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Army thread 1 April

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    Army thread 1 April

    Deliberately ignoring you, Satz! :l:l:l

    The coconut oil - is it an oil oil - the only time I've seen it here it looked more like an amalgam or something - an oily solid? Doesn't the food taste of coconut? I love the taste, but think that a coconut omelette will take some getting used to?

    Lovingly awaiting your response - will while away the time in the seomra folctha (does this accent make me sound like a Saffa?)
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Army thread 1 April

      satz123;1643976 wrote: Dear Sweetie - in yon bunk
      Coconut & all it's derivatives is THE best thing you can eat.
      I was never overly fond of it - but then all I knew was Bounty Bar and desiccated coconut buns from school
      I would now actually eat coconut oil and I use it for frying , baking -everything....
      You can even put on our skin.
      Yer wan in the health shop said -put one jar in kitchen & one jar in the bathroom.
      Swear to God - it's been a coconut epiphany ......

      Sincerely yours
      Satz the knowall
      Top Bunk
      Yo know-it-all in t'other bunk! :wavin:

      I do believe coconut oil is the dogs now for our health but I still cant bring meself to ingest it. Someday maybes. Like you my memories are of bounty bars and once me Mam got one and made us eat it- remember it being very dry and chewy! Have a jar to use on me hair and skin- really is good for that!

      satz123;1643977 wrote: YES Sweetie - WORK !! (ish)
      Behave :H
      That massage sounds v posh - glad you went - you deserve it Sweets - you work so hard
      Should get it free !
      Well, I never!! Ye actually DID say work!! Wonders never cease. Only kidding:l

      Re the massage- Will be making it a frequent occurrence now Satz- it can be my treat instead of lidls choc or magnum ice-creams!

      DreamThinkDo;1643978 wrote:

      Go for herbs in pots, Sweets - especially mint since it's so invasive. Your meal was a lot healthier than mine - the only bit of green there was basil, and I don't think that counts as one of the five a day (which, I read today, might be upped to seven!!! a day).

      Molly, have you been to see Conor today? And has he grown beyond recognition?

      Wind is howling here - going for a quickie brush&wash, then bed&book. Who wants to join my rock band?
      I could be in yer rock band nae bother Dreamster!!

      Don't think mint would be so invasive in my garden- could it withstand constant moisture? Maybe should introduce it to try take-on the moss. Pots are prob best way tho. Wanna try me hand at spuds too, and maybe onions...and garlic and could go on....... Need more garden time I do!

      Still haven't had me dins- cooked chick in oven first- just stir-frying veg now....seen that in news bout upping to seven a day. Before slimming world I found getting five a day hard but now I eat much more fruit n veg so it shouldn't be a prob..


        Army thread 1 April

        DreamThinkDo;1643982 wrote: Deliberately ignoring you, Satz! :l:l:l

        The coconut oil - is it an oil oil - the only time I've seen it here it looked more like an amalgam or something - an oily solid? Doesn't the food taste of coconut? I love the taste, but think that a coconut omelette will take some getting used to?

        Lovingly awaiting your response - will while away the time in the seomra folctha (does this accent make me sound like a Saffa?)
        What - did I ignore you Dreams ? sorry if I did :l
        Yes it's solid but honestly once you get over the look of it and thinking it's beef lard or something - it is lovely.


          Army thread 1 April

          Mint loves moisture. Very invasive - almost the only plant I never put on the compost heap. Put in a pot - you'll thank me later, unless you plan to have a mint garden, which could be a lovely thing if you plant all the different varieties and fragrances and just let them go wild.
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Army thread 1 April

            No, I somehow missed a post from you and didn't respond.

