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day 1 again

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    day 1 again

    Well, didn't make it thru day 2. The irritability was immense and of course I resorted to my only coping skill and had some beers (my drink of choice). They didn't exactly do the trick probably because of the stuff in my system, but it calmed me down. So today is day number 1 again. I know enough now not to have any al in my house and to be wary of the irritability I am going to experience. The book made it sound so much easier.

    day 1 again

    Jean, you might want to keep it all in one thread. Easier for you and future readers to see any pattern.

    Now you will be prepared for irritability. It WILL pass. It's not easy jean, but it's not impossible. Well done on one day.


      day 1 again

      Give yourself 7 days of ups and downs with stopping drinking. My sleep was bad, anxiety not good, moods shocking but what did i expect when i had been pouring al down my throat for so long. We have to expect our body craving what we had been putting into it. Keep busy, watch al documentaries on you tube or some movies, above all else get the al out of the house, change the time you go shopping so you are not tempted to buy al. Have lots of baths, drink lots of water and eat as much as you want. Do what your body tells you except to drink al. Keep going Jean you can do this. Dont give up.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        day 1 again

        Get the booze out of the house so you don't have the choice to give in.
        Newbies Nest
        My accountability thread

