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Army thread Saturday 22 March

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    Army thread Saturday 22 March

    Good morning Army (and all confused lurkers)

    Tips, I had strict instructions from Sweetiepeapie last night not to let you come near the coffee until she's been - she needs it for work and you only use it to skive. Unnerstood?

    So this is for Sweets:

    And this is for the rest of us:

    Have a lovely day, everybody!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

    Army thread Saturday 22 March

    Good morning, Dreamy.

    OK... But can I have two of the others, then?

    Good morning Army I managed an extra hour of sleep :yay:
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army thread Saturday 22 March

      Course you may have more than one - and take one for Mrs T too - just wash up afterwards! (Or get the cubs to do so:H)

      Was up pre-sparrows again. :upset:
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Army thread Saturday 22 March

        Good morning.


          Army thread Saturday 22 March

          Good morning Dreamy, MrT, MrsA and all :hallo:

          Oooooh Dreamy that's just the job for me this morn thank you muchness xxxx

          :goodjob: on extra hour of sleep MrT- that'll be you all set for a day of pool cleaning, grocery shopping n cooking and maybe a wee nana nap too

          Hey MrsA- how are you keeping this weather?

          Work shouldn't be as mental today hopefully....less big wigs around at weekend messing things up for us workers!


            Army thread Saturday 22 March

            Morning folks, why is there a spoon stuck to the side of my cup?
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              Army thread Saturday 22 March


              Anon, is today a couch day or a whizzy day?

              Have a good day, Sweet!
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Army thread Saturday 22 March

                Too early in the morning for such difficult questions, Tabs! Perhaps because there are no saucers? Morning, and how are you?
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Army thread Saturday 22 March

                  Everyone sounds good and positive this morning:goodjob:

                  Glad work is going to be less "mental" today Sweetie.

                  Clear blue sky day here so off for my usual Saturday 5k race/run before the weather changes.


                    Army thread Saturday 22 March

                    I'm ok thanks. Off into work for a couple of hours soon so I am. Then back to make a start on a fence that has been loosened by the wind, think I need a holiday.
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Army thread Saturday 22 March



                        Army thread Saturday 22 March

                        Morning everyone!! A wonderful Saturday to you all...:lilflower:


                          Army thread Saturday 22 March

                          roxy, from yesterday, couldn't find the page in the NN, but I'd made myself a copy.. posted by Byrdie from KTAB (assuming it's the KTAB we know!--maybe from long ago) Hope it's ok that I re-post it...

                          Mar 21 at 3:23 PM
                          Letting Go....

                          Acceptance and denial seem to me to be key elements of moving on. How many of us have truly 100% accepted our alcoholism and let go of the niggling doubt that maybe somehow someday the clock could magically be turned back to a time when we were 'normal'?

                          As I see it, it is very simple, we have two choices, accept our problem, make the life changing changes necessary or continue to skirt the real issue. I have been clean now for a little while but a couple of weeks ago the friday night feeling hit and the thoughts of how nice a beer or two would be in the local and the cravings of course started. Two beers would have been nice and I am pretty sure I could have stopped at two but it would just have awoken the beast in me again and I would drink again the next day. Maybe its only me but food is somewhat similar, when I get in the mood for say a pizza or an indian meal and dont have it that night, the thought will sit there semi dormant but I will end up eating that food at some time over the next couple of days. I wonder if this is indicative of how the craving and reward centers of my brain are programmed.
                          Anyway I digress, I didnt drink on the friday but of course the thoughts werent far away and on saturday afternoon I was in the supermarket and found myself in front of the mountain of wine bottles, I picked one up and put it back down, I had allowed the thought to come to me 'hey about a bottle of wine to have with dinner?' I ran with it and then it came the 'maybe you should get two just in case' Then it hit me like a sledge hammer who was I kidding, this addiction wasnt going to go away, the alkie thinking was still there, the lying, the hiding the sneaky drinks were only a breath away. I stopped and bought a bottle of coke.

                          So I got to thinking about this, was there some part of me still clinging onto the idea that I can drink again? Obviously there is. So what do I do about it? I am back to the two choices, either I accept this or I dont. I believe it is very hard for us to accept that this is our life now and I think that is why so many here keep failing time after time, because they dont give it over totally, I am probably one of the biggest offenders.

                          If there is a big grey animal in the room with a tusk and a trunk it can only be an elephant. If I am still here posting on an alkie forum after nearly three years looking to help my problem drinking then I am an alcoholic, so if I am born 4 foot 6 with a one ear, green eyes and a big conk I cant change that can I? no more than I can change the fact of my alcoholism either but I can accept the fact. Ok, thats sorted, so without being over dramatic I can stop drinking or I can continue which would undoubtably take years off of my life and result in the quality of the years I have left a hollow shell of what they could be.

                          After true acceptance comes a sense of relief, a sense of peace and the first step on the path to gratitude for finding however we did the true escape and the right to lead a full and proper life without the ball and chain of AL chaffing the skin on our ankles.
                          Letting go sounds good to me, how about you?

                          Take care,


                            Army thread Saturday 22 March

                            moan alert

                            Well nothing much to report chez Satz.
                            My week-ends are becoming tr?s boring - I need to liven them up a bit.
                            Tired and achy this morning .....

                            Mr S will be jangling his lead this morning I expect .... so along walk is imminent. :bigcry:
                            Probably a good idea to get out and blow off the cob webs.

                            I think I'm being brought out to dinner by DD this eve as she is away next weekend - happy days.
                            Fancy big juicy steak ........


                              Army thread Saturday 22 March

                              :l aww thanks LC, or should i call you elsie?

                              dreamy dont mean to awkward but can i have tea?

