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Hiya and a new thought

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    Hiya and a new thought

    Some time ago (3 weeks or so) I thought, OK, it's time to move on from MWO and just live my new life of moderation. Guess what? I miss all of you and your loving support. I'm doing fine drinking-wise. A glass of wine with dinner now and then - no drinking a six pack, a bottle or more for sport. Lots of dry dinner parties, get-togethers, etc. But, I miss the empathy, the general comaraderie of others who know the dark side (cue the strange music).
    I've lurked/stalked a few times to see what is going on -- but this is my first post in a while.
    When I've been asked, "How long are you going to do this no drinking thing?" I've explained that I'm just shooting for moderation for the rest of my life.
    So, I'm 15 lbs. lighter, in the best shape of my life from training to run, and genuinely guilt free -- easily the best thing in the whole world to lose!!!!
    Still, I think to keep this whole thing real and vital and in the front of my mind as a potential pitfall of my personality (I have always loved illiteration, especially p's), I need to have interaction with others of my persuasion. So, damn it all, I'm back!
    And, another song I love is "You Got It" which is sung by Bonnie Raitt in Boys on the Side. And, in the worst song category, let's add whatever that song that says "Wang Chung."
    You are all the best --
    Mama T.
    Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007

    Hiya and a new thought

    Hey mamatee.
    I'm glad you're Back.
    Your propensity for perpetual penmanship pleases my personage.


      Hiya and a new thought

      That was perfectly penned. Was it you who said about Simey's s-i-l that he seemed a bit nutters? That still cracks me up.
      Mama T.
      Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


        Hiya and a new thought

        Mamatee... give me some of what you've got. Keep it up sister!

        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


          Hiya and a new thought

          Hi Mamatee,

          Glad to see your back! Hearing success stories is such a vital component of this program. I hope to someday have a handle on my drinking. I'm working on a moderation plan right now. And if I an ablet o figure out how to successfully moderate, I hope I will be able to do it like you. But if and when I get a handle on this, I will always return here. MYO and all of the wonderful, honest people here have been my saving grace. I'm so happy that everything is going so very well for you. Congratualtions! Now...let's here about what's going on now in the life of an MYO graduate. Again tremedous kudos to you for taking contol of your life. Look forward to hearing from you again.



            Hiya and a new thought

            Ms.Tee, I was thinking about you the other day. (while I was cleaning house, don't know why) So glad your back! I missed you. Yep Popeye called him a nutter and he still is, just way to much to talk about. there. Let's Celebrate Good Times ' Come On!


              Hiya and a new thought

              Hi Mamatee,

              It is so encouraging to hear from someone who has some experience behind them with moderation. For us newbies, it's helpful to hear how you're doing it--CDs, Kudzo, supps, topa, none of the above? Congrats to you!
              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                Hiya and a new thought

                Hi Mamatee,
                Thanks for sharing your success with moderation, so now please spill the beans, what is the big secret for managing it?
                Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                  Hiya and a new thought

                  Hi Mamatee. Don't know how long you were on the boards before you cracked it but everything about your post smacked of 'in control'. It's really uplifting to read that it's possible. Thank you for coming back to share that.
                  Bean x


                    Hiya and a new thought

                    Hey Mamatee, Good to hear how great you are doing ! Good for you !! Keep it up. Like Momof3 I would like to know what techniques you used. I am just beginning. Thanks.

