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Army thread Sunday 6 April

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    Army thread Sunday 6 April

    Good morning Army!!!

    This troop's inerwebbynetthingy is driving her up the wall...

    Wind, wind and more wind here, as you can see from the mug! Not poking my nose out of the door unless it's of vital national importance, like ciggie replenishing.

    Satz, hope your mum is better soon. Rusty, how is yours doing?

    Roxy, what Sugarbabe said last night.

    Did somebody abduct the meeters-uppers? Selfish lot, all of them - think they can neglect us just because they're painting the town red.

    Talk later - internet permitting...
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

    Army thread Sunday 6 April

    Good morning Dreamy and all to come.

    Off to the airport in about 30 minutes, so need to get my arse in gear. Niece went home during the Uni break, arriving back this morning. Then the weekly shop, then hopefully as little as possible. Just want to chill out before work starts again tomorrow.

    Enjoy the rest of the meetup / have a lekker Sunday.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army thread Sunday 6 April

      morning all, good to see it sober, and hear the birds sing, and think clearly :l


        Army thread Sunday 6 April

        Can't beat it on a Sunday morning Scotty :goodjob:
        Go out now and feel sorry for the other poor unfortunates with mutton heads

        I'm evil but that is one of the things that keeps me going .... do not want to go back there !

        Oh and MORNIN' ARMY !!!


          Army thread Sunday 6 April

          X-POST MOLLEROONEY :wavin:


            Army thread Sunday 6 April

            Yup - ready for Grafton Street this avo Molls ........ hope it does it brighten up

            I had the pleasure of talking to Ms A last year as we walked Malahide Castle grounds and yes AMAZING woman.:l
            She is one of the inspirations for me here on MWO -along with you Molls & the lovely JC.:l


              Army thread Sunday 6 April

              Nice to see the Saltire flying over the barracks, Scot! and yes, grateful indeed!

              Molly, Satz and the rest of you - have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Sunday!
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Army thread Sunday 6 April

                Good Morning Army!!!!:sun:

                Love the mug today, Dreamy, and the coffee is as usual delicious! Don't blow away, dear!

                Tipps, what's on the menu tonight? Wish I could invite myself over for supper!

                Molls, Satz, wishing you a lovely day today! And promise that if Anon doesn't tell us everything, you will? Sometimes it's hard to tell everyone else about how great you are (for some of us, at least :H) and I know she's a very inspiring woman!

                hi Scottishman-- I don't think I know you as I'm very new to the army bunch-- You sound like you're starting a wonderful Sunday!

                Wishing you all a wonderful one--


                  Army thread Sunday 6 April

                  mollyka;1645513 wrote: Ah you likkle sweetheart you!!!! Excellent --- would about half 12 suit?

                  I sometimes do forget about the - not so much classic hangovers --- more the total lack of clarity when waking up --- and that wasn't only Sunday mornings ---- the muddled thinking and the complete lethargy -- and yup the pounding headache added in...... NOPE --- couldn't hack it --- How is your mum?
                  We can slag the mutton heads in Grafton Street - Sunday morning..... people doing the walk of shame home to their own houses....:H

                  Nanny Satz has bad chesty flu - but nothing to worry abut except to keep her amused 'till she can get up & out again and go up to help the 'old folk' by prepping veg for their dinner.
                  Always laugh at that one
                  Also works in a Charity shop during the week
                  Have to admire her .....:h


                    Army thread Sunday 6 April

                    lifechange;1645519 wrote: Good Morning Army!!!!:sun:

                    Love the mug today, Dreamy, and the coffee is as usual delicious! Don't blow away, dear!

                    Tipps, what's on the menu tonight? Wish I could invite myself over for supper!

                    Molls, Satz, wishing you a lovely day today! And promise that if Anon doesn't tell us everything, you will? Sometimes it's hard to tell everyone else about how great you are (for some of us, at least :H) and I know she's a very inspiring woman!

                    hi Scottishman-- I don't think I know you as I'm very new to the army bunch-- You sound like you're starting a wonderful Sunday!

                    Wishing you all a wonderful one--
                    Yes agreed - we need Ms A on here more with her inspiring stories ..... I'll have words :H


                      Army thread Sunday 6 April

                      Morning troops, glad a good day was had by all yesterday. Bit of a damp morning here, time to go and sort the hound out I guess ...

                      Enjoy Grafton Street - would love to join this little expedition next year!
                      AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                        Army thread Sunday 6 April

                        spiderwoman;1645526 wrote: Morning troops, glad a good day was had by all yesterday. Bit of a damp morning here, time to go and sort the hound out I guess ...

                        Enjoy Grafton Street - would love to join this little expedition next year!
                        We will hold you to that Spidey .... get them pennies in the jar
                        Just think a fiver a week x 52-that's errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr a lot


                          Army thread Sunday 6 April

                          And while I'm at it ....this is to the long timers at this sober malarkey ..... talking of money.
                          WHY am I not feckin' loaded ?????
                          Bottle of wine a day average ?8 for 9 months ? = ?2,300 I've saved :shocked:

                          WTF is it ???

                          'Course I shifted to gin & Tonic towards the end of my career 'cos it had less calories and worked out cheaper :nutso:


                            Army thread Sunday 6 April

                            Morning army, thought id pop in and say a big HELLO 2 everyone x
                            I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                            Audrey Hepburn


                              Army thread Sunday 6 April

                              Would just like to wish everyone a great day , especially the nice ladies meeting in Dublin. It looks like its brightening up for you.
                              I run through Dublin city centre every sunday morning, starting at 7.00 am.
                              Strange but it helps when I see the many people walking home drunk and knowing how bad their day will probably be. I DO feel for them but it helps and reminds me how great life can be without alcohol.
                              Off now to watch the boy play his match. Enjoy your day all.
                              Damo in Clondalkin
                              Still trying !!!
                              AF 25th June2014