            Anyway, off to my leaba - sweet dreams and all that!
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Army thread 1 April

              :wavin: just woken up from a nanna nap and Dreamy's orff to bed. Nighty night hun.:l
              Going for a read back.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army thread 1 April

                DreamThinkDo;1643987 wrote: Mint loves moisture. Very invasive - almost the only plant I never put on the compost heap. Put in a pot - you'll thank me later, unless you plan to have a mint garden, which could be a lovely thing if you plant all the different varieties and fragrances and just let them go wild.
                DreamThinkDo;1643988 wrote: No, I somehow missed a post from you and didn't respond.

                Anyway, off to my leaba - sweet dreams and all that!
                Nighters Dreamy and thanks :l A mint garden might be nice- much nicer than a moss infested one anyways. Shall lift self-imposed ban from garden centres and go in search of some.

                JackieClaire;1643989 wrote:
                :wavin: just woken up from a nanna nap and Dreamy's orff to bed. Nighty night hun.:l
                Going for a read back.
                :wavin: Yo Jacks How'd today go?


                  Army thread 1 April

                  Firstly thanks for the message Molls................meant to reply but fell face down into bed when I got back. You are a doll.:l
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army thread 1 April

                    sweetpea29;1643992 wrote:
                    :wavin: Yo Jacks How'd today go?
                    Apart from trying to pick the music for the funeral it was fine. Amazing Grace by some Scottish Bagpipe lot to go in and Vera Lynne's I'll be with you in Apple Blossom Time to come out. Reading to be decided.

                    We just cleared all the food cupboards and fridge out today.......I'm now the proud owner of 400+ teabags and 4 tins of salmon.....................and talked and talked and talked...............then talked some more.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army thread 1 April

                      JackieClaire;1643995 wrote: Apart from trying to pick the music for the funeral it was fine. Amazing Grace by some Scottish Bagpipe lot to go in and Vera Lynne's I'll be with you in Apple Blossom Time to come out. Reading to be decided.

                      We just cleared all the food cupboards and fridge out today.......I'm now the proud owner of 400+ teabags and 4 tins of salmon.....................and talked and talked and talked...............then talked some more.
                      Love Amazing Grace:h

                      Ah bless her- 400+ teabags Was she like me n coffee- buy loads when its on offer?

                      Do yis know when the funeral is yet?


                        Army thread 1 April

                        sweetpea29;1643996 wrote: Love Amazing Grace:h

                        Ah bless her- 400+ teabags Was she like me n coffee- buy loads when its on offer?

                        Do yis know when the funeral is yet?
                        She was a dedicated Rington's bought some every fortnight when the van came.

                        Haven't got a clue about the funeral yet.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army thread 1 April

                          Yo Molls, tell him to get one of his own.

                          Not too bad at all...............going to the doc in the morning.............the anxiety's a bit rough at the mo. It's my regular GP and she's good.................reckon a weekend in Dubbers will do me the world of good.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army thread 1 April

                            JackieClaire;1644004 wrote: Yo Molls, tell him to get one of his own.

                            Not too bad at all...............going to the doc in the morning.............the anxiety's a bit rough at the mo. It's my regular GP and she's good.................reckon a weekend in Dubbers will do me the world of good.
                            And SLEEP - remember my lecture last night that the Sweetie wan tried to rob
                            The word bandwagon comes to mind .............
                            oh and a lorra jumping :H:H


                              Army thread 1 April

                              mollyka;1644006 wrote: Good woman going down to the doc -- very wise -- It's a hard time for you -- we'll spoil you rotten when you come over..... pwomise!!!!
                              Yup looks like a bag o' chips on the Liffey boardwalk at this rate :H


                                Army thread 1 April

                                satz123;1644007 wrote: And SLEEP - remember my lecture last night that the Sweetie wan tried to rob
                                The word bandwagon comes to mind .............
                                oh and a lorra jumping :H:H
                                What was that???? Oh yeah! Build a bridge

                                Ladies what's the plans for Sat?? Iz gonna drive down to meet yis if that's ok? Will ye be travelling from the Brig Molls? If so could I maybe meet ye there and follow you into big smoke? Have agreed to do a shift on Sunday (need the extra dosh) so hafta head back up road sat night.

