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I was doing so good..

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    I was doing so good..

    Big hugs from Downunder! Tomorrow will be a new day and you've made great progress so you have everything to feel proud about. As the others have said above... things like this can be a learning curve.

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


      I was doing so good..

      Hi GG, I have been beating myself up since Friday night. I made a complete ass out of myself in front of a bunch of my neighbors. I didn't leave the house until Monday night out of fear of seeing one of them. Of course I did at the grocery store while I was out. I sheepishly waved at her and she smiled back. All I could think of was what she was thinking about me. My mind went into a melt down. I thought about buying some wine, I didn't. I started to wonder why I was so worried about what she thought. I think for me alot of the drinking has to do with worrying what people think of me. I over drink more often while at a party, trying not to be nervous around others. I wonder if people who are not so concerned with how others think about them have less of a tendancy to be over drinkers. We sure are a sensitive bunch. Just wanted to let you know I feel your pain!....Buffy


        I was doing so good..

        Hey GG, hope you are feeling better by now. I am not doing AF (yet) just mods but feel your pain. It has sometimes felt hopeless to me as well. I think back on some of the stupid things I have done/said, and how the neighbors must regard me as the one who always has too much wine. Well I can't change that except over time, by not having too much wine, and it doesn't help anything to keep going over and over the facts. So try to remember that you are doing well (from your previous posts it would seem) and had a blip. You will be back on track soon.


          I was doing so good..

          Hey GG, we've all been there. Sometimes it feels like that movie, Groundhog Day, where Bill Murray keeps waking up every morning to the sound of "I've Got You Babe." There is this priceless look on his face that screams, I cannot f____ing believe that I am laying here again, listening to this stupid song! How many mornings I've awakened with that same look on my face, thinking, "I cannot f___ing believe I did that again"!

          Rest up, and start again! Get back on that horse.


            I was doing so good..

            Hi GG

            I did 9 days AF, fully intending to spend the whole month AF. Went to a social event over the weekend and gave in and had some alcohol. I probably felt deprived and drank non-stop. Came home and kept on.

            The depression for the next days was awful, awful awful! I am just starting to feel better today.

            I also feel disappointed about not managing better. But I think those who said to take it as a learning experience are right. What can we learn from these things? I am really thinking i might get to the unthinkable point, where I face the fact that mods won't work. at least it isn't working now.


              I was doing so good..


              Keep your head up gal. This is a process and it takes time. Don't beat yourself up as a failure... you are not. You are a strong women capable of anything! Take it easy today and enjoy the rest of your day. As they say you can't cry over spilt milk so learn from it and move on. Best wishes.


                I was doing so good..

                GG, I was in your shoes yesterday and spent half the day crying and thinking that I'll never get on top of this problem. Today after a good sleep and lots of water and some food...I am feeling better. Not top of the world as things keep going wrong at work but mentally much more able to cope. It's just the hangover making you feel like that. This IS conqerable. You ARE making great progress. It's NOT the end of the world. Give yourself a break and get back on that horse!! Thinking of you. Bean xx


                  I was doing so good..

                  Hi CG...sorry you feel so crap..its horrible to show yourself up with the family!!!I havent done it often but there was a memorable one years ago when i turned ugly after too much wine and caused an argument with a visiting sister in law..who doesnt drink at all.

                  I remember the shame of losing control and as i looked in the mirror before bed i could really see how unattractive the form of a female drunk is!!!

                  Last week i only had one wine and asked the waitress for salad dressing...she politely told me that i didnt have any salad to put it on!!(what i had was a bowl of vegetables)...that time it wasnt the booze but my eyesight is on the decline...

                  although i havent "arrived" in terms of my goals..i am well on the way to a better place hopefully.

                  hope the dark place you are at blows over..enjoy your evening..pamper yourself and take to the bed early with some light have given a lot on this site and your honesty has been amazingly helpful.

                  Good Luck tomorrow and dont beat yourself up!

                  Regards Cassy


                    I was doing so good..

                    where there is a will

                    THERE IS A WAY...don't give up - you'll feel a lot better tommorow!

