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Army thread Monday 24 March

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    Army thread Monday 24 March

    Good morning

    About this time that Tips and I start duplicate threads - let' see if we have the Tawny one pop in or or not

    Real winter's day here - hot chocolate it is. And no asking for tea and tisanes.

    Satzy, hope you feel better after a night's sleep :l:l
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

    Army thread Monday 24 March

    Morning Dreamy.

    Nightmare commute due to service delivery protests - highway blocked by rubbish, bricks and pieces of concrete.

    Good luck for the new week, folksies.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army thread Monday 24 March

      Good morning Dreamy, MrT and all,

      No coffee this morning Dreamster? :egad: Not a hot choc fan at all which is strange considering I loves me some choc but anyways...

      Jeez that does sound like a nightmare MrT and a serious hazard to public health- glad ye have got threw it safe n sound and hope yer day and week go well xx

      Hope yer feeling better this morn too Satz?:l

      I got up with the alarm this morn- obviously! Makes all the difference getting up now in daylight rather than darkness methinks- still v cold tho.

      Happy Monday all xx


        Army thread Monday 24 March

        Good morning Tips, Dreamy and Sweetie.

        Sunny, frosty morning and do not have to take grandchildren to school which means a bit of a lie in.

        Did a 20 mile training run in rain,hail and wind yesterday so feeling happy that I can wind down now(taper) before my marathon.

        Have a great day Army.


          Army thread Monday 24 March

          20 miles!! I think I deserve a day off-- just the thought of it makes me want to snuggle back up in bed! Good on you, anon!

          Good morning Army! Sweetpea, Tipps, Dreamy..I love hot chocolate and we're also having such a morning-where did Spring go?

          Hope you all have a good one and I'll see you after work..


            Army thread Monday 24 March


            im on the first page! never happened before!

            little things please little minds...........


              Army thread Monday 24 March

              my god, that was painful. just let me back on.

              now im off to quick walk doggy (fool him into thinking hes been out properly) and go to work.

              slept well last night but woke with a thick head as usual.


                Army thread Monday 24 March

                Mornin' all
                Slept for Ireland last night.
                Still feel a bit bleh though.
                Arose early and went to the gym.

                My trainer took me aside & told me I have to commit - FFS - he said "I'll give you another month - if you don't come & commit to 3 times a week - I'll have to LET YOU GO " :egad:
                Jazus - here was I thinking I was paying him for a service ??? :H

                Have to admire him - he has balls - he doesn't want my money unless I'm getting results
                And he is right - time to get committed to something - stop messing & feeling sorry for myself !


                  Army thread Monday 24 March

                  Good morning Dreamydooo, Tipperoooo, Sweetypee, Our Whizzy, Elzee, Mollymoo, Roxxxxxy, Satzuma

                  Big fat :l:l going out to Satz.

                  The luvverly Jenz finally finished clearing out her flat.........anyone want a toaster, a flat pack wardrobe (a lot of screws missing..............bit like her mother) and an unopened pack of oven cleaner.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army thread Monday 24 March


                    Minstrels and coffee on the menu tonight, Army. Thought I'd warn you in good time.

                    Regular coffee service will resume on Tuesday, Sweetie.

                    Chutzpah he has indeed, Satz - won't presume anything re balls :H. Seems that the no-booze weight loss bonanza has come to an end, so I guess I'll have to find my walking shoes again - they haven't seen much use since that cholesterol thing. Need some of Anon's iron discipline (lots, actually).

                    Anon-a-whizz, any one of wind, rain, hail would have been my escape clause - :goodjob:.

                    Later all!
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Army thread Monday 24 March

                      JackieClaire;1641092 wrote: Good morning Dreamydooo, Tipperoooo, Sweetypee, Our Whizzy, Elzee, Mollymoo, Roxxxxxy, Satzuma

                      Big fat :l:l going out to Satz.

                      The luvverly Jenz finally finished clearing out her flat.........anyone want a toaster, a flat pack wardrobe (a lot of screws missing..............bit like her mother) and an unopened pack of oven cleaner.
                      Mornin' JC :l
                      When is she off ? today ?
                      Sure she's only down the road :l
                      That FB about the zookeeper- you should have warned me :upset:
                      I'm at home today - working for morning- taking afternoon off !
                      Need to get me head together


                        Army thread Monday 24 March

                        Love the good intentions of a whole pack of oven cleaner, JC!
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Army thread Monday 24 March

                          Ahh Molls, she's delighted, it's lovely seeing her like that. Buzzing like a bee. Living with he BF for another couple of weeks, then a weeks skiing and then into the new flat.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army thread Monday 24 March

                            This one.............even Mr JC had to do that manly coughing harumphing thing.

                            Mario: Terminally ill zookeeper says emotional goodbye to his animals | Metro News
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army thread Monday 24 March

                              mollyka;1641095 wrote: Enjoy the power walk Rox!!

                              feckin HELL ---- that is HARSH??!! How did you take it --- I think I'da been as thick as a plank?? Shite you're feeling off - just read back the end of last nights thread -- bit lazy here, but I've discovered if I have time to gentle me body in a bit before getting stuck in I usually revive -- I think it's the amount of sleep I'm having anyway --- far more than I've ever ever had - even as a child 6 hours was more than enough --- I thought you needed less sleep as you got older
                              My old way was to get thick !
                              No -took it on the chin Molls - he was right after all.

                              More sleep Molls - yes - when you are REAL OLD - you're not there yet :l
                              Neither am I by the way yer man treated me - I think I was secretly chuffed that he didn't treat me like an 'ol wan just coming now and again

