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Army thread Monday 24 March

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    Army thread Monday 24 March

    mollyka;1641308 wrote: :H leaba = bed in irish!!I appreciate the lesson. This mixing of English and Irish and ??? around here is pretty wild.

    mollyka;1641306 wrote:
    Well done you as well Sugarbabe!!! Isn't it lovely clocking up the months!!! I love bein able to say I haven't had a drink since 2011 (even if it WAS the 27th Dec!!)
    Thanks! Sounds like you stopped drinking the way people try to have their babies in the days before Jan 1 - get a whole year of a tax write off for a couple days work :H! I foolishly quit in January...


      Army thread Monday 24 March

      mollyka;1641308 wrote: :H leaba = bed in irish!!
      I just guessed that's where you disappeared to when it got late.

      And good evening.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army thread Monday 24 March

        mollyka;1641314 wrote: haha!! well tbh the date was the last thing on my mind in that whole mess of a time --- but it's GRAND now:H Well we get a bit of Afrikaans round these parts too -- so we is MAD cosmopolitan!

        Good evening Jackieclaire --- not goin to be round too long --- need to get used to going to bed early --- have to be up before 4am on Thurs
        Good practice for the 7th April.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army thread Monday 24 March

          mollyka;1641318 wrote: :H:H One step at a time Jackieclaire:H
          We should just go clubbing and you can drop me off on the way home.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army thread Monday 24 March

            Nighty night, hun.
            Jammie time for me.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army thread Monday 24 March

              Popping in again after a mega dose of 'The Bridge' -I 'll be talking Danish or Swedish soon.
              Parts of it quite 'raunchy' - can't imagine the UK version is as good

              Thanks for the cake Dreamy & good wishes from rest of Army. Wasn't bragging -honest ! (I was)

              And for the Roxy /MWO rumour mill - I ain't PREGGERS ? Last I heard you had to have sex for that :H:new:

