Wow...Love is definitely in the air! Or at least checkers!
Last night was a huge success...about 35 people showed up...we had pies, cakes, cookies, candy, chips and every other snack food you can imagine overflowing on the tables! I cleaned a little Mama, but I figure my friends aren't there to judge my house...nobody even noticed the furballs under the couch! LOL I DID clean though, don't get me wrong!

Tonight I finally get to just I will be watching either my beloved King Henry or my not-so-beloved Don Draper (I can't stand that guy...Mad Men). All I know is I'm gonna zone on the couch for SEVERAL hours!!! After I shower that is...I feel like I have 3 days of makeup caked on. LOL I was too tired to shower last night. Maybe if I stink people will leave me alone!
Kradle - :l:l
Dottie - I have VERY good memories of a few people too (and maybe a tape or two...). LOL :h