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Army thread Friday 21 March

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    Army thread Friday 21 March

    Tips I fear a memorial service for about half of the dozen or so I planted is in order this weekend. Bloody crazy money over here too so they are, 80-100 yoyos for an 8 ft one on average, hence the division.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Army thread Friday 21 March

      Speaking of annoying work colleagues there is a 'lady' in our office who manages to get up everyone's nose, blonde bombshell ain't I gorgeous prada sunglasses wearing sort. I reckon she is very balanced really, has a chip on both shoulders so I just keep any interaction professional, no personal banter, beyond politeness.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Army thread Friday 21 March

        Oh my Goodness!! What a lively place... Good Morning Army!
        Dreamy, I think we need to brew another pot..looks like Tipps drank it all!
        I didn't get to sleep in-- 6am for me to get the kids ready for school. And my little one has a clock like you all.. on the weekends she's up earlier than on school days. Doesn't want to miss a minute of LIFE!

        I'm all up for skiving today! Dreamy, what is POETS stand for?

        Satz, that's a tough one! Sucks when he thinks you're his buddy. Sounds like a real jerk though. Sometimes you can really throw people like that off by looking them in the eye and very politely and calmly saying, "I'm sorry, but I'm really not interested in you or in what you're talking about." Shuts 'em right up. Do you have to be on good terms with him for you job?

        Sweet pea, wishing you a good day!!

        KTAB, who'd you plant? Are you having freezing weather?
        Here it is GORGEOUS!!! But last year we hunted for easter eggs in the snow, so I'm not counting on anything!


          Army thread Friday 21 March

          Yeah, that can be good, beyond politeness, nothing personal. But what if you've already had personal conversations? How do you stop them?


            Army thread Friday 21 March

            Hello LC, lovely day today but was horrible yesterday, we can get 4 seasons in a hour here sometimes. I did some planting a few weeks back that got hit by a bad storm a couple of days later, could be a lot worse. What part of the world are you in?
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              Army thread Friday 21 March

              lifechange;1640132 wrote: Yeah, that can be good, beyond politeness, nothing personal. But what if you've already had personal conversations? How do you stop them?
              By being keeping any personal talk very very short and always being too busy, the penny should drop eventually.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Army thread Friday 21 March

                Good morning Dreamydoooo, Tippperoooo, Satzuma, Sweetypeeeeee, KTabbers, Elsie

                Satz, haven't got a clue what I'd do but these might help.

                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army thread Friday 21 March

                  must be something in the coffee.


                    Army thread Friday 21 March

                    Morning ladies, gotta run now so I have. Before I go has anyone heard from Mario recently?
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Army thread Friday 21 March

                      Morning Roxxxy and Morning Mollymoo and tara Ktabbers
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army thread Friday 21 March

                        Exhausted just reading back:H

                        Satz just be your clever self and ignore him, perhaps just answer him with a polite put down.

                        Morning all


                          Army thread Friday 21 March

                          Morning Our Whizzy and cheerio Our Whizzy.............I'm orff to the volunteer place for a paid day............if that makes any sense.............answers on a postcard please.

                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army thread Friday 21 March

                            KTAB, I'm living in Berlin, Germany-- hope you have a good one!

                            Morning Molly! Can't believe you didn't wake up earlier, what with all the racket! How's the little one? Are they back home yet?

                            Anon, are you an avid runner/athletic person? I sure need someone to buddy up with here! For those days I'm lacking in motivation.
                            Maybe it could be you, Satz!:H We'd get real far, we would!!
                            Hi roxy and JC-- hilarious with the Gobstoppers!!:H Wish I had some of those to eat right now.


                              Army thread Friday 21 March

                              :waving: Elsie, Roxy, Anon-a-whizz, JC, Molly, anybody left out? :waving:

                              POETS - Push off early tomorrow's Saturday (except I think a different P-word gets used)

                              Molly, I did wake you up - you just turned over and started snoring again.

                              So the three legitimate skivers were up early and the worker bees not

                              Have a good day all!
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Army thread Friday 21 March

                                Lifechange I am a runner I came to it late:H

                                Doing a 5k in Dublin if Molly can get me to the start in early April and then running the London Marathon the week after.

                                Are you a runner?

