Quick shout-in when get a chance. Still down home at Dad's- literally haven't stopped.
Party went great- no family scuffles, plenty of food and booze (not me tho!), singing n dancing- great craic! A late one tho and poor groom still in his bed 'recovering' So relieved to have got it over sans drink. Did get a drilling and ones saying but you WILL be drinking on Friday??!!! Looks of bewilderment when my answer was no. Honest with a few uncles that I was getting too fond of it and am happier without it. Kinda getting to point I don't care what they know or think....its what I know and feel is important, yeah?
Hafta say was sooo good to remember going to bed, all that I said and to wake today not feeling like shite! How and ever it was good fun watching those who had had 'a few jars' let their hair down
Sorry haven't even read back- hope ye all are well? Talk soon xx