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Army thread 2 April

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    Army thread 2 April

    Good Afternoon and Evening, Army Friends!

    I am working on-site with a client today and I'm taking a break to check in and see how Jackie was doing:l:h and Roxy, too.:l

    Roxy-I read your post saying that you had been AF for 13 days:goodjob: Do you know how long it took me to GET TO 13 Days???? Do you see how long I've been on this site? It took me YEARS to even TRY TO GET to 13 days. Good job for staying with us....this is a lovely thread....none of the hand-slapping, finger-shaking "for shame, for shame, for shame you drank" bullshit on here. :-)

    I am so sorry for the loss of your husband.:upset: Yup, I get why you're drinking...maybe the Angry and the Lonely in the H.A.L.T. triggers....Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. My experience is very similar to Molly's. I didn't lose my Mum but I lost my dad, and my brother, very suddenly, my best friend died of breast cancer, I broke up with my long-term beau of 5 years (talk about Anger for staying with him that waste !!!) , and my mom was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer and had to go through chemotherapy, all within a few years. I felt Lonely, Sad, and probably like Molly and you, ABANDONED. :-( When I wasn't dealing with all of that, I had a career where I had to work 70+hours per week and I was traveling all over the world. Honey, I tell you, I drank to numb myself because I didn't want to FEEL the grief. When I first wanted to address my drinking and told my therapist, she told me what Molls learned in treatment: I did not WORK THROUGH the about it, try to process it....I should have gone to a grief therapist 10 years ago, and never did. I thought booze is what helped me on the the work tasks I didn't want to do...see my 80 year old Mum with no hair because of chemo... (my mom IS my best friend)...try to help my devastated Mum deal with my brother's death and help his widow because he left her penniless. The reality of it was, that because alcohol is such a depressant....all it did was make me feel worse. Also, I didn't think other people noticed that I did things under the influence. Well, they did. Shit. I had no clue. A couple people here use Ann Landers' quote in their signature line: "People who drink alcohol to drown their sorrows should be told that sorrow knows how to swim."
    It sure the hell does. I am proof of that. AL has put 50 extra lbs. on this body. I think that's over 4 stone.
    Jackie is right...start writing things down. The paper will get wet but who cares. Address your grief with your husband. Come on here for support if you can't get it at home. That's what I did. My family wanted me to go to rehab and I refused to go. MWO was my support group.

    Like you, my drinking progressed. Mine progressed quickly. I was a very moderate and normal drinker until I was in my late 30s/early 40s. I didn't think it would ever happen to me. It did.

    Do what Dreamy said...whenever you get that urge to pick up that drink, do something else...plow through those feelings AF....somehow it makes you feel like a stronger and more confident.

    I'm here for you, darling. How well I know the despair you feel. PM me ANYTIME.


      Army thread 2 April

      P.S. Dogs are wonderful. I had one for a while. When I was drunk, he would look at me in disgust. But I knew the minute his tail wagged, he had forgiven me. Hug your dog.


        Army thread 2 April

        Thank you so much for all your replies. It means so much.

        Mood diary, yes, I started one. Massive gaps in it.

        I registered on this site on 2006, husband died 2007 and I stopped posting. Looked again every now and then and it wasn't a good place. It definitely is now.

        I certainly have abandonment issues, but can I use that as an excuse?

        Dog looks at me in a way that induces guilt, he's a walk a day dog. Entertain me dog. I'm bored dog. Come night time, I'm asleep dog.


          Army thread 2 April

          Rusty, you have gone through one hell of a lot, how are you doing now?


            Army thread 2 April

            Bless your heart, Rusty and have to say thank you for sharing.

            And you Roxxy, thank you for being so honest and opening up to us. And you don't need a special note book or anything.............I used to have bits of scarp paper all over tracking my moods................and yes my good old used envelopes were very handy.

            Molls, I did have a bit of a snooze..............will take another tablet before bed. Not going in to work tomorrow.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army thread 2 April

              Evening!! :waving:


                Army thread 2 April

                Roxy, wish I had magic words that would pooooof help you to stop - but I don't. Except that the only way I could do it was by not having that first drink of the day. :l:l

                I've had enough of today - sleep well all.
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Army thread 2 April

                  Nighty night, Dreamydooooooooo. :l

                  Granny update.............funeral on 11th April at 12 noon.

