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Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

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    Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

    Good morning, folksies

    Had a good commute into the city, so my POETS day plans shouldn't be derailed.

    Poor Mrs. T is just very tired today. She had to go to a dinner with their CEO last night. She only got home around 1 am and had to get up avain before 5. Make hers a double espresso, will you Dreamy?

    Have a lekker Friday, Army.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

    Morning Tips and rest of Army!!!!

    You must have had a very good commute if you're already in town, Tips. Specially for Mrs T:

    Does the position of the spoon also bother the rest of you, or am I a particular pain in the behind this morning? My mum (and so me too) always puts it to the right of the ear? Is there anything more important to worry about on such a lovely Friday? Socks rolled up or folded? Books by one author ordered by year of publication, size, colour of spine, alphabetically by title?

    Have a lovely POETS, Army. Lots of food for thought:H:H:H:H.
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

      Morning Mr Tipps and Dreamyand all to come, skinny latte for me please if you're making Dreamy.

      Fairly short day today - nice on a Friday

      I'm very seriously wondering where I used to find the time to drink, lately I've not even been making it upstairs for a shower until about 10pm and leave for work just before 7am. Before I quit I was without fail sat on the sofa by around 7.30pm with dinner sorted, showered and the house kind of tidy; these days its just not happening the only way I can claw back some time is to be up at silly o clock, any suggestions welcome please?
      AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


        Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

        Just read back on last night - Sweetiepeapie, better today? Hope it was tiredness and hunger more than anything else that got to you. I would have left the booze shopping to somebody else, quite frankly. Art of delegating and all that, plus can't see the point of buying something I'm not going to drink. Is the party at your place? Where's the booze now? Are you doing all the prep for the party yourself? Not fair, don't you think? Surely there's a cousin or somebody who could give you a hand?

        Why so many questions today?
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

          Yawn....too early...for...questions...
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

            Morning Spidey and Tabs

            Skinny latte it is, Spidey. No answers for you, sorry, only questions.

            Tabs, won't ask how you're doing, then, but hope you're ok.
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

              Good morning Tipperoooo, Dreamydooooooooooo, Spidysylv, KTabbers.

              So many little time.............I'm at the orifice this morning.

              But I will say for now I wonder where I found the time to drink.

              Now I'm going to have to drag me proper tea-set out to see where I put the spoons.........another
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

                Morning army and its a lovely sunny spring one. Poor Mrs T having to face a day at work on little sleep I hope you both have a relaxing evening. Dreamy I just noticed I put my spoon to the right of the saucer beside the cup handle. Never thought of this till you mentioned it and I also roll my socks to put in the drawer as it easier to find them and not lose pairs. Ocd or what:H. Sweetie I hope you feel a bit today and not too stressed about the party and the upcoming wedding I hope you enjoy both. I personally would not be too confident shopping and storing booze at home for anyone/event etc. Not that I want to drink but if anything very stressful came up just with it being there could be a trigger to drink so for me I would rather be in that situation. But i'm sure you will be ok you have come so far. Off to get my eyebrows waxed and tinted at 12.30. Local salon is doing fiver Friday promo so I get the wax/tint for a tenner saving me bout 12/15e. Few things to do in town after. Have a fab Friday i'll be later.:flower:out::handbag:


                  Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

                  Morning, Army, and a Cheery Hello From Atlanta, Gohhhhgaa!

                  How did y'all like my southern drawl?:H

                  Big waves of warmth to Dream, JC, Molly, Satz, Mr. Tips, Sweetie, Spidey, Firefox and KTAB... and anyone I've forgotten.

                  I have no clue what proper etiquette calls for when it comes to the spoon placement on the saucer. Sorry....I'm a coffee drinker, and my coffee goes in the biggest mug I can find. No weak coffee either. I like mine strong. When I have family gatherings I offer my guests 3 kinds of coffee: decaf, wimpy, and Colombian Druglord.:H

                  I, too, don't know where I found the time to drink when I was drinking. Like Molly, I would do other stuff whilst drinking....although I couldn't remember what I did the next day.:H I will say that the year my drinking was the worst, in 2008, is the year that I had made the most money I had ever made in 20 years, and I won a bunch of awards, so although I knew I had a problem, I swept it under the carpet. My business success kept me in denial, for sure.

