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One Step at a Time - April 2014

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    One Step at a Time - April 2014

    Did you have really heavy stuff on the shelves? I'm worried about mine now!

    I hear you on the "dragging it out" thing. Guilty as charged!

    What supplements do you take already Mama? If any.


      One Step at a Time - April 2014

      Gym was good. dh got over tired and didnt feel well. He had a stress test recently or I would be worried. I dont think he is over the crud yet. May make him stay home Friday. I had to drive us home. I am feeling better so maybe I am sweating out the last of my crud.
      Hope K9 gets over her crud that I shared with her...cyber germs...octo orgies...hope u are feeling better.
      Now on to the laundry...such a full life...paperwork still awaits...not sure why I am avoiding this but I have to get with it before the deadline passes...

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        One Step at a Time - April 2014

        I take Vitamins D , iron and B12.
        Take care of hubs Dots!
        Zenny - I hope Bill can "get" it....I had a seriously f'd up childhood and am reasonably well....
        emphasis on reasonably :-)
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          One Step at a Time - April 2014

          Ach Mama... I know how hard your childhood was hon... :l And I was dragged up not brought up... emotional and sexual abuse from the age of 7 years old till I left home at 16... and we don't go around throwing tantrums and acting all crazy weird. Or at least I don't... bwahahaaa! :H So fuck it... stick a fork in me, I'm done.

          If it hadn't been for my own effed up childhood, I doubt I would have put up with his crap this long. Us abused kids tend to stick together. But when one abused party is abusing the other abused party... err... not good grasshopper.

          OK, moving along. I remember about the anemia now and what you take. I would add a really good multi vitamin, Vitamin C, B-complex (helps with anemia plus lots of other things), a probiotic, fish oil (Omegas) and calcium/magnesium. Didn't I send you links for these ages ago woman?!!! :danthin:

          Dotts... I did nine miles on the dreadmill today. I watched Face Off with John Travolta and Nicholas Cage (swoooon to the latter) while I was at it.


            One Step at a Time - April 2014

            And it's the last day of the month. I'm going to text Nora to remind her to start May's thread.

            Talking of May... what does the abbreviation MAE mean? I saw it somewhere on MWO and have always wondered...


              One Step at a Time - April 2014

              p.s. Mama... how is Niner doing?

              And Kradle... where art thou?


                One Step at a Time - April 2014

                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  One Step at a Time - April 2014

                  Oh, Zen...:l You are right. I can't believe he's blaming his mom and dad at his age. Look, maybe he had a crappy childhood...but at some point, we are "in charge" of our lives. He needs to put on his big girl panties. Doesn't seem like he's about to do that, though. His drinking is really hampering any progress he might make in the growing up department. Freaky behavior drunk and sober? Time to cut your losses and run. :h

                  Also, thank you for enlightening us. I know it's not easy for private peeps. :h


                    One Step at a Time - April 2014

                    Morning,afternoon,evening Pauly!

                    Fen... you summed up what's going on in my noggin... that's exactly what I think. I feel sorry for him but repulsed at the same time. I don't "do" weak men very well I guess... Plus, I've run out of steam... fed up with it all now.

                    Anyway, Nora is on the case! She's been informed WHAT day of the month it is! :H


                      One Step at a Time - April 2014

                      Gosh, I can't believe it's been a month already...

                      Glad Nora is on the case! :H


                        One Step at a Time - April 2014

                        Hi, Pauly!


                          One Step at a Time - April 2014

                          Hey gang. Just walked in, put dinner in the oven and did some dishes.
                          I don't dare look at my collapsed closet. I cleaned last weekend and threw some stuff up on the top shelves and I guess that's what did it.
                          Yes, Zenny you did school me on vitamins. I'll check into the other stuff if I ever get two minutes to myself.
                          Hugs about Bill.
                          Didn't talk to K9 today. Glad you reached out to Nora. I have been worrying about Kradle too.
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            One Step at a Time - April 2014

                            paulywogg;1655731 wrote: Morning,Afternoon,Evening=MAE
                            Ahh fer the love! :H Sorry, I can be a bit dense at times!


                              One Step at a Time - April 2014

                              mama bear;1655742 wrote: I don't dare look at my collapsed closet. I cleaned last weekend and threw some stuff up on the top shelves and I guess that's what did it.
                              Should imagine the raw plugs gave out so you may need to drill new holes in different areas and attach the struts and shelves that way. And add more struts.

                              Totally sucks though... freaking mess! :egad:


                                One Step at a Time - April 2014

                                Mama, what on earth did you throw on those shelves? Gold ingots?