                  And my cousin is coming over from Boston and taking my Aunt back with her for a whole month........just how brilliant is that.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army thread 2 April

                    Why do they take so long in UK to bury someone ???


                      Army thread 2 April

                      Jazus we can't wait to dispatch them here .... gone before you have time to think .....good or bad?



                        Army thread 2 April

                        Roxy-Taking another break You're more important anyway...and JackieO, too.:l

                        Jackie-glad you got a wee nap and something to help at night.

                        Rox-oh, yes, all the abandonment was an excuse, but AL IS how I coped at the time. That's why journaling and doing ANYTHING productive or relaxing (drinking is NOT productive) is so helpful. I didn't KNOW what to do...other than exercise, and oddly enough, when I am extremely upset, I don't want to exercise, and I really should. But I didn't....I ate and I drank, mostly on the weekends, and not much during the week. I am a bit odd. I was someone who could take or leave AL during the week...could easily stop at 1 or 2 glasses of problem...or not drink at home. I was working 70 hrs. per week or more and there was NO time to drink. But when I was at home on the weekends, I thought, "who cares?" Someone else on another thread described it best for her habit, and mine..."I had an inconsistent OFF switch when it came to AL."

                        You and Molly both asked how I am doing....well, to be honest, let me give you my history. May 28, 2010, was my HF (hangover-free date)....and after that I managed days, weeks, and months AF (making it over a year AF), and then I drank on May 16, 2012. I had 3 glasses of wine...really I did....and I have not drunk since. Warning to lovable people who like to post AF anniversaries, PLEASE do NOT post mine. I think it's bad luck. . I'm doing well in my AF-ness. I do not get cravings, but every now and then I guess I get drinking "thoughts" but they pass. I liken them to my relationship with my old boyfriend. Thoughts about him pop into my head. He was good to me in a lot of ways, and fun to be with most of the time, but the more time I spent with him, the more I did not like being with him, and found out he and his children were NOT good for me. Hence, the break up with him. :-) I now have a very full and satisfying life. I am single, have no children, never been married, and have no pets, live alone, but I LOVE my life. I have a challenging career, a wonderful family, fabulous friends (in "real" life and on the internet:h ) and I volunteer my time to people in I feel like I give back. I've taken off 25 of the 50 lbs. I needed to lose...still a ways to go.

                        Here's what made that last quit stick: I drank out of sheer despair over flunking an exam that was a career-ending measurement stick. Something that last time just stuck with me...I guess it was the realization that I had accrued so much AF time before and I really liked my AF life...and I wanted to continue it forever. I love the fact that my mom and sister are never worried about what kind of shape I'll be in when I show up for a family event. I love that they know me as reliable, ANY time of day, to answer any need my mom has. It's worth it, Roxy. It really is. Never give up!:h


                          Army thread 2 April

                          Molls is your smiley avatart more manic than normal ?:egad:
                          Started to stare at it and the eyes were following me :H:H:H
                          I'm raving from knackeredness ........ from doing what I don't know .....


                            Army thread 2 April

                            satz123;1644348 wrote: Why do they take so long in UK to bury someone ???
                            It's a cremation............don't know if that makes any difference. It's been like this for a few years. For some reason the coroner has to sign off.............back in the day you got the death certificate signed by the doc and you were off.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army thread 2 April

                              Rusty;1644350 wrote:

                              Here's what made that last quit stick: I drank out of sheer despair over flunking an exam that was a career-ending measurement stick. Something that last time just stuck with me...I guess it was the realization that I had accrued so much AF time before and I really liked my AF life...and I wanted to continue it forever. I love the fact that my mom and sister are never worried about what kind of shape I'll be in when I show up for a family event. I love that they know me as reliable, ANY time of day, to answer any need my mom has. It's worth it, Roxy. It really is. Never give up!:h
                              That to me is just a PERFECT post Rusty :l
                              Says it all so simply !


                                Army thread 2 April

                                mollyka;1644357 wrote: Someone at work was telling me when her Aunt died in the UK that they had to wait for a minister or something to become available cos there aren't a lot of them --- dunno if that's true....
                                Right girlies --- going to bed --- and I'll see ye in the morning ---- after 94 million hours of ironing!!!
                                Night night xxxx
                                Nighters Molls-
                                Get that Joey fella to do his own ironing -no woman will take him on and you'll be left with him :H:H

