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Army a thread Sunday 23rd March

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    Army a thread Sunday 23rd March

    DreamThinkDo;1640954 wrote:

    Have a look here: &ei=ETovU_u3NMvT7AagpYD4Bg&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&b iw=1280&bih=685

    'Twas Mr Campsbay popping in for a quick cup of coffee, Molly. He's heading for a written warning...:H:H:H
    Well MsDreamy!! That is some craic....tell us more bout MrCampsbay???

    Wish I had a MrCampsbay!


      Army a thread Sunday 23rd March

      Eveninks dahlinks and luvvies,

      Visitors meself ............the son & heir and his GF...............Mr JC with the luvverly Jenz finishing off the emptying of her flat as she moves into a new one in York this week..

      Going to have a look at Dreamy's link.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army a thread Sunday 23rd March

        Kittens !!! :h:h

        Forgotten how loud the pair of them were. The S&H and his GF.

        Have to admit I'm feeling a teeny bit sad about Jenz moving down to York..............I know, I know it's not the moon but I'll miss her being 10 mins up the road.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army a thread Sunday 23rd March

          Evening Jacks :wavin:

          Ah sure ye'll miss Jenz:l Can ye not go visit her from time to time? A wee jaunt away for ye?

          Yeah Molls it must be a joy to have a day for yourself- I tend to take them for granted. Never thought of it like that... you work all week then on Sunday yer only day off ye are kinda workin again cookin and entertaining the family. Don't think I could be doing with that on me days off- selfish mare that I am!

          Thinking might migrate upstairs for a soak and an early one so may say my nighters to yis now, see yis in the morn if I do get up at appropriate time xxx


            Army a thread Sunday 23rd March

            Nighty night, Piddlepants.:l

            Prolly see more of her than we did when she was up here.
            Oh just had a least when we go down to York we'll have a free parking place.

            The bloke next door (his kids are older than ours) advised us to replace the front door with a revolving one as they never actually leave.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army a thread Sunday 23rd March

              And the best thing of all is we don't have to pretend we're sober.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army a thread Sunday 23rd March

                Me luvverly girl's just arrived. See youse in a bit.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army a thread Sunday 23rd March

                  Just popping to say goodnight folks.
                  Have been home all day & not been feeling well.
                  Kinda listless /spaced out feeling and tum not great. No appetite which believe me is very rare

                  Going to try get an early night here.

                  Talk tomorrow.

