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One Step at a Time - April 2014

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    One Step at a Time - April 2014

    Fen - I'm fine. What's up with you?
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      One Step at a Time - April 2014

      What's wrong Fenny? You ok?
      At a zoo on Mexico. Mix between a zebra and a donkey was born. A Zonkey!!
      It's adorable and I want one
      Hey Nora.... Bret runs when I am grumpy. Which is most of the time right now!
      Shower and work.
      Have N awesome Friday. It's payday and I get my quarterly bonus! It's already spent on graduation and Grant's pending wisdom tooth extraction. But I appreciate it.
      Peace out Cub Scouts!❤️
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        One Step at a Time - April 2014

        Good Morning Stepping Amigos or is it Amigas?:H Who the hell cares, right? made me laugh so hard when you said you were surprised the PD didn't call your mom's ob/gyn and ask how you were when you were a fetus.:H That day, I needed a good, deep belly know the kind where your sides hurt. Thank you for giving me one.

        After that, I thought, Hmmm....what WOULD be the answer to the probing fetus question? Answer: "Well, as a fetus, she was curled up in a ball a lot, called the fetal position, and she sucked her thumb a lot. Also, when she was hungry, she would kick her mother in the stomach. Other than that, she was ok." (Insert picture of the cop here, writing on a little notepad..."thumb sucking....sign of immaturity. Kicked mother: anger issues. Need to investigate further.":H

        I hope all the Steppers step out for some fresh air today. We are supposed to see the sun here in Wisconsin.


          One Step at a Time - April 2014

          I'm fine, dear peeps.

          Had a shift with my really ill client. Irresponsible son had taken her to a dr.'s appt. before I arrived...and he left with her cane in his car. She really needs it, so I called him and he swore he'd run it over before his soccer game. Nada.

          Dear client was pretty needy and I was "on" the entire shift with her. Reading, rubbing her back, neck, talking. She says she is so "ready to go" right now. She's not enjoying life. When the overnight relief arrived, I walked her through a lot of stuff, as it's her first time being there.

          To top things off, I'd sent a text to the office stating I won't work over eight hours per shift, and the recipient said she'd pass the info along to the schedulers...but, I got my schedule last night, and there I am...booked over my allotted times for the entire month of May. I don't get a break when I work with this client.

          Just sent emails to the schedulers to clarify. What are they thinking?


            One Step at a Time - April 2014

            Rusty;1653297 wrote: Good Morning Stepping Amigos or is it Amigas?:H Who the hell cares, right?

   made me laugh so hard when you said you were surprised the PD didn't call your mom's ob/gyn and ask how you were when you were a fetus.:H That day, I needed a good, deep belly know the kind where your sides hurt. Thank you for giving me one.

            After that, I thought, Hmmm....what WOULD be the answer to the probing fetus question? Answer: "Well, as a fetus, she was curled up in a ball a lot, called the fetal position, and she sucked her thumb a lot. Also, when she was hungry, she would kick her mother in the stomach. Other than that, she was ok." (Insert picture of the cop here, writing on a little notepad..."thumb sucking....sign of immaturity. Kicked mother: anger issues. Need to investigate further.":H

            I hope all the Steppers step out for some fresh air today. We are supposed to see the sun here in Wisconsin.
            That's so funny about K9's immaturity and anger issues! :H


              One Step at a Time - April 2014

              Dottie, for your sake, I hope dh feels better soon. :h

              Mama, yay for Friday! Zonkey sounds kind of weird. Hope Bri minds her p's and q's today...

              I hope all my steppers have a great day!


                One Step at a Time - April 2014

                Real men love Chi's ! Ha! Hope everyone is ok......been busy around the house lately.Take care. Tony
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  One Step at a Time - April 2014

                  Good Morning, Lovlies:

                  DH is in AZ now. The next few days with Matt...I really wish I were there with them (darn ankle!)
                  Mama, I don't think I've been called a spaz since ninth grade...
                  Dottie are you juicing your Ginger? I wish I could be over there, really...I HATE being sick. Such a waste of time! I'll send hugs and nagging pronto! :l

                  Haven't read back too much. Sorry. I gave Hubs my Ipad (I am mostly MWO on the Ipad) for the trip as the laptop is in the shop...

                  SO I am Solo with the girls for the next few days so checking in wil be spotty...
                  Nora, call me please...

                  Love all you guys so much. Made it through the week becasue of all of you. :applaud:

                  Happy Friday. Stay :lsafe!
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    One Step at a Time - April 2014

                    PS- Sorry Tony meant to give you a :l and smoochies for the 2 cute cannies...:h:h
                    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
           tool box
           newbie nest


                      One Step at a Time - April 2014

                      Dh is really sick. He almost passed out on me this morning. Dam thermometers are not working so not sure. If he passes out I will need to call squad because I cant pick him up. I am still sick now he is down....geez louise.....he is on the couch right now and i am watching him. I would call the doc but he would say to bring him in and I am not sure I could get him in the car.
                      And it is raining. Going to be a fun day....

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        One Step at a Time - April 2014

                        LOL Rusty! :H As you can probably tell, I've been up to no good since the second I was conceived! And it's all gone downhill from there. lol

                        Zenny - I am dying to see your 'do! I know all about getting the "trendy" hairdresser that decides what you "need". LOL When mine busted out the razor I was a little scared. Mine is finally growing and I won't go that short on the sides again. I felt like I was a Marine, high and tight.

                        I agree with Kradle, I didn't know people even still used the word "spaz"....OMG is she like totally like a valley girl, like for real, like OMG? lol

                        Mama scared me for a minute with her "zoo in Mexico" story...y'all know about the Donkey shows, right?

                        On that note....happy Friday! STILL waiting for my background check to be finished. Like OMG, it's been like 7 weeks! LOL
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          One Step at a Time - April 2014

                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            One Step at a Time - April 2014

                            Where is everyone???

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              One Step at a Time - April 2014

                              I'm here!

                              Dottie, maybe you should give dh some ibuprofen. Does he feel feverish to you? If you can't get him into the car, you may have to call an ambulance. Does he have the same thing you do?


                                One Step at a Time - April 2014

                                K9, I can't believe how long this is taking! You'll be retirement age by the time they make up their minds. :H

                                I wonder if enduring the background check is some sort of psychological test, to see if you can bear up under the rigors of dispatch work.