                  Need to get some work done before I meet with my client, so I hope everyone is having a lovely POETS day.


                    Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

                    Greetings from the couch :waving:
                    Pure knackered I am.
                    Was in gym @7am
                    Then 1.5 hour walk with Mr S
                    Fit for nuttin ' :H


                      Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

                      Rusty, I also go for the Colombian Druglord brand; I've got the Army and the Nest hooked on it.

                      Off to make some now - anybody interested?
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

                        :waving: Satz. Is there nothing to do up there but be ridiculously active? Only reading your post had me having the vapours (or whatever one does with them)! Put your feet up, coffee will be ready soon.
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

                          Just got the electricity back on. So hello Army

                          Having a new kit hen, new boiler, utility room fitted by lovely builders.

                          Must read back before I go to see GP for check up


                            Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

                            Afternoon Army :hiya:

                            DreamThinkDo;1635110 wrote: Just read back on last night - Sweetiepeapie, better today? Hope it was tiredness and hunger more than anything else that got to you. I would have left the booze shopping to somebody else, quite frankly. Art of delegating and all that, plus can't see the point of buying something I'm not going to drink. Is the party at your place? Where's the booze now? Are you doing all the prep for the party yourself? Not fair, don't you think? Surely there's a cousin or somebody who could give you a hand?

                            Why so many questions today?
                            mollyka;1635132 wrote:
                            I too wonder where I found the time!! Mind you - most of the time I was 'doing' things when drinking -- that's when the house got cleaned (cos I had to - had to cover my arse sorta) and the cooking done --- perfectly (cos I had to - to cover my arse) - wouldn't achully collalapse until 'sleep' would overtake my on the couch at bedtime.......

                            Yes - I agree with this Tweetie -- I've learned to delegate much better --- PARTICULARLY when it comes to buying or storing booze for family 'do's' like Christmas or whatever -- don't want anything to do with it really --- not that it would make me want to drink --- but it's just not what I do anymore --- like I don't do the plumbing....... we can be 'all things to all men' so to speak --- but we can't --- and I really hope you feel better about it all this morning with a good nights sleep under your belt. Would I be right in saying that the forthcoming wedding and get-togethers before and after said wedding are playing on your mind somewhat? You said you were also sad that your mum wouldn't be there to see it and stuff ---- there's a LOT going on there pet --- you need to take control now in whatever way you can....... otherwise it can all only lead down one path --- imvvvvvho:l

                            I'm going to actually shower and get dressed right now and head down to the shopping centre --- I've a few jobs to do -- and I want to have a pressie ready for when the new baby decides to arrive --- really hoping only to be gone a couple of hours tho -- not feeling mighty this morning tbh
                            Right -- talk to yiz all in a wee while xxx

                            Oh btw --- GOOD MORNING everyone!!! That spoon --- yeah -- in the wrong place...... OCD or WHA????????
                            Thanks for the input ladies xx Feeling tad better today- no silly romantic notions in my head anyways.
                            Suppose wasn't great idea to go shopping after work yesterday- being tired, hungry and fecked off. Couldn't delegate to anyone else really and it's done now. The party is in Dad's house Dreamy and the booze in the boot of my car to take down today. My Aunts are helping with some of the food prep but cant expect them to provide the booze also.

                            Molly you have hit on something there- the up-coming party, wedding and gatherings are playing on my mind. I don't feel very comfortable at these type of things, much as I love my family and all I tend to feel anxious and on edge at such gatherings. The old feelings of inadequacy, self-consciousness and general anxiety tend to rear their ugly heads. Just wish I could be invisible!! Trying to gain some sense of perspective and control- not sure how well am doing tbh. I know where it could very well lead and that scares me.

                            Anyways sorry for blubbing on about me, I hope everyone is having a good Friday. I'm getting readied here for trip down home.

                            Shite about the boss seeing ye Molls btw!! Did she say anything to ye?


                              Army Thread POETS Day 7th March

                              :waving: MrsA

