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Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

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    Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

    What a great month. April has been a good month for me. (for the most part-except-April 15th always seems to be a challenging day)

    This thread has certainly been a nice part of my April.


      Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

      Hi, Everyone:

      BK, you here? Let us know how you are.

      Skull - read that you're off the cigs - what a great thing. I actually used to smoke and quitting for me was such a non event. Where I live it is nearly impossible to find a socially acceptable place to smoke, so with the opportunities fewer and farther between I just lost the taste. It is weird that could have happened. I wonder if we'll ever get there (socially unacceptable) with alcohol. You rock for doing it all - alcohol, cigs, adding exercise, eating right. Keep on keeping on...

      Spirit - I agree - love this thread as a long-term counter and check in. Do you hate April 15 because of taxes? It is Jackie Robinson day - he first broke into the majors on April 15. Maybe that will give you a better feeling for the day?

      Free - I do hope you're feeling better. Getting to yoga is still hard for me with work and kid stuff.

      G'night, all.


        Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

        I'm around still fighting the good fight but not staying sober this month... I am excited to say that I'm meeting with an alcohol counselor on Friday who works with women. I am hoping to find a couple months AF but am living by ODAT for now because it's easier of me to get up and say today I'm not drinking and I am going to take care of myself... Today.

        I gotta tell ya after this last one I felt like a whipped puppy so it may have been just the spanking I needed. I am sober since Sunday. I have figured out that I don't necessarily crave a drink... I think about it. My emotions are a driving force behind my drinking and I am trying to tackle those now.
        Did i not make sense? I better hit the sack I'm pooped.

        Thanks for asking about me:l


          Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

          Pavati;1652870 wrote: Hi, Everyone:

          Spirit - I agree - love this thread as a long-term counter and check in. Do you hate April 15 because of taxes? It is Jackie Robinson day - he first broke into the majors on April 15. Maybe that will give you a better feeling for the day?

          Free - I do hope you're feeling better. Getting to yoga is still hard for me with work and kid stuff.

          G'night, all.
          Hi Pav -I totally dislike April 15th because of taxes -stressful, I guess. I need to remember the positive part of Jackie Robinson story -next year. Good reminder.

          My spouse makes absolutely sure -regardless of all else, that she attends YOGA (twice a week). I am glad you bring this point up because life does bring on a "TOO" many things to do list. But we both agree that her YOGA creates such a great feeling and more positive outlook on life, that we will each do whatever is necessary to help her attend. I am preparing to start back myself because you and others have reminded me of just how meaningful and powerful Yoga really is.

          Thanks for the reminder about Yoga and I hope you can keep it in your challenging schedule.


            Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

            Still loving April. Checking in with ya Skull???


              Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

              Hi guys! Just checking back in after a few days absent-- no other reason than my mornings got busy really busy. Lot's going on this month! All is well though, thanks for checking in on me Spirit. Glad your'e having such a great April! Very cool to hear. I gotta say mine is going pretty great too. A little stressful with logistics, moving my studio, etc. But just totally loving art right now and creating some fun work. It's a good feeling.
              In two days I will have officially been on Baclofen 1 year. And in a few more days past that, I will have been 6 months sober. I'll write more about all that in my progress thread as those days come. But, big milestones this week for sure.
              Pav, thanks for the kind words. I sort of had to drop all my vices-- not just one at a time-- because they were all so linked together. They were a vice (addiction) chain reaction. If I wanted one, the others would come too, so I just had to clean house and get rid of them all. It's been a challenging few months to say the least but I'm so glad I did it, it feels really good to be this far along in my journey back to health.
              BK, how did you meeting with the alcohol counselor go? Keep us updated, my friend, wishing you the best. Free, everyone else-- hope you're all well! Just a few more days to April and we can start a new month!


                Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                Hi all,
                Quick check in from me. I'm feeling better, still working to get my diet, exercise, yoga balance in sync.

                Had to travel for work today and will be gone most of this week -- several cities in several days. But, the good news is this consulting gig will end soon and I won't be around the constant exposure to AL. So looking forward to being able to spend some time in one place.

                Ready to sign up for May -- I really benefit from these monthly encouragement threads.

                Stay focused!
                Free at Last
                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                Highly recommend this video

                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                  Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                  Hi Free, glad you're feeling better and good luck with your travelling this week. And with diet, yoga etc. That stuff makes all the difference in the world!

                  I too really benefit from the monthly encouragement threads. Hard to believe we're already coming up on May!


                    Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                    Hi, Everyone:

                    Had to go dig this up from page 2. We can't have that!

                    The penultimate day of April. Another one sober. So happy to do it with you superheroes and can't wait to spend May with you, too.



                      Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                      Getting ready for a busy day but so happy to start it with a clear head and positive attitude. Looking forward to May.
                      Free at Last
                      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                      Highly recommend this video

                      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                        Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                        Glad for the April showers -minus tornadoes in our neck of the woods. And thank you April posters for helping make this an even better April.


                          Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                          bkyogagurl;1649807 wrote: Good morning Skull-:huggy

                          I know my battle here will never be done.. It will always rear it's beastly head... But for today I'm doing great.ointup:

                          I am moving full speed ahead with my fitness goals. I will be working with a new coach/trainer that I am really excited about. It may be just what I need to have some thing to occupy my mind with so drinking craving thoughts are diminished. Meals plans don't usually make any room for alcohol and especially not beer. My favorite.
                          I do feel fear starting new things but I just read a neat little thing about fear...
                          It's just a feeling that passes.. HA!

                          :thanks: for this post.


                            Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                            bkyogagurl;1649807 wrote: Good morning Skull-:huggy

                            I know my battle here will never be done.. It will always rear it's beastly head... But for today I'm doing great.ointup:

                            I am moving full speed ahead with my fitness goals. I will be working with a new coach/trainer that I am really excited about. It may be just what I need to have some thing to occupy my mind with so drinking craving thoughts are diminished. Meals plans don't usually make any room for alcohol and especially not beer. My favorite.
                            I do feel fear starting new things but I just read a neat little thing about fear...
                            It's just a feeling that passes.. HA!

                            :thanks: for this post.


                              Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                              ...and, we're done with April! Yaaaaaahooooo


                                Sober Aprilists- Assemble!!!

                                Your welcome Spirit- I sure hope you are doing ok with things.

