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Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

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    Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

    JackieClaire;1646865 wrote:

    Oh need a huge amount of good vibes for the son and heir he's going for a more senior management position today at 12 noon.

    Days like today I'm soooooooooooo fecking grateful I'm sober.

    mollyka;1646882 wrote:

    I do see you are sad Jackie --- so sorry:l

    Just to explain any absences --- I am finding this cigarette quitting really tricky -- it's much more than the absence of nicotine or whatever --- it's like someone has whipped my legs out from under me and I've no support --- they WERE my support throughout my booze quit

    I'm going to be ok --- half way through day 2 and very happy about that
    Ok -- off to work --- I'll talk laters hopefully xxx
    hugs JC. it must be hard.

    it is hard molly, its withdrawals atm, how are you doing?


      Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

      Evening lovelies and dahlinks,

      Another long nanna nap and very pleasant.

      Hang in there Molls, hun. :l
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

        Good Afternoon, Friends,

        Jackie:l how are you doing? When is the funeral?

        Satz-you cracked me up:
        I'm with Rusty on this one Molls - take all the help you can get - that's like demanding a natural birth when there is an epidural available MADNESS
        :H:H I agree with you, Satz.


          Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

          Hi all, hope you are well.....

          Molly, have you used Allen Carr method for packing in the cigs.
          Either his book or his seminar. Myself, my wife and sister in law all went to seminar about 10 yrs ago and we are all still off them. I found it amazing , although I really wanted to quit.
          Stick with it, one of my best decisions. Just unfortunate that I got addicted to the booze aswell, but all going well on that front.

          Hi JC, very sorry to read of your loss. Hope you are ok x

          Not great for posting but on here most days reading.
          Its a life saver, once I get on here to read the toolbox and posts , I always get inspired to keep going.

          Damo in Dublin x
          Still trying !!!
          AF 25th June2014


            Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

            Rusty :l and the delightful lovely to see you.

            Funeral's daft as it sounds now I've got my outfit sorted I'm started to feel a lot calmer. Don't want to let team Granny down I suppose.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

              Damo-great to see you here. I liked Allen Carr's book for quitting drinking, too.

              Jacks-choosing the right outfit for the funeral is was to my sister and me when my father passed away. Glad you got it sorted. Tomorrow will be a rough day so here's some extra:l:h in advance.

              Molly-if quitting cold turkey doesn't work, give Chantix a try. Everyone I talk to says it really does help. Damo is right in that you really have to WANT it to work....just like Antabuse and booze, I guess. My ex-cleaning lady tried Chantix after numerous cold turkey attempts failed. The only side effect she got was weird, and sexual dreams. Hmm...I wonder if you need to be a smoker to use Chantix.:H Just think...if you tell your husband about the, er, intriguing side effects of naughty dreams, he might pick up a script for you on the way home from work and deliver it in a big red bow.:H

              Ok, no more teasing. Back to work. Hope you're holding up ok, Molly.

              Rox-how are you today?

              Gorgeous day...think I need another walk outside.


                Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

                Common and Rare Side Effects for Chantix oral

                I'd rather the ecigs.

                I'm doing ok thanks rusty, bad day though.


                  Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

                  Rox-my ex-cleaning lady did not have any negative consequences other than the dreams. I know they have to publish all those POSSIBLE side effects, though.

                  Hope you feel better, Rox.:l Sucks to have bad/unwell days.:l


                    Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

                    Crikey that was a mad half hour or so.

                    Now the proud owner of a side board.............courtesy of Granny............and a phone call from MIL.

                    Ahh Roxxxxy, me lovely. Wish I could make it all better for you.:l

                    I was on the Chantix 12 weeks or so..................sent me further round the bend than I already am...:nutso:
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

                      Hugs to all who need them tonight :l:l:l:l

                      Sweet dreams, everybody. Sleep Fairy on duty at every bunk.
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

                        Good evening Army
                        First proper sit down of the day as I have been chasing around since early morning.

                        Hope everyone is OK and Molly is conquering the battle or is it the war? against the cigs:h

                        Will read back after a cup of tea. 9.30 here and not eaten since 12--STARVING


                          Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

                          Nighty night Dreamydoooooooooooooooo.:l

                          Say what !!!! Mrs A no food since'll be fading away.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

                            Evening all !


                              Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread Wednseday 9th April

                                Off to bed so :sulk:

