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Checking in

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    Checking in

    Hi everyone!

    I am starting to feel a little disconnected from this board. It is my own fault. I feel like I have been in control of my drinking, and have had no black outs and nothing that I cant remember. I guess I felt like I didn't need to read and post....anyone else out there ever feel like that?

    Well this time I want to be different. I don't want to just come here when I've "screwed up" or feel like an ass after drinking too much.

    So this morning, hangover free I wanted to say hello to everyone and just remind myself that this site is a god send and even though I feel in control, I don't think I ever really will be.

    Whatever, it's 6:45am and I am rambling...heehee.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend!


    Checking in

    I have been wondering where the heck ya were. Must be rough having to iron your own underwear....LOL. So glad to hear you are doing well.


      Checking in

      Hey, cutie glad to hear your doing well. coming here while managing your drinking is a very good thing. Use it as vehicle of encouragement for yourself. Check in often. I love hearing from ya.


        Checking in

        I'm glad you posted - I need some encouragement that this bloody problem CAN be handled/beaten. I screwed up over the weekend and feel really back to square one but am going to have another go because the alternative doesn't bear thinking about. Really happy for you that you are doing so well. Hope to be able to post something similar very soon.
        Bean x


          Checking in

          Hi Cke,

          I try and check in everyday even if I have had a slip. It gives me hope and cheers me up and when I do feel great I love to check in too as voicing how I feel really helps me.

          Try and be positive and believe you will be in control one day. Persevere and you may just suprise yourself!

          Bean don't be too hard on yourself after your weekend, we can only learn by our mistakes.

          Take care everyone,

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            Checking in

            Good on you CKE!
            I come here almost everyday to get support and maybe just to give a little back.
            We never know when it will be "us" on the taking end as there are some things in life that we can not control.
            Drinking is one thing we CAN control but we all need help getting to that place and staying there.

            :l Nancy
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              Checking in

              Hi CKE nice to see you back ....

              I check in here every day!!!! It's my new addiction .... I usually find something here to make me smile ....


                Checking in

                Keep smiling sunshine... you have every reason to!
                :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                  Checking in

                  I am glad you are doing well too. Don't be a stranger, like Ms. Boop, I can't stay away.

                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    Checking in


                    Thanks for all the responses! I love coming here, and especially talking on chat.

                    Bean, don't be so hard on yourself! It's never as bad as we make it out to be. It's ok to mess up, it's very humbling..but I think that one day the "mess-ups" wont be so terrible...and you can learn to forgive yourself...and hopefully get a good laugh here and there.

                    Like, for me, its ok to drink as long as I don't black out and make an ass out of myself. I know its retarded, but it is a heck of a lot more doable than not drinking at this time.

                    Am I making any sense? LOL



                      Checking in

                      I'm trying to make sure I come on every day too, regardless of how I'm doing or feeling, just to remind myself not to lose sight of my goals. I was doing a 30 day AF but decided to drink this weekend in moderation. I didn't feel too bad about it until I logged in this morning and see everyone else's commitment. I feel like I drank very responsibly w/out too much effort so I am happy about that. Still waiting on my CD's and supplements in the mail. One nice thing was that I barely thought about drinking Sunday evening, I guess the 21 days I did go AF helped me get used to being sober in the evenings.
                      I feel good every time I visit the boards just knowing there are so many people out there just like me!
                      "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"



                        Checking in

                        Hello cke.
                        I sometimes feel as if I have nothing to say, or I can't quite get the feeling into words when I come on here, but there's aways someone who needs a little word, or whose message strikes home.
                        I'd never been on any kind of message board before I came here, and I was very sceptical about 'meeting' these new, strange people, but I have come to love this place and I have nothing but the highest regard for the honesty and kindness that I have found here.:thanks:


                          Checking in

                          I'm like you Popeye, never been on a single message board or chat room in my life 'til here. Sometimes I think things, but don't post them - not necessary or particularly relevant. Sometimes, you just have to add or chime in. Waiting for the resonance, I guess. But, I always get something from the reading.
                          Mama T.
                          Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007

