I thought I spotted a new word for you to look up Mama...it was back about 5 pages...but then I figured it out, it was "terlet"...I'm guessing that means the loo, potty, shrine, head, or whatever you wanna call it. LOL
So I have some potentially scary news. My aunt yesterday was diagnosed with cervical cancer. She is going to have surgery soon (not sure of the date yet). And my mom...she is getting a biopsy done on a lump in her breast, next Wednesday. My mom has 5 sisters and out of the 6 of them, they are all pretty healthy, but things may be on a downhill slide. BUT...lets hope not. I am not worried YET. I figure there's no need to panic quite yet. But keep your fingers crossed for me :h
Yes Pauly, there was a lot of gabbing going on here last night! I should have joined in, but I was addicted to that Pinetrest site...I couldn't break away. ha
Zenny - I will try to find you a new documentary to watch. Have you seen Blackfish? I can't bring myself to watch it. But I hear it's informative. I have some weird ones saved in my list. Off the top of my head I can remember "The sound of Insects" and "The Dancing Boys of Bangladesh". I'm a weirdo. LOL
Ok peeps, I guess I will pretend to work for a while. Hope y'all have a good day!