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One Step at a Time - April 2014

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    One Step at a Time - April 2014

    Zen, by the time your friend breaks down and hires a professional, he'll have spent three times what it should have taken to remove those varmints! :H

    Good morning, steppers!

    Cold, rainy and generally gloomy here. Everybody in their winter coats, and it's nearly may!

    I hope you all have a good day.


      One Step at a Time - April 2014

      Good morning!

      I agree Fen! It seems to have turned into a false economy. Quite looking forward to seeing what today's update will be, I have to admit!

      I had a shitty night's sleep, been awake since the wee small hours... Harumph!

      Have a good Tuesday whatever youz are up to!


        One Step at a Time - April 2014

        Predicting storms today so I think we will stay close to home. Dh has a sore throat so no point going out and getting caught in the rain or something. It will keep.
        I have paperwork to complete and I have been putting it off and off and I cant figure out why..not like me at I must push myself to get busy.

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          One Step at a Time - April 2014

          Hi lovies....
          I went home and collapsed last night......I cannot remember being that tired in a long time
          I skimmed over all the ticks, bat and raccoon stories!!
          Once I was working in an office and SHRIEKED when the ac vent over my head moved and this adorable little raccoon face peeked out....after I changed my underwear, I called Critter Gitter and they came and removed a mama and some babies......
          Bri is not gone yet.....but my boss has made it clear she will be gone....just have to play my cards right and be patient...
          be Kind To A Stranger Today......the lady in front of me at McDonalds this morning bought my food and told me to be blessed..and THEN I got the sweetest PM from someone here about Pop......
 I need to do something nice to pay it forward....
          ok...back to work...I will text Niner.....she was having issues with her internet at work
          love you all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            One Step at a Time - April 2014

            WOW we were at JoAnn's fabric and I made a comment about not having a coupon and the lady next to me gave me a 50% off coupon...I thanked her profusely. Now I need to pay forward. Or maybe it was pay back for letting one of my renters take the desk and wardrobe I didn't want anyway. That was so nice....
            Made it to Costco and today was the day to go. Not very crowded and lots of samples...mmmmmm
            In for the day now. Dh is tired. Poor baby....

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              One Step at a Time - April 2014

              K9 is home sick and said to tell Dottie thanks for the cooties.... :-0
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                One Step at a Time - April 2014

                OOPS too much sharing....sorry K9...

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  One Step at a Time - April 2014

                  those darn octo-orgies are gonna keep us all sick!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    One Step at a Time - April 2014


                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      One Step at a Time - April 2014

                      mama bear;1655188 wrote: those darn octo-orgies are gonna keep us all sick!!
                      I'm not hooking up with any of you ladies until the germs are gone! :H

                      I have never heard of "Be kind to a stranger day". Now, I feel badly. I did give money to a homeless peep, though. I guess that counts.


                        One Step at a Time - April 2014

                        I had lunch with my best friend today (she happens to be an ex of mine). I told her of my dilemma at work. I discontinued my shifts with the really ill lady because my workplace wanted me to do an 8 1/2 hour shift....and I just can't do that. She is so ill and requires a lot of attention, and I don't get a break when I am with her.

                        My friend wondered what would happen if the shift were broken in half? I would gladly do 4.25 hours with this lady! Plus, I think my workplace would find that they would have more takers for her if they did so.

                        I texted work with the suggestion, and the social worker will try to make it happen, plus she thanked me.


                          One Step at a Time - April 2014

                          Mama, that's wild about the raccoons in the ceiling! Gosh, those critters are crafty. We have tons of them near my cabin and they get GINORMOUS!

                          Hang in there...I trust that Bri will be gone fairly soon.

                          Sorry K9 is having internet woes.

                          Dottie, I hope you and hubs are home relaxing now. Ginger tea is nice when you're sick. Do you have any fresh ginger root?


                            One Step at a Time - April 2014

                            Yes fen I have ginger root. I put some in my hot lemon water in the morning. I also throw a chunk in my some of my smoothies. Gives it a kick..
                            Looking dark here..thunderstorms on the way.

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              One Step at a Time - April 2014

                              I have been watching the news of the tornadoes and they are horrible.
                              Clays in school suspension for sticking his arse out the car window is tomorrow and they want $50 for a supervision fee!!! WTF? I thought it was funny but not anymore.
                              Fennel, I think shorter shifts are a great idea. Grant would come home exhausted after moving Pop around all day.
                              Eating leftovers and chilling. Bri was actually on her best behavior today. Yay!
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                One Step at a Time - April 2014

                                Oh Mama, I shouldn't laugh! $50 for mooning time-out? Isn't it funny that you can expose your private parts FOR money and on other occasions you get charged for doing it?!!

                                Fen and Dotts... I'm going to start back up with the warm lemon water in the mornings... I'm out of the habit. And I'll add ginger root. Does anyone use cumin root? It's a great anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory.

                                Hope they'll cut your shifts in half Fenny... you like her... )

                                I had a MISERABLE dinner with a friend and his new squeeze. Not even going to say what I think about her... If she'd have stopped wittering on for at least a second we may have been able to establish a rapport. She even pissed the waitress off.

