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One Step at a Time - April 2014

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    One Step at a Time - April 2014

    mama bear;1646168 wrote: OMG Fenny....Papa and I would probably get "locked" into some kind of weird position and you would have to spray the hose on us.....
    Aaargh!!! The visual! :H There were two dogs locked together in a scene on Whore's Glory and you've just reminded me of that!

    Hidey hi Campers!

    Good luck tomorrow Niner. I'm sure it's going to turn out fine... most of these lumps turn out to be absolutely nothing... but my fingers and other appendages are crossed for you in any event... X And great news on the lie detector test. Bill Clinton couldn't have done better!

    Re being a sloth... I always feel chirpier on the days I get to the gym. I was meant to go today but don't think I'm going to make it unless I start feeling better. This effin virus is hanging around still and I had a setback after breathing in cigarette smoke for 3 1/2 hours on Sunday... I almost totally lost my voice yesterday (a blessed relief some might say!). Today I'm all raspy, sneezy and sore chesty... I feel like boiled shite.

    Dottie... How many critters did the hoarder your new doggie come from have? I don't really know anything about animal hoarding but from what you're saying it sounds like they "close in on themselves" when there are too many animals in the house. Poor wee thing...

    Mama... I agree... Niner finds THE most bizarre docos. I watched The Sound of Insects... another little gem! :H I suppose I'll go and look for Naked Yoga docos if I don't feel good enough to go to the gym later, and I'll exercise vicariously through them. At the very least I might feel better about myself after seeing a few saggy boobies and hairy backs. I wish I had a treadmill of my own... it would be handy to jump on one for an hour and watch Netflix or whatever.

    Kradle... Is that Stability Ball working?! Do we all need to get one?

    :wavin: Hi to everyone else!

    Whore moan update: Hot flashes have stopped. Can't exactly say I'm full of energy or anything, but then again this virus has me feeling bad... so I'll wait till that passes and see what's what.

    OK, I think I'm just going to take it easy. Sometimes you can do more harm than good working out when you're sick. (Sounds like a perfectly legitimate excuse to me!)


      One Step at a Time - April 2014

      Zen there were 11 all in cages..not let out to play or was a gal and she voluntarily gave them up. We met his brother and daddie at another adoption event on Saturday. Maddie was on death row because he was so shy..the rescue pulled all of them out and fostered them.

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        One Step at a Time - April 2014

        Gawd Dottie, that's such a shame. Maddie will eventually come round though. It turns out Hamish spent most of his first 7 months of life in a cage, he only got out for a little time each day. He was malnourished and had gingivitis when I got him, and had a lot of bad habits. He's absolutely fine now... he doesn't steal food and isn't scared to let his guard down any more. He just turned 2.


          One Step at a Time - April 2014

          Dottie - I am so glad that Maddie is getting a second chance at life (as is Zenny's Hamish and my Forrest ) I hate to see any animals mistreated. I don't even like the thought of keeping birds in cages. How frustrating that must be for them. And when they can hear other birds outside it just seems cruel.

          I remember the part in Whore's Glory you were talking about Zenny. The funny part is that people just walked by and didn't even pay attention. And other dogs were sniffing around. I read somewhere WHY that happens to dogs...actually (you guys will enjoy this tidbit), I googled my screen name and some crazy sh*t came up. I don't want to get too detailed, so I won't. LOL

          Speaking of pets, Sierra had 2 little 5 cent goldfish that lived for FIVE years! She named them Jesse and James. One day Jesse died, and 2 days later James followed. I guess his little goldfish heart was broken :upset:
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            One Step at a Time - April 2014

            I just remembered another documentary. "A Family Affair" It deals with a touchy topic. Then again, do any of you expect anything less from me by now? LOL
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              One Step at a Time - April 2014

              awww K9....we had two little turtles named R2 and D2 and we let them loose at the lake house
              all of my kitties have been strays
              Zen - the hot flashes have stopped?? Holy shit on a shingle!!! That fast??
              Bri BS today......nothing exciting.....but my boss is involved now....and is starting to see what a little manipulator she can's actually kind of funny. Cathy (my boss) accidentally cc'd Bri on an mail chain where we were discussing Bri and all her doctor appointments that turn into entire afternoons off. I asked Cathy to proof any conversations Bri and I were having regarding this, since I don't trust Bri as far as I can throw her. The email basically said Bri could not take entire afternooons off and she need to schedule appts on her days off, blah, blah, blah. We appreciate her dedication, but we need to know that this job is a priority.....
              Bri was stupid enough to respond to MY about poking the bear. Jeezzzz....
              I am going to sit back and let it all play out and keep my mouth shut. Muahahahahahahaha
              Dottie - don't you miss all this workplace BS?
              K9 - why DOES that happen to dogs?? I kind of remember being traumatized by that visual as a kid.
              Good for you for going with your Mom and Dad. Take a notepad, as all the info can be very overwhelming and you will want to refer to it often. I am a text away.
              phone ringing.....
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                One Step at a Time - April 2014

                Holy Crap on a Cracker Mama... yep, THAT fast. I haven't had one for 3 days now... at first I thought it was a coincidence. I've turned the a/c up a degree as well.

                I just noticed the look on Niner's face in her avatar... a mischievous "I tricked the dawg" look methinks... :H

                Is Bri mad at you for discussing her Mama? Or is she too worried about you and your boss being POd with her?

                I had to go to the Gods of Google about the dogs getting stuck. :nutso:


                  One Step at a Time - April 2014

                  K9Lover;1646563 wrote: I just remembered another documentary. "A Family Affair" It deals with a touchy topic. Then again, do any of you expect anything less from me by now? LOL
                  Hahaha... another winner!


                    One Step at a Time - April 2014

                    From what I understood, the male dog's "member" gets very enlarged at the end and cannot be removed until he experiences "relief". Did I explain that in a politically correct way? LOL

                    Oh Bri...she's digging her own grave. Any BabyDaddy drama these days?
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      One Step at a Time - April 2014

                      That was very PC Niner... you didn't say "hard on" even once. OOOOOPS!!!!!!


                        One Step at a Time - April 2014

                        Zenstyle;1646602 wrote: That was very PC Niner... you didn't say "hard on" even once. OOOOOPS!!!!!!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          One Step at a Time - April 2014

                          I am going to have to put the hose on you two...
                          I think she's mad about not being babied...she is back and being very sullen
                          yep- methinks a grave is being dug. I hope she chills and we can get back to work without the attitude.
                          we'll see....sigh
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            One Step at a Time - April 2014

                            no baby daddy drama to report thus far.....
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              One Step at a Time - April 2014

                              No mama I dont miss ANY of the bs and drama...
                              cable guy still not here....ggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                One Step at a Time - April 2014

                                is your cable guy Jim Carrey??:H:H
                                if you fuss enough maybe you can get a free month of service...
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

