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Absolute rock bottom

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    Absolute rock bottom

    And starting to think I may have done some serious damage to my body. I have almost a fifth of vodka 5 days a week for last 4 years. I have no insurance so cant see Dr. or dentist as I lost my job. Mortgage payment is way behind. Have interview this week but my body feels like shit. Here the symptoms that I have.

    1. My mouth just feels dirty. I am extra nervous over my financial situation so prob some ulcers.
    2. My gums feel inflamed, I have been brushing 8 times a day and still it feels like this. tongue is very sensitive and kind of hurts. I have been reading up on mouth cancer.
    4. My body has these little red spots on them; my entire skin just feels blotchy and red. Some of these things just are the size of a zit with no puss
    5.Eyes are blood shot because I cant sleep and cry.
    6. Feces is a little orange.

    Like I said, cant see Dr. I need to be on anxiety drugs in the least. No job, no insurance, body feels like complete crap, parents pissed at me. I have hid this for years). Just no hope.

    Can someone fill me on how I can get insurance when unemployed. I have talked to the Obamacare people and they were no help. I called anthem and they told me to call the same obamacare #. Need to see dentist as well. Feel like a loser.

    I am freaking out a little. Anyone else ever have these kind of symptoms? How long did they last? Does it get better such as mouth and skin? I generally am somewhat young and used to be considered attractive but feel like I have aged 10 years in the last 2 months. Do these mouth and skin stuff go away. I read on a cancer site that even after discontinuing alcohol use, it takes at least 10 years to be of "normal risk" for cancer so 2 years later something could pop up. This just sucks

    Absolute rock bottom

    Brian I know one thing. No al will make your circumstances improve.
    Staying here and not drinking one day at a time will make you feel better. I had extreme anxiety and really felt ill, but I feel SO much better from just getting the al out.
    Check out the Newbies Nest and the Toolbox. Others will be along soon with more encouragement. You are not alone. Others have felt the way you do and have had their lives improve. :welcome:
    Wish I had info on this insurance thing, but I just don't know.
    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


      Absolute rock bottom

      Welcome Brian.

      Good to see you here friend. I hope you stick around and learn some more about tackling the booze.

      Here's our toolbox thread in the link below as Little beagle suggested. Have a read, as you should find it useful.

      All the best and hang in there. Greg.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Absolute rock bottom

        Welcome Brian!

        I agree with LB, quitting drinking surely won't make anything WORSE! Why don't you try to give your body a break for 30 days and see what changes. There are things you can do at home to help your body heal. Take an epsom salt bath, drink green tea, rinse your mouth with coconut oil. I would start by just resting and letting your body start to heal. Do not get overwhelmed with thinking "what if". The first and most important thing is to NOT pour any more poison into your body. Stick close to us, we can help you!

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Absolute rock bottom

          Hi Brian,

          I hope you stay on this site and get the help and support you need.

          As others have said, your first critical priority is to get alcohol out of your life. Statistically, it is unlikely you have cancer of any form right now. Some of the symptoms you describe sounds like your liver is inflamed, but you really need to see a professional ASAP.

          Your body is run down. It can recover, but you need to take steps to make that happen.


            Absolute rock bottom

            Hi Brian -just damn. What a great first step you have made just to be able to make a post and be able to talk about. Most alkies never make it to this first step.

            And look, if you are some how able to make 5 days free of alcohol, you will be amazed at how much your body will change. In fact, just watch how much your body will appreciate after just two days sobriety.


              Absolute rock bottom

              Brian, in addition to taking a break from alcohol, I suggest taking some b vitamins. Alcoholics are starved for them. Maybe a multi-vitamin would be helpful, too. I suspect the tender mouth is from vitamin deficiencies. A tip of the nib to K9 re: the coconut oil. I imagine it would be both healing and soothing.

              I hope you will come back and post some more.


                Absolute rock bottom

                I do take vitamins and have been eating almonds and fish. I am now 30 hours alcohol free. Interview went well but I also took 3 benozs from a friend. Will have final interview soon and not sure if I can get now. I need to calm and relaxed. I hear that baclofen does that. Could anyone just send me a couple pills over night. I will pay for is shipping. That's how important this is. My body is run down. I feel like my teeth have hair on them despite how much I brush.

                I cant wait to get to Dr and dentist but still no insurance. I did that marketplace insurance earlier and it came up to $246 and that was the cheapest. It is just me. How is the savings? What am I doing wrong?


                  Absolute rock bottom

                  Brian, I have no answers concerning the Obamacare stuff...I thought it was supposed to be a sort of sliding scale expense sort of thing, so that's a pretty high price tag!

                  You might have some luck putting out an S.O.S. for baclofen in the meds forum...the folks there are pretty decent. You may find someone who will be willing to help you out.

                  I'm glad the interview went so well.


                    Absolute rock bottom


                    can you get yourself to a hospital, emergency dept, a nurse at least? I don't live in your country, but surely if you front up to a big hospital emergency department somewhere they will take a look at you? They should be able to help out.

                    Be careful of taking pills that you haven't been prescribed. Good job on your 30 hrs booze free. Another reason to check into a hospital is to keep an eye on any tough withdrawal symptoms that may or may not surface in the next day or 2.

                    Keep in touch and keep us posted friend.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Absolute rock bottom

                      Hi Brian. I agree with K9 - don't go there - "what if's" will make you crazy. The anxiety is a chicken-egg sort of thing. We are anxious so we drink. Then we stop drinking and we are anxious. Doesn't seem fair, does it? But the anxiety will lessen. It really will. Your body and mind are detoxing right now.

                      I don't know much about our new health care system, but over $200 sounds extreme for someone who is unemployed. I don't know where you live, but if you google "in person help for affordable healthcare," most states have a website. Maybe a real person could help you.

                      Take care.
                      Everything is going to be amazing


                        Absolute rock bottom

                        Sorry for directing you to the meds forum, Brian. I saw the response.

                        Would maybe taking a benadryl, or half a benadryl work? Half might quell the anxiety without putting you to sleep.


                          Absolute rock bottom

                          This sucks, I tried to go to get help today again and was turned away. Such a joke. I have prob. talked to 7 places. These are things people put in suicide notes.

                          My eyes are looking so red and tired. When will these symptoms go away?


                            Absolute rock bottom

                            How many days has it been since you have not drank? I would say physical symptoms should go away within a week but I am no doctor. Just sleep and take it easy for now. Your body has a lot of toxins in it and it will take awhile for everything to get back to normal. Also, are you taking an supplements? You really needs lots of vitamins in the beginning to help get you back.

                            Sorry about the non help from the doctors, that really sucks.
                            AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                            Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                              Absolute rock bottom

                              I can hardly sleep. Unemployed and worried. It has been 53 hours. I have taken vitamins. Am afraid I will never get a good job again.

