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Army thread Sunday 9 March

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    Army thread Sunday 9 March

    and if it's thriving out on the Patio - leave it there. Just buy maybe an outer 'fancy'pot for it - so you don't hate it so much
    Plants KNOW when you hate them and that's why he's doing well away from you and your distainful looks :H


      Army thread Sunday 9 March

      Yes dozed Molls....lethargy getting to me too !
      But you & the plant from hell have cheered me up:H


        Army thread Sunday 9 March

        mollyka;1635850 wrote: oh FFS!!! :H:H Just think if I leave it out there and it dies I'll be guilt ridden -- it IS a house plant -- at least if it dies in the house I'll have 'done my best' --- do ya think if I took lumps of root and potted it on for the sprogs that they'd thank me? Then the pressure'd be off?:H
        But dear Molly :l
        The shaggin' plant been out there all winter ( a few winters)? and thrived and NOW with the Summer coming you want to bring it indoors??

        Leave him be.
        Buy him a nice pot and leave him alone !


          Army thread Sunday 9 March

          mollyka;1635850 wrote: oh FFS!!! :H:H Just think if I leave it out there and it dies I'll be guilt ridden -- it IS a house plant -- at least if it dies in the house I'll have 'done my best' --- do ya think if I took lumps of root and potted it on for the sprogs that they'd thank me? Then the pressure'd be off?:H
          But dear Molly :l
          The shaggin' plant been out there all winter ( a few winters)? and thrived and NOW with the Summer coming you want to bring it indoors??

          Leave him be.
          Buy him a nice pot and leave him alone !


            Army thread Sunday 9 March

            Hey. Mr S slept in spare room last night as he was out boozing watching football. I couldn't be doing with Guinness farts & snores in my delicate state.
            As I said before this man is like the Duracell Bunny and up at 8 every morning.
            Maybe 9 on a Sunday
            It's nearly 10 and not a budge ....... should I awaken the beast? :egad:


              Army thread Sunday 9 March

              I'z up, I'z up. Sooooooooooooooo dedicated I started the SHOUT OUT thread before a sip of coffee..........

              Just going to get one and I'll be back with some proper Mammy bragging.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army thread Sunday 9 March

                It's the luvverly Jenz..............she was head hunted as senior manager of the branch in York of the bar/restaurant chain she works in................It's much bigger place and it's the final step before she becomes a general manager............I'm telling you this lass has worked blooming hard for this.

                It's her farewell Sunday dinner here today as she's going so far, far away..........72 miles or 115.85kms (I looked it up).............

                A new flats all sorted and she starts tomorrow.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army thread Sunday 9 March

                  It's amazing how a chat on here has brightened my spirits.:thanks:
                  Even the thoughts of work tomorrow I've been able to smother !

                  ps : yer man is up & not a bother on him. Prolly had about 10 pints of Guinness - I dunno
                  I have to admire him- NEVER gets down - EVER!
                  "lovely day -let's walk a 1000 miles ":H


                    Army thread Sunday 9 March

                    satz123;1635841 wrote: Is this it?
                    It's called the Cast Iron Plant -even you can 't kill it :H
                    Don't be too sure - my kitchen windowsill where the herbs are is known as death row

                    I can make room for it if you want Molly, 3 weeks there and that'll be it done for
                    AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                      Army thread Sunday 9 March

                      JackieClaire;1635874 wrote: It's the luvverly Jenz..............she was head hunted as senior manager of the branch in York of the bar/restaurant chain she works in................It's much bigger place and it's the final step before she becomes a general manager............I'm telling you this lass has worked blooming hard for this.

                      It's her farewell Sunday dinner here today as she's going so far, far away..........72 miles or 115.85kms (I looked it up).............

                      A new flats all sorted and she starts tomorrow.
                      Ah that's brilliant JC :goodjob:
                      They are amazing aren't they -? I wonder if we have had any influence on how they turn out ?
                      Or they are just go-getters despite us I sometimes think
                      ( talking about me there )


                        Army thread Sunday 9 March

                        spiderwoman;1635877 wrote: Don't be too sure - my kitchen windowsill where the herbs are is known as death row

                        I can make room for it if you want Molly, 3 weeks there and that'll be it done for


                          Army thread Sunday 9 March

                          mollyka;1635881 wrote: Ah Jacks --- I'm delighted for her -- and all of you --- enjoy your 'bursting with pride' day -- it's wonderful when the young'uns get reward for their hard work --- really really pleased for you all:l

                          haha 1000 miles --- lets goggle where you can get to TODAY:H

                          3 WHOLE WEEKS!!! jesus --- I've killed most house things way quicker than THAT!!!! I had this MAD big tall thing --- so big it was blocking the light from outside --- flowers an all -- Joe asked me one day what it was --- I hadn't a clue - but I do keep notes on what I plant --- went to investigate --- it was coriander FFFFFFSSSS!!!!
                          Jesus : being beside the sea Molls - you prolly can grow loads of stuff. I'm jealous.
                          Mr S has our little garden lovely-but you can't swing a cat in it- even if you had a cat.
                          I'm coming in April - to rob loads of gear ( I'm a Northsider remember )
                          e.g. eggs/ coriander
                          -love coriander


                            Army thread Sunday 9 March

                            mollyka;1635884 wrote: Where you walking to Benjy? I really SHOULD --- but I ain't --- I'm going to iron and get the house less like a hospital (a very very messy dirty hospital!!!!)
                            I ain't walking Molls - let him off.
                            When I eventually move -it will be a bit of body DIY.... shaving & the like .


                              Army thread Sunday 9 March

                              mollyka;1635887 wrote: Haha -- good luck with the coriander -- even the eggs are rare --- she's not laying daily - dunno why -- I really need a few more chooks

                              Well there's stuff we can grow cos we don't get mad frosts cos of the sea -- but the salt in the sea air also means there's a lot we can't grow --- tbh -- since I went back to work -- the garden just has to look after itself --- Joe does hedges and grass, I do the pot patio at the back door --- but the rest of it -- pretty wild really -- I quite like that -- drives Joe MAD --- ah sure --- you'll see what I'm talkin bout in April!! Can't wait!!!!!!!
                              Maybe we can investigate between now & then and that day -go buy some chooks ? :yay:
                              Did we mention the Zoo since JC ??


                                Army thread Sunday 9 March

                                Certainly an MWO hokey cokey today.

                                Thing is we never pushed the kids into 'safe' jobs like our parents. Me and Mr JC were expected to get nice white collar jobs as that what was done.

                                We actually wanted the kids to do something that pushed them and their abilities and something they wanted to do..........not just flog their guts out 9-5 with a fortnight in Spain once a year existence.

                                Funnily enough they're both chose the hospitality industry after I stopped drinking.

                                Now I must read back.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

