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Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

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    Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

    Great group for a free April - wonderful company.
    SW - Eeyore works for me - prefer him to a superpower!!
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

      Zorel here doing the best she can but mostly missing her sober friends.


        Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

        Good Morning Y' to feed the mass of humanity, feelin' spring in the air, and glad I'm here...have a fab day!!
        Chef Robaire
        Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
        Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

        "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


          Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

          Spirit- both Eeyore and Leonardo are great pics. I always thought Eeyore (along with Oscar the Grouch) were such great characters, really helps kids explore and learn about the more difficult emotions... and well, Leonardo just kicks ass.

          Great to see everyone here... and just a reminder that superpowers are not necessary for membership as a Sober Aprilist

          Kara Zor-El, glad to see you back! You've been gone a bit. Check back in more often if you can, your sober friends miss you too ya know.

          Thanks Pav for the kind words, I do feel pretty great about my weekend. Here we are coming up on another one- who's got plans? Mine- My brother and his wife are coming in from out of town to stay with us, and as is our tradition with all the good superhero movies, we're going to go check out Captain America 2. Can't wait.


            Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

            Ok, after reading about super heroines, I'm reporting in as Vixen. Great day here in West Africa.
            Free at Last
            "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

            Highly recommend this video

            July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


              Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

              I'm here too. Better late than never.. in for the duration, Captain.
              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                free at last;1644678 wrote: Ok, after reading about super heroines, I'm reporting in as Vixen. Great day here in West Africa.
                OH wow, great choice Free! Glad you're having a good day in West Africa, how long are you there this time?


                  Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                  Just checkin in-- hope everyone's doing well today and protecting their quit. Forums are real quiet these days... Everyone doin ok?


                    Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                    I'm here!

                    Work has been busy and after four months of bliss I am suddenly not sleeping like I was.

                    Last night I was thinking of vacation plans I have for September and that old "I can have one beer, can't I?" thought crept in to my mind. I spent the morning reading - here and on other sober blogs - and I am happy to report that my head is screwed on correctly again. NO. Not only can't I, but I don't want to. AND, I am taking it one day at a time. Sept. is a long way away - no use fretting over it now...

                    Hope all is well with the April Super Heroes!



                      Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                      Hi SBL, I am here for about ten days and then home for a couple of weeks. Happy to report another AF day for me -- ready for dinner (seltzer water and lime), then a walk on the treadmill, followed by a swim in the pool. Keeping out of mischief.
                      Free at Last
                      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                      Highly recommend this video

                      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                        Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                        Staying sober, happily - though having fleeting thoughts too Pav, maybe it is because the sun is coming out?
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                          Hi, All:

                          Sober April 5.

                          Good night!


                            Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                            scottish lass;1645354 wrote: Staying sober, happily - though having fleeting thoughts too Pav, maybe it is because the sun is coming out?
                            Fleeting thoughts. I guess we all have these regarding alcohol? However, and as you so well describe -"Fleeting". Yes, for me, it was a good day to drink if ..... anything. (lol...but true)


                              Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                              Hi friends...

                              Good ole BK is slightly worried she may be slipping back into old habits.

                              I had a fundraiser this weekend that I volunteered my time too. I knew there would be alcohol there but thought since I was working I would not be indulging. Maybe I did not prepare my mind properly because I had a feeling that this weekend would be a troublesome one for myself. I almost planned on it. Friday my little boys went up to my husbands parents for a few days and is always has an overwhelming sadness when they go. My youngest asked if they could go a day early and it upset me. I am able to have perspective now as it's one of my insecurities as a mother. I have always worried that I would not be a good mom. But I am. And I think him asking was feeling like a reflection of my not spending enough time with him but maybe it was that he just missed his grandparents. I have a lot of insecurity inside myself that I am working on.

                              So Friday I was feeling funky and thought I might drink so I took a half dose of Nal. I had 3 beers. Yes much better than getting drunk but not protecting my quit. Then Saturday I was paired up with a gal who was ready to get her drink on and at first I thought it would be ok because we were working but she started ordering shots with her drinks & I knew I needed to be careful. The whole group of us started the evening with a shot & champagne. I took a small sip of my shot then tossed it but then had a small glass of champagne then had approximately 4 cups of beer thru out the night. My partner was starting to really get on my nerves with her drunkness. I had to shhush her twice for talking loudly about people negatively. I was so ready to leave there. I could go on and on about the happenings but it all stupid.

                              To get back to the point... I don't want to start slipping again. I was doing good but am feeling like it may have gave me confidence I am not ready for.. I am considering antibuse. Skull seems to be having luck using it to get thru weak moments.

                              I have all my workouts planned this week so I won't be drinking but Saturday may be an issue but I don't like to drink on Saturday because I like to have a healthy Sunday so I think I will make plans to run with a friend on Sunday so I will be less likely to slip.

                              Wish me luck.


                                Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                                Hey BK, glad you checked in here and updated us. Sorry to hear that you are sliding into old drinking habits a bit. That's how it happens for us... a little bit at a time until it's not so little. Do you have any thoughts on how to re-affirm your commitment to protecting your quit? Get your armor back up, so to speak?

                                As you know, I DO find Antabuse to be good "armor" for moments like the ones you describe. Great, in fact. I know that Neo does the same. DO make sure to read up and understand the proper way to take Antabuse and the risks involved with it if you decide to use it. It's an intense medication and you can't drink on it AT ALL. Slipping isn't an option. (Which is why I find it to be good, it takes away the option to drink).

                                Good luck BK.

