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It's No Secret

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    It's No Secret

    A couple folks asked me how I've managed to get the drinking in control and what has worked -- so here it is. I respond very well to kudzu which allows me to establish new habits, I've used topa but am not currently taking it, I think these boards make abs/mods a daily goal that is somehow alot more tangible than just a nagging thought or vague goal that I ought to cut back or quit or do something different. I haven't used the tapes (that's my ace in the hole if I ever need it). I read the book and reread parts every now and then.
    So, no magic bullet -- I think I am the perfect candidate for this program. I certainly had a drinking problem, but I was more to the middle of the progression than to the point I had serious health or relational issues and fortunately had not yet caused any damage to myself or others.
    I did abs for about 70 days and then, with much trepidation, began to moderate. I have to say that I was not sure I could do it. But, it's been good. I can have a glass or two of wine when we're out to dinner or for a special occasion. But, I don't come home and start pouring when I start making dinner and fall asleep with an empty glass on the nightstand and wake up wondering what I said or did, what I read or wrote. I don't feel crappy each day and eat a ton of food trying to feel better and using the hangover as an excuse to not exercise or get work done, etc. I don't have guilt each day about abusing myself and cheating my family out of a mom who isn't a drunk. There is no greater feeling than the absence of guilt -- I think I get high on it!
    I don't think I have all the answers, but for right now, it's working and I believe I can do this for a long, long time.
    Thanks for all the kind words -- I really did miss all of you.
    Mama T.
    Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007

    It's No Secret

    Thanks Mama, That is so inspiring you sound so great!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      It's No Secret

      Thanks for sharing your inspirational post! I agree that the absence of guilt is one of the greatest motivators ever. Congrats on your success. May it continue FOREVER!



        It's No Secret

        Hi Mama, I loved reading that post, and I'm so glad this program has been so successful for you. We miss you.:h
        Enlightened by MWO


          It's No Secret

          Continued success!! You sound like you are in a great place.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            It's No Secret

            Mama, fantastic job with your moderating.

            You really hit the nail on the head when you said, "there is no greater feeling than the absense of guilt". I couldn't agree more!

            I find working this program and after 4 months of being AF, I, too can moderate successfully. The feelings of guilt that I was carrying for years have left. I no longer have those urges of burying myself in a bottle only to wake up regretful, shamed and feeling guilty. I can have a couple of glasses of wine on occasion and shutter-down no problem. I have no desire to get inebriated. Which is a miracle for me. Letting go - letting go of the guilt and shame is a huge part the battle. The addiction will always be there but your whole thought process will change once you begin healing and forgiving yourself.

            Your post will really help others. Great post and I am glad you shared it with us!


              It's No Secret

              With this message you inspire me and fuel my hope mamatee.
              Thank you so much.


                It's No Secret

                Congratulations Mama, sounds as if you have it all together now... I know I will never drink again and as for trying to moderate, just the thought of it fills me with fear in case I end up back where I was before I found this place, so I take my hat off to you in sheer admiration, well done..

                Love, Louise xx
                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life


                  It's No Secret

                  Hi mama
                  Iam new to this so reading this has made me feel excited, and believe there is hope for me yet . I really can not wait to get started as bear said to me i dont have the tools yet but iam trying to go cold turkey till they arrive. can not wait to feel like you do.

