnant and most of the women here know what that is like - we can act or speak without thinking (HORMONES EH? - and me most of all has done that sober and drunk.)

        Please Suz don't leave this place its just everyone has their own opinion and I do find it hard to hear 'negative- but- wanting -to -be- positive- criticism' myself.

        YOU are ok, please reply and stay online
        Love Angellina -x-
        Just believe - that's all you have to do



          I was starting to feel good,


          LOL . . . He He!!
          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


            I was starting to feel good,

            YOU have to chose your CHOSE who you respond to, who YOU correspond with , etc. Just like out here. You aren't going to like everyone and everyone is not going to like you....that is OK. I know...personal bad experience on here myself. (learned the hard way...I have a scar too) I KNOW it is hard, but let it go....There are so many good, GREAT people that you will relate to. I didn't have this problem when i had my children but i can say with utmost certainty that if i had gotten pregnant a year ago...I would have had a REAL problem giving up drinking still. AND I LOVE MY CHILDREN MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF! I didn't chose to be a drunk...who the hell WANTs to be like this. People act like we WANT to be this way. It isn't like I woke-up and said "today I think I will start destoying my life with alcohol becuase I have nothing better to do". It is hard to beat, and i think it is a life long fight, I think I can win and I think you can too, but don't let anyone beat you up while you are trying so hard!!!!! Just keep trying. Opinions are like buttholes...everyones got one! Love you!!! Big hug to you sweetie!


              I was starting to feel good,

              I just want to point out that GSM talked about the message and not the messenger--that came out later in another post.

              Also, I do know that some people just tend to sound more judgmental than others, whether they intend it that way or not.

              At any rate, GSM, I wish you and your baby the best. I think everything will be fine for both of you. Keep on trying with your drinking the way you have been. I think the message hit you in a such a vulnerable place where you feel ashamed already that it really was like an arrow going into the very heart of you.

              I support you in your efforts to be alcohol free during your pregnancy! Bravo to you. I also encourage you to be kind to yourself about any mistakes that you make. I send you all the best! Pregnancy can be a wonderful time! Take good care of yourself, my dear!



              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                I was starting to feel good,

                GSM, Your fine.....dont worry.
                Gabby :flower:


                  I was starting to feel good,

                  Totally agree with Young at heart, GSM I too have had a bad experience with some one in this forum, this person never pm me just left it out in the open for all to read and also attacked my friend. Just keep doing your very best. You come to this board for support and you have mine completly. Best wishes for you and that new little one coming your way. Now let's take a look at that lovely glowing pregnant lady! She is special.
                  Hugs and smiles


                    I was starting to feel good,

                    you have support SoberMum!

                    "hit me when I'm down" -- is the quote that comes to mind -- to quote David Bowie "you are quite aware of what you are going through"
                    Preganancy is complicated -- second hand smoke, pesticides, stress ...
                    Do your best ... clearly you have support ... La Liz


                      I was starting to feel good,

                      Wow I'm amazed how your kind words keep coming, don't worry I'm not going anywhere, I like this board too much. I'm on day 8 AF now so am starting to feel great about things. I've been eating stacks of fruit which is a miracle for me normally I hate the stuff!
                      I agree that PM are meant to be private and if someone told me something about them I wouldn't share it, I did put the name of the sender to start with in my post, hey if I hadn't you'd have all been wondering like mad who sent it and it was easier to explain why I was so upset by posting the message. Anyway a week AF has made me feel much better about myself and I hope to be making no more posts about drinking whilst pregnant. 20 weeks today, only another 20 weeks to go!
                      Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                        I was starting to feel good,

                        Yeah!!!! Good for you GSM. I remember those good ole days when I had a baby was in the oven. Then is when it's easy. Like Beaches and Pebbles baby son's pics in the cute! I tell my kids every now and then...."you guys used to be cute"

                        Just wait tho.....they grow up, smoke pot and get on probation. lol
                        Gabby :flower:


                          I was starting to feel good,

                          Amen, and Amen Gabby
                          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                            I was starting to feel good,

                            And that aint the half of it huh MD?
                            Gabby :flower:


                              I was starting to feel good,

                              GSB, you will be fine, enjoy this special time. The very best to you my dear.


                                I was starting to feel good,

                                GSB, I have 2 Scandanavian friends and they tend to be very direct about their opinions. One was a neighbour of mine who was very pointed about my alcohol use.

                                It's well meaning, but poorly presented. I never drank during my first pregnancy, but really struggled with my second and was in deep anxiety and fear of the harm I might do to this precious baby. It is very difficult.

                                You sound as if you are doing well, so don't worry. You will make the correct decision. It is hurtful for someone to say that but see my first paragraph.

                                Sometimes the sender may be fearful too. She is not on this site because she is a non-drinker.

                                I don't want to deter this person from posting on this site, her caring may have just been misinterpreted.

                                I agree with Lushy, there have been incidents on this site where people have posted private emails and it just makes things very uncomfortable.

                                Be well and safe my friend and pat that little baby tummy for all of us.:h
                                Enlightened by MWO

