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I was doing so good..

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    I was doing so good..

    Then last night I ended up drinking a bottle of red and two beer; now, I feel horrible. Horrible for drinking like that, and horrible because I'm hungover. Why do I do this to myself? Is it out lonliness? My husband works a lot and comes home late. This week he won't be home before 10pm every night.

    I feel like such a pathetic loser today. I was so proud of myself, and now I feel like I fell even harder because I was so happy with my progress. I took the supps and they did not kill the craving last night.. it was me wanting to drink I guess as well.

    Now I'm sitting here ashamed of myself and my hands are shaky. I'm not going anywhere today until I feel better.

    I was doing so good..

    Hi GG,
    This isn't easy. It's bloody hard.
    Just have a good rest and start again.
    We're all here for you.


      I was doing so good..

      Dear CG,

      Wait until tomorrow. You'll feel better. I, too, was doing well, until . . . one night more than three weeks ago when I "somehow" lost track of the fact that I hadn't eaten for awhile and had about four or five drinks at an inlaw's wedding. I approached a bridesmaid who looked a lot like my husband's cousin and gushed over how beautiful her wedding had been. I was horrified when I realized what I had done but there is nothing one can say in a situation like that that will do anything but make it worse. I'm sure I now have the reputation as the family drunk.:upset: Let's just say I've been quite "mindful" about what I've imbibed since that sorry occasion!

      Hang in there.

      :heart: E


        I was doing so good..

        Thanks Popeye.

        Do you ever wake up and think 'what's the point?'. Why even try when I just keep doing it over and over again. I don't want to think like that, but some days it's very disheartening.


          I was doing so good..

          eustacia;138169 wrote: Dear CG,

          Wait until tomorrow. You'll feel better. I, too, was doing well, until . . . one night more than three weeks ago when I "somehow" lost track of the fact that I hadn't eaten for awhile and had about four or five drinks at an inlaw's wedding. I approached a bridesmaid who looked a lot like my husband's cousin and gushed over how beautiful her wedding had been. I was horrified when I realized what I had done but there is nothing one can say in a situation like that that will do anything but make it worse. I'm sure I now have the reputation as the family drunk.:upset: Let's just say I've been quite "mindful" about what I've imbibed since that sorry occasion!

          Hang in there.

          :heart: E
          Thank you... I know I called my girlfriend yesterday and I remember slurring my words to her a couple times. Christ.


            I was doing so good..

            Oh GG, how I know what you are going through today!!!! When I had a major fall after being so good I was mightily depressed. BUT...... Not for too long. Have a quiet day and remember you WILL feel better later or tomorrow. Please don't be too hard on yourself, i mean it. Everyone has slips and you will learn from it. If you are bored and lonely tonight just log on here and we will help you to stay off the poison!!! My thoughts are with you my friend . Bella xxx


              I was doing so good..

              Thanks so much Bella. I am depressed now.. I think I will log on tonight.


                I was doing so good..

                hey GG know just how you feel it has been so hard for me lately i ran out of l glut and i think that made a difference got some now. but at the risk of being shot i miss alcohol soo much, i have to go back to work in 2 weeks and that is what is stopping me drinking i cant go to work with shakey hands and i want to go back to the job i love and know i am good at. the weather is picking up in england which means eating outside which means wine and i fell so damn grumpy that i cant have any. BUT you and i both know we are so much better without alcohol, so hey ho pick your self up and join grumpy old me we will laugh at this in a dew weeks i am sure .hugs.
                go give your baby a squeeze from me.xx


                  I was doing so good..

                  GG, I think we can all relate to how you feel. :hitme: It Sucks. But if I had not gone through what you are now going through I would not be where I am now. I hated feeling like you are feeling. I hated doing the stupid things I did while I was drunk. I hated the person I was when I was drunk. I could go on and on about the things I hated about being drunk. The point is if I hadn't gone through the painful embarrassing things I went through, I wouldn't have had the impetus to get sober. I would still be drunk.:toasted:

                  So, what you are going through is not necessarily a bad thing, you laid an egg. Look at it, learn from it, and move on. Nothing you do can change what has happened. You may want to apologize to someone sometimes, but the facts still remain. At some point you will finally say enough. I have had enough and I am going to do whatever is necessary to not do this again. That is a big step and not easy to make. The other option is to give up; and if we are really serious about not drinking we must accept the principal that we can "never give up". As long as we are working toward the goal, we have a good chance of reaching it. :wd: When we give up we have no hope.

                  With that said, you are still on track. Don?t lose site of he goal. You are another step closer to the prize, and we are proud to have you with us. Keep up the good work. Rememer, we are all a work in progress, and we are all "just getting started". Together we can do this.:hug:

                  God Bless

                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    I was doing so good..

                    Thank you all so much. I love you all.

                    I made myself go out. I got myself some sushi, treated my baby girl to a new outfit and just breathed in some fresh air. Tonight I am going to watch chick flicks as I have the TV to myself and just chill. I still feel like a pile of crap for drinking like I did.. I can't help beating myself up over this.


                      I was doing so good..

                      Oh GG...we CAN ALL relate and have had to start over SO many times. BUT, just keep doing it. Remind your how good you feel on those AF days and how much energy you give to yourself and your baby girl. You can do this and you want to do it because it is worth it. Get on here, we will keep you company. I bury myself in this site when the lonely times hit or the cravings. It saves me. I have to or I will drink myself silly. Much love to you!


                        I was doing so good..

                        GG since I started this in Jan I failed ( my choice of word for me; not you) 3 times; 2 times just gave in. Once was the superbowl and totally planned it A-Z. we try, but like in the course of life, do we think we are always going to go along and nothing go wrong? dosen't work that way. Think of it as a learning tool. Just like a bad experience. Have a beautiful day with that Darling girl and know we are only a mouse click away.
                        Smile You! I mean That!


                          I was doing so good..

                          GG - You stumbled and that's OK, by tomorrow it will start to fade and you will look to the moment at hand. Imagine how you would respond to someone else who might have posted your message? Would you make them feel guilty, ashamed ,etc., or would you try to lift them up? Reading your posts, I tend to think the latter. So don't treat yourself more harshly than others. Speak to yourself lovingly.


                            I was doing so good..

                            Hi GG,
                            I hope you're feeling a bit better now, it must be afternoon rest time for you and your little girl at the momment, make the most of it. Its only a little slither down the great hill you've already climbed. Continue to be proud of yourself.
                            Lots of Love
                            Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                              I was doing so good..

                              Have you seen Volver, great chick flick. Yeah Bottle of wine a few beers, I buddied up with that crowd on Saturday night after 60 days af..... its amazing how much guilt and bad feelings that can induce. Just move forward embrace the day. Look how far you have come. You are not alone. Don't beat yourself up. Love you Rudemama

