K9, I'm sending a prayer out for your mom. I'm so glad you were able to be with her. :h
Zen, I'm glad you're starting to perk up a bit.
Kradle, I agree...no electronics at the table. And yeah, you and hubs need to have a united front where the kids are concerned. I hope things work out.
Went to mom's today. She is quite frightened, naturally. She told me "I want to live!" The doctor threw a surgery called a "Bullectomy" out there...she no longer smokes, and has some large, overinflated air sacs known as "Bullae" in her lungs. If they could remove some of these, it could improve her lung function. She was worried that the surgeon would have to crack open her sternum, as was done when she had her double bypass surgery. I have just looked up the details and it does not involve that. Going to call her in a bit.