Tonight my most gorgeous daughter who has been this world for me got made manager of a fashion shop!
She has been aware I am not drinking but not for the reason why! (I am on a diet)
This kid ran away from home at 15 years old and broke my heart, the police couldn?t help me and DOC?S wouldn?t either (it was not worth the money because she was too close to 16 years old).
And then when I look at this kid who ran away from home and was pregnant at 16 years old and THEN CAME BACK TO ME (I was soooo HaaaaPPPPYYYY)
Well I was overjoyed about her doing so well, but there must have been something in me more to make me want to drink?
I don?t know, to tell you the truth I just wanted to go back to the old times and forget!
I am shallow, empty and an awful person who I am starting to realize is so selfish as well!
Not good thoughts about yourself, believe me!
Anyway I don?t want to make this an epic, I just don?t really know where I am at this moment!
Has anybody who has dome abs been there?
I probably need the old-timers to give me this input.
Please can somebody reply!
Love Shas