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Absolute rock bottom

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    Absolute rock bottom

    You are worried about A LOT of things right now. It's only been 53 hours since your last drink, so a little over 2 days. There's no way your body can heal in that time. What you're going through is NORMAL. You've been drinking alcohol for years, there's no way to undo the damage overnight. It will happen, but you have to be patient. As far as the job, you are thinking the worst, try to remain positive. That's all you can do for now anyway, so why worry about it? Hang in there, this WILL pass!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Absolute rock bottom

      Hi Brian,

      I don't know if any of these joints are near you, or of use, but here's a treatment directory i found yesterday. Good luck.

      Low cost, No cost Alcohol and Drug Treatment Directory | Changing Lives Foundation Blog

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Absolute rock bottom

        Brian, it will get better, I swear. You're in that really hurting stage of first quitting. Being unemployed makes things feel all the worse. Please hang in there.


          Absolute rock bottom

          I hate to say it, but I don't see me quitting until I get back on my feet (if I even do) until I get a good job again. Just too stressful.


            Absolute rock bottom

            Brian80;1642300 wrote: I hate to say it, but I don't see me quitting until I get back on my feet (if I even do) until I get a good job again. Just too stressful.
            Brian, you might need to quit so you can get back on your feet. You'll be amazed by how many of our problems are actually caused by the drinking.

            All the best, NS.


              Absolute rock bottom

              I agree with NS - you will feel better about yourself and healthier. It is scary but you can do it! That's why you came here - you wanted to stop - keep remembering that.


                Absolute rock bottom

                Brian, if you really want to try baclofen, you got to make a plan.

                In your case, you probably have to order it from an online pharmacy abroad and make sure you have sufficient stock, because sudden withdrawal can be extremely dangerous.
                It can help also for your anxiety, but it is not just like "popping a few pills" once will get you rid of the anxiety, let alone your alcohol addiction.

                If you consider starting baclofen, you have to start slowly and have to titrate up slowly to probably high doses and be prepared for severe side effects.

                It will all be worth it, because eventually you're likely to stop drinking cravingless, but first you have to read a lot about it (for example in the med section of this forum) and calculate if you can afford the costs of the baclofen.
                I was lucky to find my so-called switch dose at a relative low 90 mgs per day, but some have to go beyond 300 mgs, so it can be very costly.

                Good luck anyway. If you have serious questions, someone will answer.
                Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                  Absolute rock bottom

                  Brian, I hope you are doing better and hanging in there. I feel like I am repeating what everyone is saying, but alcohol is actually causing your anixiety, employment issues, health issues and everything. It's hard to shift our way of thinking but it is true.

                  It's like having a rash and scratching it and the scratching it just makes it worse and spreads the rash. It will never go away until you just leave it alone. Only then can it heal.

                  I hope you give yourself a chance.

                  By the way, maybe your gums are sore because of over brushing? Maybe get a softer toothbrush and cut down the on the brushing.

                  Addiction really sucks and I am sorry for everyone that is going through it.

                  Hang in there.


                    Absolute rock bottom

                    I think alcohol has ruined my life and it will never be on track again. Felt like I did 2 Sunday's ago.

                    What over the counter stuff can I take to try to fix the anxiety withdrawl effects? I also have Effexor from a long time ago. I tried to take it 1 or 2 times but it made me feel like a zombie so I quit taking it.


                      Absolute rock bottom

                      What is your "goal" right now?
                      You know that alcohol has "ruined your life"... do you want to continue to drink?

                      Being alcohol free can be difficult at the beginning- but it's one day at a time. If you want to be free of alcohol, can you find an AA meeting near you?

                      L Glutamine is found at health stores and may help you.

                      If you are trying to go cold turkey, DRINK WATER. NOW. Whenever you get an urge, DRINK WATER. You need to start flushing all of the toxins out of your body. You could add a splash of cranberry juice, or lemon juice, or a "twist" of citrus to make water exciting, but the true key is to start getting your organs to flush out the poisonous toxins. When you think you want a drink, ask yourself if you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Thirsty? Come on here and vent, grab a high protein snack, and drink water.

                      I'm not a fan of the other drugs, and I won't endorse them, because using strong drugs like bacclofen off label, without a doctor to guide you, is dangerous.

                      :hug: You can do this. Patty
                      "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
                      so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."


                        Absolute rock bottom

                        Not really sure what my goal is. A week with no alcohol would be good. Finding a great job again would be great and would alleviate stress. Found a job but it is 100% commission and I am not trusting company.

                        Going to gym tomorrow morning is the plan. I was always the skinny one growing up and now I have some fat or bigger liver that needs to be eliminated. No idea how I can date without alcohol; never have done it. Anxiety is the key trigger for me. When I don't have massive anxiety as my life is a current trainwreck; things work out more. I know every one will just say "alcohol doesn't make it better" and you are right, but you know it is not always that simple. I basically have zero support system.


                          Absolute rock bottom

                          Brian. this may sound trite but if you can start some breathing exercises and take Calm's Forte it will help for your anxiety.
                          Enlightened by MWO


                            Absolute rock bottom

                            Brian, we can be your support system. Please keep posting here.

                            The only thing I can think of that would be over the counter and might alleviate anxiety is benadryl. And screw dating right now. This isn't the time to be starting a relationship.

                            I think it's great that you go to the gym in the morning, and keep your eye out for a job that's with a company that is more trustworthy.

                            Alcohol only makes things worse. Really.


                              Absolute rock bottom

                              Brian, you asked what to buy over the counter, get the strongest vitamin b you can, that'll help with your anxiety and it is good for the effects of booze on the memory.


                                Absolute rock bottom

                                I did actually workout this morning. That did help. Plan on going back tonight to get some cardio in. That is my best workout. I eat better when I workout. Just trying to eat spinach, broccoli, salmon, eggs, and almonds.

