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Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

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    Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

    YouKayBee;1651959 wrote: How are you this morning, got the impression you might have been having a struggle yesterday.
    Not a booze struggle - but a sugar struggle -
    Told NoSugar I'd post this from my gym guy -popped into my in-box this morning :


    There really is only one way to release the sugar demons.

    Stop taking it.

    For a good while anyway.

    You see the thing is - after all the Easter chocolate
    bunny there is the inevitable cravings that just
    wont 'jog on'.

    They are there to stay if you tease them with the
    'just one more mentality'.

    And don't think for one minute I am holier than thou
    when it comes to this.

    I have a sweet tooth like the best of them.

    But at the end of the day it does more harm than

    The quick fix comes and goes.

    High blood fats.

    Mood swings.

    Blood sugar problems.

    Fat around the midriff.

    Well they stay around a little longer.

    There are four ways to shift the cravings.

    1) Realise what it is doing to you in the first place.

    If you see the pain in what you are doing then you
    will be much less likely to carry it on.

    2) Change your environment.

    Unfortunately sugar is addictive as cocaine.

    Don't believe me?

    Check out the research. Pretty compelling.

    The thing is that you can't head down to centra
    and get a bag of cocaine.

    On the other hand....

    You catch my point? It is pretty easily accessible.

    Get it out of the home. If it is there you will eat it.

    Or control yourself. Whatever is easier.

    3) Cold turkey it.

    I have found 10 days of not eating any sugar and
    the cravings disappear.

    My wife gave me a lovely Green and Blacks egg
    there the other day and I came in yesterday to find
    Paula had dropped us all in eggs (thank you )

    It will be eaten but I can TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT.

    I am not clambering over my sons to get to it.

    4) Distraction

    Exercise, take Omega 3 Fish Oil and you suddenly
    get the mood cure right there instead of the sugary

    It works.

    Have a great day folks



      Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

      Nice message from your trainer, Satz. It is interesting - if I choose to eat something sweet now, I am fine with just a couple bites (and it usually tastes too sweet). It doesn't set up the drive for more. So, after you break the cycle, I think it is possible to have a bit of something on a special occasion - just not a ton and not regularly. That was my original goal for alcohol, also, but I'm no longer willing to or even interested in running that experiment!

      I hope you are feeling much better today :l.


        Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

        Hi again Satz

        I have problems with sugar too, and I think we might have some similar feelings/experiences with this.

        Would it be ok to pm you, I'd like to see if you have some of the same.
        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

        AF date 22/07/13


          Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

          NoSugar;1651992 wrote: . So, after you break the cycle, I think it is possible to have a bit of something on a special occasion - just not a ton and not regularly. That was my original goal for alcohol, also, but I'm no longer willing to or even interested in running that experiment!
          Was my goal too NS and if I'm very honest here I have kinda 'drifted' into 10 months AF - without a firm plan of NEVER EVER

          What made you decide , (or have you) , NEVER EVER AGAIN ??


            Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

            satz123;1652014 wrote: Was my goal too NS and if I'm very honest here I have kinda 'drifted' into 10 months AF - without a firm plan of NEVER EVER
            What made you decide , (or have you) , NEVER EVER AGAIN ??
            You know, Satz, one day when I was posting what I hoped was an encouraging, rational, data-driven, logical argument for not drinking, it suddenly washed over me that I truly believed what I was writing - I wasn't just listing facts.

            This is how I approach most things -- but alcohol was different, as almost everyone on MWO knows. I think after over a month of abstinence, I had gotten to the point that my logical, rational brain could operate normally and not be hijacked by the addicted part of my brain each afternoon. The 'real" me was once again in charge full-time.

            So, I realized after about a month or so that I was done for good. That was a huge relief and took all the pressure about if/when off. So, then I was able to concentrate on doing what it took to reach the now-established goal. And that's what I've been doing ever since.

            Now that I'm operating "normally", I can't imagine choosing to drink. There is no way I would willingly take a medication with the common effects of ethanol if I could possibly avoid it unless I needed it to save my life. I now find it hard to believe that I chose to take a drug every day that limited my ability to drive (or operate heavy machinery:H), impaired coordination, reduced initiative, reduced the ability to concentrate, was toxic to my liver and other organs, was a known carcinogen, and made me feel sick to boot.

            Such is the power of addiction and I respect that power so it is no longer an option for me and I don't have any regrets about that. It's a shame the effects of alcohol other than the buzz don't have to be listed on the bottles, as they do for medications. Maybe people would read those and make a different choice.


              Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

              pizza, for anyone whos interested (who would be? im not).

              hows doreen?

              ive realised im just not that analytical, i tie myself in knots. now, i tell you, thats a revelation because im certainly not the artistic type either. begs the question, what am i? so i know how to deal with this with my strongest bent.

              maybe one for the loamers thread.......


                Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

                You know we love it when you join in there, Roxy. :l


                  Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

                  dont know about that NS

                  ETA; will copy paste, sans the doreen comment. and the pizza comment.


                    Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

                    mollyka;1652072 wrote: it's been quite a bit of work to make my life fun and contented since --- but MY GOD --- was it worth that work --- it's just so REAL ---- good things and bad things --
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

                      Hello everyone, tonight I am battling against the chocolate voice again.

                      Any update on Doreen?
                      I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                      Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                      AF date 22/07/13


                        Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

                        Hi, Army. I have to stop in every now and then just to be called SugarBabe - sounds so sexy :H!

                        I always wake up to so many pages here!! I figure by the time I chime in, that conversation is So Over. There are a couple hours of the day, though, when we're around at the same time .

                        Chocolate voice is a wimp compared to Al voice, UKB - it is just a little harder to be firm since CV doesn't have such acute drastic consequences. Its effects are more of a chronic nature so it's hard to get too fired up. I wasn't glad to be prediabetic but it was very helpful to have a simple measure of effects. Blood glucose after a chocolate bunny was not a pretty sight!

                        Have a good evening, Army! xx - SUGARBABE


                          Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

                          She's Jackie's fish.
                          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                          AF date 22/07/13


                            Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

                            Apart from the fact that today was not Day 1, I'm as happy as can be, Molly. Can you resend that PM? Doreen is a fish not called Wanda.

                            If it's a choice between giving in to the choc voice or the Al voice, U, I know which one will be listened to . I gave up sugar cold turkey - it messed around with my blood sugar levels and made me feel really really bad - and these days most things with sugar in them taste too sweet. AS Sugarbabe said earlier, these days I can take sugar/sweets or leave it, and generally leave it. Try to avoid it as much as possible for a while - you really do lose the taste for it. What about a savoury meal to fill you up? Molly, I had "direct disastrous consequences" (love the phrase!) after sugar, and that made giving it up truly easy.
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

                              mollyka;1652091 wrote: FFS -- still haven't read back --- played a game instead --- WHOTF is Doreen?? Deffo going back.............................................. .....
                              Doreen is dead ( or was) - bit of respect there Molls :H


                                Army Thread Tuesday 22nd April

                                I think my problem is I give it up, then bring it back in, then cut it out and I'm all over the place - I get almost a sugar drop and feel ill, want it to make the ill-weak feeling to go away.

                                I have plenty of savoury stuff, just had some rice, chicken and salad but still want chocolate.
                                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                                AF date 22/07/13

