1. My mouth just feels dirty. I am extra nervous over my financial situation so prob some ulcers.
2. My gums feel inflamed, I have been brushing 8 times a day and still it feels like this.
3.my tongue is very sensitive and kind of hurts. I have been reading up on mouth cancer.
4. My body has these little red spots on them; my entire skin just feels blotchy and red. Some of these things just are the size of a zit with no puss
5.Eyes are blood shot because I cant sleep and cry.
6. Feces is a little orange.
Like I said, cant see Dr. I need to be on anxiety drugs in the least. No job, no insurance, body feels like complete crap, parents pissed at me. I have hid this for years). Just no hope.
Can someone fill me on how I can get insurance when unemployed. I have talked to the Obamacare people and they were no help. I called anthem and they told me to call the same obamacare #. Need to see dentist as well. Feel like a loser.
I am freaking out a little. Anyone else ever have these kind of symptoms? How long did they last? Does it get better such as mouth and skin? I generally am somewhat young and used to be considered attractive but feel like I have aged 10 years in the last 2 months. Do these mouth and skin stuff go away. I read on a cancer site that even after discontinuing alcohol use, it takes at least 10 years to be of "normal risk" for cancer so 2 years later something could pop up. This just sucks