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MWO Subscriber Challenge

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    MWO Subscriber Challenge

    Hello, MWOers

    I've just bitten the bullet and become a subscriber to this forum (see the little pencil by my name?). I'm not affiliated with MWO in any way other than as a member whose life has been changed by participating here.

    I would not have joined if a payment had been required initially - I had no confidence at all that an online support group could help me solve my problem and I certainly would not have paid to give it a whirl. Nor would I have been comfortable revealing my identity, despite the promises of security. I wasn't thrilled to do it today but I feel like it is time for me to step up to the plate.

    The messages from RJ make it clear that MWO is in financial trouble and frankly, I'm not surprised. Another stop-drinking site that I'm aware of is in a similar predicament. I've been watching what is going on there. The choice was made to have a mandatory subscription, to begin at the end of this month. You can imagine the reactions to that. What appeared to me to be a pretty supportive community, much like this one, became very worked up with many of the posts heart-breaking.

    They are looking into allowing newbies a week of free access before being required to join but their ability to do that is up in the air. The fears expressed by many of the members that some people will leave and many fewer people will join seem reasonable to me.

    RJ has made it clear that she is going to try to go the advertiser route rather than mandating subscriptions. I personally am very glad she is going to do this -- I don't think it is that difficult to either benefit from or ignore ads, depending on what they are for.

    However, this site, as well at the other one I've been talking about, both allow for donations. It turns out many people on that other site had never even noticed the donation button. I wasn't aware of the donation option here until I went in today to subscribe. On the other site, many of the upset members swore that they would have donated it they had known there was such a big problem and that the site was going to either close or become subscription-based.

    This reminds me of the dilemma faced by public radio and tv in the US. Many people enjoy and benefit from these services without contributing financially. They often don't know how much they value them until one by one they are removed due to funding. Like public media, web forums need money to operate.

    The subscription cost for MWO comes out to less than $10/month. I think it pretty much goes without saying (but I will ) that most of us spent much more than that on alcohol - probably in a couple of days. For those of us for whom MWO has been our only support for stopping drinking, we've saved thousands of dollars in treatment costs and likely avoided more in medical bills.

    MWO needs to be freely available for those people desperately searching the internet for a lifeline out of the abyss they are in and to those who truly cannot afford to pay. I hope that any of you who can afford it and who appreciate what you've gained here as much as I do, either donate or subscribe to MWO (and while you're at it, to your public radio station ).

    All the best, NS

    MWO Subscriber Challenge

    Hi NoSugar

    As always, you make a really good point. I admit I?ve been complacent and taken this site for granted but I?m happy to either subscribe or make a donation for the equivalent amount if it?s needed.

    Maybe I?m really dim, but the info about subscription is really hard to find! I ended up trying the FAQ?s and the link there doesn?t work. Can you please point me in the right direction?
    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


      MWO Subscriber Challenge

      Hi, Glass

      I struggled to find it, too! It is in that column of options that runs down the left-hand side of your screen:

      Control Panel
      Settings & Options
      Edit Signature
      Edit Email & Password
      Edit Profile
      Edit Options
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      List Subscriptions
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      Buddy / Ignore Lists
      Request Username

      You click on that, and then just kind of work your way through.

      Thanks for reading and considering this.

      :h NS


        MWO Subscriber Challenge

        NS, as always, you have articulated the facts so well. I was hesitant to join because I feared the charges would appear on my credit card statement as belonging to an ALKIE site. This is not the case at all, the charges appear as something that no one will connect with this site. I think it's CCI, Inc or something like that. If I had known that I would have subscribed sooner.
        Thanks for starting this thread! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          MWO Subscriber Challenge

          Thanks for bring this to everyone's attention. Roberta Jewell is a hero in my eyes, as she is saving my life and the lives of others. It's a small price to pay for all of that. I'm indebted to MWO and all of you who've helped me to begin to live a life that I, for a long time, knew was there, just didn't know how to get to it.
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            MWO Subscriber Challenge

            Thanks NS I looked everywhere for the subscription info...I think this place is worth the investment..I did indeed spend that much a week if not more....sad but true.
            I will go check it out!

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              MWO Subscriber Challenge

              OK I subscribed too..want to be sure to do what I can to keep this going...

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                MWO Subscriber Challenge

                i will definitely subscribed, thanks NS for your wisdom yet again. I do want to mention though that this $10 can get me a damn good massage but if i was drinking i would not have been bothered to have had that massage. I'm sitting in the dark having me time so when it is light i am in.
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  MWO Subscriber Challenge

                  Good info. Thank you. I will step up as well. It would be nice to hear from the owners -Roberta, etc. as to exactly what their goals-needs might be. They have provided a life line to me.


                    MWO Subscriber Challenge

                    Spirit she posted something yesterday about their plans on a thread. interesting reading.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      MWO Subscriber Challenge

                      What thread did she post on, Ava?
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        MWO Subscriber Challenge

                        She might mean this one:


                          MWO Subscriber Challenge

                          Your pencil isn't showing up, Jane . Maybe there was a glitch in your enrollment. Glad you are joining, though .

