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From Oprah

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    From Oprah

    "Remember your are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice.
    Choose well."

    That spoke to me so wanted to share it with my mwo friends.

    From Oprah

    Very true
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      From Oprah

      Totaly agree in that all choices originally begin in the mind. That is what I am tackling!
      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        From Oprah

        Quack, Quack, you are right Queen of Ducks, we are what we think about all day long.


          From Oprah

          Prest, how about tackling your shoes and getting them to match?
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            From Oprah

            OMG, I am in trouble now...LOL


              From Oprah

              I lkie that quote - you are what you think about all day long. That's why lately I've been trying really hard not to think "Please let me keep my drinking under conrtol today", "Why do I have this problem?". Basically obssessing about trying not to drink. I'm still thinking about being an alcoholic all day long - and that's what I become! I've been trying to think about what I can do for other people, excersize, books, etc. It is really hard though. Anyone else w/ suggestions on how to redirect my stupid thinking process? Thanks!


                From Oprah

                Very very powerful. Really good. Thank you.


                  From Oprah

                  Hummp Humm :soapbox: Is this thing on?

                  Quacker, I agree we have some inputs into our path in life; but there are also elements which we have no control over whatsoever. A lot of the reason for the circumstances we find ourselves in is directly relatable to our childhood and social-economic or station in life. People raised in poverty or in abusive circumstances have completely different life traits than people raised in wealthy, purposeful circumstances. If the greatest daily endeavor is to find food, stay safe, and unmolested; then thought, action and choice would be related to that life. It would be a life not created by the individuals thought, action and choice; but by their circumstances. Could this be changed through thought, action, and choice? I believe it could, but the options are very limited. These lifestyles are created by society and few people are able to escape them.

                  Oprah of all people should know that. She is one of the fortunate few who were able to get past her childhood circumstances. Not through her thought, action, or choice; but because her grandmother and father cared enough to help her lift herself above her mothers egregious lifestyle.

                  I know I sounds like I am upset, but I am not. I just think people who find themselves in hopeless circumstances are many times told it is their fault when a lot of it is just the life they were dealt.

                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    From Oprah

                    I like that too ducky. Thanks!
                    Gabby :flower:


                      From Oprah

                      Personally I am not a fan of Oprah anymore, I used to be when she was a grounded real human being many years back. I adored her. There's nothing left to relate to anymore. She used to have issues like the rest of us but now she is way too removed from real life. No one needs a 50 million dollar house. People can say that is her business but I think that it is vile when people are starving to death and she tries to be an advocate for these people. Such hypocrisy.

                      I applaud her successes considering her background, she went through hell as a child. It is true that someone else could go through the very same thing and end up on the street, impoverished, in an abusive relationship or becoming an abuser themselves and continue the horrific cycle. I think mental illness can come into play a lot. Your mindset that has developed from your childhood could literally prevent you from trying to have a positive mindset when all you knew was misery. It's a hard question. Then you have people who have had all the advantages in life and take that to a new level by having huge egos and think that laws don't apply to them and rape, beat up their sig others, bully, break the law, etc.

                      I think you need at least one person in your life from childhood that is a great role model, teaches you right from wrong, gives you stability, etc., and even then we all still have to hope for the best because life throws many curveballs. Life seems harder these days than it used to. Both parents are working, kids aren't exercising or being monitored to eat well, they are getting fat and depressed, they are overscheduled with sports and too much homework, then they are given prozac, it's awful. Childhood doesn't seem as fun anymore. I just used to run out after I did with my homework and played with my friends until dinnertime.

                      Anyway enough with my ramble, I do agree it's all about being positive, but some people simply cannot do that. It seems at least to me that people used to be able to let thing roll off theirs backs a little better in another time. Everything seems so much more stressful now. I know 9/11 did a number on me and I don't think I've been quite the same since (I live in NY). Anyhoo I'm really done now!
                      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                        From Oprah

                        humm.....good point MD.
                        Gabby :flower:

