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I can do this

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    I can do this

    Hi everyone. I felt an intense need to talk to you all this evening... it gives me strength. Been quite a full day rushing to finalise my latest graphics for print, noticed a MAJOR mistake just in the nick of time and had to reformat the art work.. but thank goodness it was sorted. By this evening I felt knackered, had smoked far too many cigs (having abstained totally for 3 days!!) and found myself 'thinking' about dropping by for a few soft drinks with friends at the club (after 4 days of no alcoholic drinks). Luckily the right worm niggled my brain and reminded me that seeings I'd broken my promise of not smoking I'd probably break my resolution not to drink alcohol as well, if I so much as entered the club!

    Anyways I drove home and poured myself a cranberry juice, swallowed a Kudzu and quickly switched on to here. I actually felt fear whilst driving home. Guess it was the thought that my new found determination could be so easily compromized and the fact that no one here knows what I'm trying to beat alone.

    Its been a weird 7 days leading up to here. Lots of stress with graphics and the offer of a consultancy job in the bush for 2 months, which after a lot of thought I declined because my business cannot sustain my absence for that long. Rather ironic considering I was ready to fly the coop several days back because my personal life is weighing me down!!!

    I'm determined to be very positive and know I can do this. Its just a bit scarey right now.

    I read Niblet's advice aimed at Charlotte under the category 'My own storey' and it was like a life line. Her words hit me smack between the eyes and was just what I needed to read. I've saved the piece " You TEACH people how to TREAT you " on my desktop - for contiuous referal. I'd stick it on my office wall but have too many clients coming round to see their graphics.

    I'm going to go back on the Abstinence board and I'm going to do this.... SO ALL OF YOU, IF I SOUND WOBBLY OR RANT & RAVE HERE PLEASE BARE WITH ME. When I first joined here I did 27 days abs... now I want to do 30 and then some more! By then I will have cleared a lot of baggage out of my life... and well ....I'll take it from there. :thanks: for being here.
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    I can do this

    Although I haven't participated in any of your previous discussions I want you to know I am very glad to hear you are in better spirits!! Keep working on you - and good job with your AF days!


      I can do this


      I am so proud of you. What determination you showed after having a tough day and thinking about stopping at the club and realizing that was too tempting.:goodjob: I think you can do anything you set your sights for. I told my cousin who wants to quit smoking and drinking that she ought to pick one and stick to it. Why torture oneself. A lot of people I know tend to smoke more or only during the times they drink so maybe if u cut down the drinking the smoking will follow. But don't stress yourself so much you give up everything feeling a failure. Pick what you most want to give up right now and go for it.

      Take care hon.


        I can do this

        I'm glad to see you are feeling better. When you post, you have a way of inspiring me I can't explain; even when you are not doing so well. I wish you the best
        What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
        ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


          I can do this

          Yes Elizabeth you can do this, I belive in you, and be looking forward to your posts in abs.


            I can do this

            You are sounding great Elizabeth!!! You are inspiring me!!!


              I can do this

              I always seem to gain some strength from your posts. You are a special woman! I'm glad you're with us. Meet you in monthly abs.
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                I can do this

                Great to see you back Elizabeth. Your posts are inspirational.

                Nicole xx


                  I can do this

                  Well done, from another inspired soul.


                    I can do this

                    Good job Elizabeth - you're sounding a lot more determined and focused at the moment - I really hope you work through your current problems and can find a solution that suits you and your goals/ambitions. I also read Niblet's brilliant post - fantastic! - I have it printed out (thanks, Niblet! x)

                    Take care of yourself and good job for avoiding the temptations! :goodjob:
                    :rays: Arial

                    Last first day - 15th April 2012
                    Days 1-7 DONE
                    Days 8-14 DONE
                    Days 15-21 DONE
                    30 days DONE
                    60 days
                    100 days

