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Army Thread Saturday 5th April

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    Army Thread Saturday 5th April

    Good morning meeter-uppers and rest of Army.

    Hope you'll have a lovely time.

    We're getting ready to leave and head home :upset: Can't believe the week flew past like it has.

    Have a lekker day folksies.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Saturday 5th April

    Mornin' Tipps - safe journey home.:l
    Ms A's flight gets in early and they are collecting her - and heading to the Dublin race.
    So we won't hear from them for a long time today I'd say.


      Army Thread Saturday 5th April

      Good morning Tips and Satz and meeters and stay at homers!

      Anon-a-whizz, hope all goes well - show them what yo can do!

      Meeters, have an absolutely wonderful time - full reportage before, during and after, please!!!!!

      And the rest of us will just have to

      Have a lovely day, everybody - safe trip back home, Tips!
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Army Thread Saturday 5th April

        Hey Dreamy - luv the mugs!!
        It 's not a marathon today-just a 5k or 10k I think .... sure we'd do it before breakfast :H:H

        What did you do to lift the recent blue mood Dreamy ?
        All tips & tricks worth sharing -do you think ?


          Army Thread Saturday 5th April

          HELLO Army!!
          All you lucky dogs, meeting up in person! Can't wait to hear about it! I'll be there, with all the other far-away-ers, in Spirit!
          Anon, great luck with the race! I hope you win...
          Dreamy, glad you're feeling better-- agree with Satz, that if you have tips/new tools to share, it would be much appreciated. Thanks for the delicious coffee.
          Tipps!:upset: I'm crying with empathy. It's so unfair that the good times always fly by so quickly..glad to hear you had such a nice time.
          Mornin' Satz!!
          Thanks, Molls for starting my party thread yesterday..:h It absolutely has to be my last 30 day party. It was fun, but not that fun!!:H

          wishing you all a wonderful Saturday-- hope you have lovely weather in Dublin..


            Army Thread Saturday 5th April

            Morning all, stayer at home here too. Maybe another time. I need to do more me things I've decided, suppose I'd better move and sort the hound before it rains, have a great Saturday everyone.
            AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


              Army Thread Saturday 5th April

              Spidey and Elsie. You are not THAT far way!!
              T'is easy - make a decision now - book the days holidays in work- save your pennies for next year and just get on a plane......
              I will try to find out how to negotiate the airport by then :H

              Dreamy you are not getting off - you need to save extra pennies but look what you are saving not buying grog ???


                Army Thread Saturday 5th April

                hi Spidey!!

                Satz, do you meet up the same time each year? And for the whole weekend? I would love to come next year-- might have to stay a week, though, as I've never been to Dublin!!


                  Army Thread Saturday 5th April

                  lifechange;1645209 wrote: hi Spidey!!

                  Satz, do you meet up the same time each year? And for the whole weekend? I would love to come next year-- might have to stay a week, though, as I've never been to Dublin!!
                  Yer on !! Yep usually early April Elsie :welcome:
                  Oh feck - just got a call - my mam is not well and in bed -she never goes to bed - back in a bit


                    Army Thread Saturday 5th April

                    Holidays no problem if its after 31st March, used them all up for this year believe it or not with the Vegas trip in September and the wine money is now being saved so be careful, you've just invited me :H :H

                    Thank you!
                    AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                      Army Thread Saturday 5th April

                      How's your Mum doing, Satz??:l


                        Army Thread Saturday 5th April

                        Afternoon Army :wavin:

                        Safe journey home MrT- sorry that's the end of yer break- hope ye had a nice and relaxing time away.

                        Hey Dreamy, Sylv, Elsie and Satz :hiya:

                        Hope yer Mam aint too bad Satz:l

                        Just getting some brunch in me then off to shower and get ready to hit the road- The Brig wont know wots hit it


                          Army Thread Saturday 5th April

                          Good Morning, Army!

                          LC-a belated congratulations on 30 days AF!:goodjob: I love chatting with you here, and you sound so happy!

                          Jacks, Satz, and Molly....hope you're having a fun weekend together. Wish I could be with you.:h

                          Hi Spidey, Anon, Sweetie, Dreamy, Mr. T, NoSugar, et. al.:h

                          Off to work out's Lent and I have been eating like a pig. This will be called the Catholic guilt work out!:H

                          I'm at home most of the week so you guys will be hearing lots from me.

                          Hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday.


                            Army Thread Saturday 5th April

                            Oops...I think I forgot to say hello to Available, Hi Available!

                            Also, I have something to share today. I was out of town this week, working, and my Mum suffered a mini-stroke Thursday night. She didn't tell me until late yesterday afternoon, but I just can't tell you how good it felt to receive that news and not fall into a drunken stupor, and to be able to share her joy in finding out that there was no damage to her brain. The MRI showed she had no brain bleeding and she can go back to all her regular activities. When I found out that she had Stage 3 colon cancer in 2007, I drowned myself in scotch. So glad those days are over. Molly, I thought of you immediately when I got the call from my mum when I was at work yesterday.:l I really love you guys. I am glad you are here for me.:h


                              Army Thread Saturday 5th April

                              :waving: Army!

                              Satzy, everything ok with Granny S? Best wishes for yours, Rusty. My dad had a stroke a few yours ago - and drove himself to the GP. Tougher than old boots, and much more stubborn too.

                              Spidey, :yay: on the me time decision - now do something about it!

                              Satz, Elsie - this week's not-happiness was brought on mainly by work worries - not enough of it - the moment a new and unexpected project came in I was a happy girl again. And related to lack of work is not enough looking after myself: when there's little work coming in, I start pinching pennies on basic upkeep and small treats. What Satz said a day or three ago about doing something about the roots is so true! The trip to the big town, being spoiled and being in a different environment helped immensely. So, the take-home lessons: positive thinking: the tunnel does have a light in it somewhere, and positive doings, which needn't be big things. Sorry, no grand revelations, but hope this helps.

                              Roxy, could you please report to the barracks? There's a bowl of Minstrels with your name on it.
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

