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Just venting i'm afraid ....

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    Just venting i'm afraid ....

    Anytime Betty


      Just venting i'm afraid ....

      Betty, you are the fluffiest and nicest senior member and this just goes to show it!

      Please be careful and take care of you and your daughter FIRST. Mum first, friend second.

      This man could go nuts if he thinks you are the one standing between him and what he wants.

      All my prayers for you and your Papa:l
      :h :h :h :h


        Just venting i'm afraid ....

        Well Betty Boop Hon, really you have no other choice but to also feel afraid of this man too... In the small city here there is even a safe place for women" Women in Crisis" centre... Can your friend go to a place like that ... You must think of yourself and your child Hon. Unfortunatelly your friend in the past enabled this "thug" and he will push to "get his own way"... Jail didn't help in the past.. He doesn't have anything in his sick mind at this time to lose.. Please don't be an innocent bystander. Be a friend by helping her go to a safe place that can legally, forcefully help her. Take Care, I'm Worried .

        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


          Just venting i'm afraid ....

          This is a ridiculous situation...women do this to men also...I have a good friend that is stalked repeatedly by his ex-girlfriend...literally the woman will not leave him alone...he has even lost his job because of her because she calls non-stop, shows up acting crazy, etc.. It is terrible. The man has cried she drives him so nuts!


            Just venting i'm afraid ....

            This is a ridiculous situation...women do this to men also...I have a good friend that is stalked repeatedly by his ex-girlfriend...literally the woman will not leave him alone...he has even lost his job because of her because she calls non-stop, shows up acting crazy, etc.. It is terrible. The man has cried she drives him so nuts! I pray for your safety BB...and hers...he needs help and she deserves happiness!


              Just venting i'm afraid ....

              Oh sweetie!

              May guardian angels surround you & your family during this time of commotion. Stay safe & prayers for your father.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Just venting i'm afraid ....

                God Betty,
                hope your dad is ok, and i think i would be telling your girlfriend to move with the new boyfriend way way away


                  Just venting i'm afraid ....

                  Betty, sweet soul . . .:l

                  First of all, I wish your dad a speedy recovery. I know how scary what you're going through with his heart can be. My dad just had major heart surgery.

                  Secondly, I agree with others that this guy sounds like a loose, unpredictable cannon. You friend needs to find respite in a women's shelter where they are equipped to protect her and her children. Would the police help her get to one safely?

                  Finally, given the fact that this guy could be seriously nuts, do you think that he could break into your home and harm you and your children? Sorry to add another worry but maybe you and your family should find shelter with a friend or relative until this situation calms down.

                  Hang in there, sweetie!:h

                  P.S. My best wishes to your uncle. I've seen people who have had even the most severe strokes come around beautifully. May your uncle be like them. Your family really has its hands full!

                  :heart: E


                    Just venting i'm afraid ....

                    I must apologize Betty, my first and formost concern was for your safety and I neglected the fact that your Father as well as your Uncle need prayers sent up to them. I hope that all goes well for them and all the wonderful doctors will see to it that they carry on with a wonderful life... Thinking of you and hoping that all is well with so much on the go with you... Hugs to You, ~Niblet~

                    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                      Just venting i'm afraid ....

                      Sorry for being off the ball and about a day later than everyone else in replying ... You are UK based Betty aren't you? Can I recommend Women's Aid? They have safe houses and also workers who specialise in these sorts of situations. In my profession I've had to seek their help on many occasions and certainly in my area they are excellent. You are very kind for taking them in but it doesn't sound as though it is a situation that will be resolved in a few days / weeks.

                      Hope your dad and uncle are improving and you are mange to look after yourself in the middle of all of this.

                      Nicole xxxx


                        Just venting i'm afraid ....

                        Hi all, many many thanks for your concern ......

                        My friend has been texting all day about how bad life is and hasn't once asked about my dad, so is she really a friend????

                        Anyway, I'll start by saying my dad is OK .....

                        However, when he went down for surgery, he wasn't sure what was going to happen .... He was possibly having a stent, but as he is paying for private care he agreed that as his artery was so badly blocked the stent may not be possible so he was prepped for a bypass so we didn't know what was going to happen ....

                        He was down for 3 hours so we suspected the bypass, but the artery was so badly blocked that the surgeon tried for 2 hours to get the stent through, but couldn't but unfortunately his blood pressure wouldn't allow the bypass ..... so all in all he had the procedure for nothing ....

                        But at least he is OK, we should bring him home tomorrow ....

                        Love & Hugs, Betty xxx


                          Just venting i'm afraid ....

                          Hi Betty,
                          I'm glad things went well for your dad. Hopefully you'll be able to relax a little tonight.


                            Just venting i'm afraid ....

                            Just popped in quickly to catch up - glad to hear you're Dad's OK and coming home tomorrow - but not being able to do what they wanted, does that mean they'll have to work out something else for him now? Hang in there Betty - You ask a good question in your last post and only one that you can answer - given the situation I'm sure you'd get a number of opinions from here, however! You are an amazing woman - I look forward to us all getting a better night's sleep knowing this guy is no longer a possible threat to you and your family!

                            Take care :l
                            :rays: Arial

                            Last first day - 15th April 2012
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                            Days 15-21 DONE
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                              Just venting i'm afraid ....

                              Arial, thanks so very much ............

                              My friends here are worth far much more than my friends at home ...

                              Love and hugs to each and everyone of you ................

                              Betty xxx


                                Just venting i'm afraid ....

                                All my love Betty. I wish your dad a speedy recovery, You can only do so much for a friend when she has a threatening ex-partner in tow-that`s what Women`s Aid is there for. She should not have exposed you and your child to danger. Don`t feel in any way guilty-I have been there-am in Scotland, and now have a lovely and safe new home, thanks to Women`s Aid.

                                Starlight Impress

