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New here. 33 and in need of guidance, tips, to stay well

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    New here. 33 and in need of guidance, tips, to stay well

    I celebrated by 33rd birthday recently. I am doing well in life but am slowly feeling alcohol taking me in the wrong direction. I want a fresh start away from drinking. I drink everyday - sometimes in moderation, other times in excess. But each and everyday between 6pm and 9pm I need a glass to ease my nerves or just enjoy myself. If I can make it to 8pm I am in the clear.

    I want to change. First time poster on any forum. What steps have helped you? How do you convince yourself not to drink when it's so easy to do so? How do you get to a week? Through a weekend with buddies?

    Thanks for listening.


    New here. 33 and in need of guidance, tips, to stay well

    Hi DC,
    There's so much support and information on this forum. You picked the right one. There's a toolbox below in Monthly Abstinence section which can help you with the "how do you get through the first days, weeks..." And if you go to the Newbie's Nest, there are so many people there that are learning how to get to the AF life. It takes lots of work, a bit of a plan, determination, courage, and the proper attitude which is gratitude. Glad you're here.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      New here. 33 and in need of guidance, tips, to stay well

      Welcome 33.....Did you say one glass per day? What was your daily volume like? What helped me at first was reading a ton and asking lots of questions. Quitting does require a plan and a support group.


        New here. 33 and in need of guidance, tips, to stay well

        j-vo;1636886 wrote: Hi DC,
        There's so much support and information on this forum. You picked the right one. There's a toolbox below in Monthly Abstinence section which can help you with the "how do you get through the first days, weeks..." And if you go to the Newbie's Nest, there are so many people there that are learning how to get to the AF life. It takes lots of work, a bit of a plan, determination, courage, and the proper attitude which is gratitude. Glad you're here.
        Thanks so much. I will certainly check these out and start to make a plan. Day 1 going well so far.


          New here. 33 and in need of guidance, tips, to stay well

          lead366;1636890 wrote: Welcome 33.....Did you say one glass per day? What was your daily volume like? What helped me at first was reading a ton and asking lots of questions. Quitting does require a plan and a support group.
          Normally between 3-6 a night. On weekends more. Just getting tired of waking up at 4am and telling myself I will stop, or it stopping me from running, optimal work performance, etc. I've read it can snowball and I want to stop before it's too late. This online community seems great and I need to keep reading more. Thanks for your help


            New here. 33 and in need of guidance, tips, to stay well

            Hi DC and welcome.

            I'm reading your post and the fact that 6-8 pm are your witching hours. You say that if you pass 8 pm you're in the clear. So my suggestion is to get an alternate plan for these critical 2 hours. I don't know if you drink at home or outdoors wherever you do, I suggest to switch it and be else where. Find an activity specifically for those hours. Gym, walk, volunteering somewhere. Anything. You are young and the fact that you are noticing a problem with the drinking says it all. So many of us here wish we would find MWO at your age.

            I wish you luck in finding your way to sobriety and happy life.


              New here. 33 and in need of guidance, tips, to stay well

              Yes DC 33---Agreed...for the first few months whatever you can to totally do something else between 6 and 8. Your a smart one.....You came here early....Im 52 and was in denial for wayyyyyy tooooo long. If you quit now the benefits for you will be MASSIVE....and you should recover quick......but believe takes a very disciplined mind to change your thinking...JUST CHANGE IT! Also remember----there is no pain involved...only a little uncomfortableness at first.......from there you just say no.....the facts for damage are just too clear to ignore. So--Job to divert your mind between 6 and 8. Best of wishes for your gets fun after a few weeks.


                New here. 33 and in need of guidance, tips, to stay well

                Hello DC! Your drinking sounds much like my own - was doing it at your age and well before - for many many years a daily drinker - you are absolutely doing the right thing and at a great time in your life! Welcome and stick here don't get fooled that it is easy because AL is tricky and those habits and thinking will not be easy to change at first! Trust me - I've been trying over and over again for 5 years! On day 15 today. It is well worth it - It feels so much better to get a good night's sleep, wake up clear, look better, feel better, save money and I could go on and on!! :welcome:


                  New here. 33 and in need of guidance, tips, to stay well

                  Thanks for all of the support and comments. It is good to know I am not alone and there are others out there with the same issues. It's amazing how a little Brit of introspection can make you see how much alcohol is in your life. It is so easy for an occasional drink to lead to every weekend to every night. Can't remember the last time I went a full week (maybe 10 years ago). Time for a change. Yesterday was easy, today is better and I have plans to hit the gym after work to avoid temptation. Won't be easy I know over the weekend as especially the next time I am out with friends. The pay off is the day after - I gotta keep on telling myself that.

                  Looking forward to reading more and thankful for a group like this.


                    New here. 33 and in need of guidance, tips, to stay well

                    Hi DC---Yes...these first few weeks are soooooooo delicate....stay away from any place with extremely kind to yourself. Perhaps post on roll call with the rest of us helps. Glad to see you are on day two...they add up fast.


                      New here. 33 and in need of guidance, tips, to stay well

                      Welcome DC33. I agree with many suggestions here…or rather, I agree with all. My witching hours were between 5-8…after 8 I usually passed out totally drunk. :/ Each quit doesn't get easier…it only gets harder…and day one is the hardest to get through. You really have to have a plan put together - everyone is sooo right about that - and I would also avoid ANY place with alcohol as well…my first week (especially) was critical to my sobriety and I stayed at home for most of it…keeping very busy…and drinking lots of tea, juices and just indulging once in a while.
                      Going to the gym is an excellent way of avoiding those critical times where you could see yourself reaching for a drink. I would clear all booze out of your place too. It's too difficult when temptation is so close because that addictive voice is tenacious!
                      I am not an expert by any means…I have been drinking very heavily for 4-5 years…I will be 28 soon…my liver levels are off the charts, it's enlarged and I am dealing with a host of other health problems because of what drinking did to my body. Not to mention my brain.
                      But I have 30 days under my belt now…and I do know that being sober and living life with all it's rollercoasters, good or bad…is better than floating through life drunk and not remembering half of it.

                      I was going to wish you luck…but you don't need it because I know you can do this. And dealing with this isn't about luck but determination and motivations to live a healthier, happier, stable and quite frankly, beautiful life.
                      Look forward to more posts from you.

