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Steady's wagon at one year

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    Steady's wagon at one year

    MAE Everyone,

    This coming Monday I?m marking one year on the ?wonder wagon.? And what a ride it?s been.

    There is no one thing or strategy that has nailed this quit for me, but I had got to a stage where I was jeopardizing everything I had ? my mental and physical health, relationships with friends and family, my job, my future. No area of my life was untouched by my drinking. I was nearing fifty years of age, and feared my best years were well behind me.

    ? Fear is a great motivator: I was scared. Scared of the thoughts circling in my head, day in and day out. Scared that drinking had long ceased to be for ?enjoyment? or social reasons, but rather to soothe the beast that was screaming inside my head. Scared that I had taken to drinking at lunchtimes and even at my desk at work (!) as I was no longer capable of holding out until after work. Scared of the cover ups or outright lies if someone questioned my drinking. Scared that my body was no longer able to process the alcohol, and my stomach was never normal any more. (I took anti-diarrhea pills on a daily basis.) And my head was worse than my gut; it truly felt like I was going mad. I was scared that I would lose my job. Scared my friends would grow tired of my inability to keep to arrangements and just give up on me. Scared that my life had narrowed to such a degree that getting into work (feeling like crap) and drinking were all I ?accomplished? in my days. All other pastimes had ground to a halt. Something had to change.

    ? Finding a like-minded community (MWO) was a revelation. I had truly believed that my experience of al addiction was just that: my experience. Before reading and posting on MWO I had no idea that others went through the same kind of thinking, the same feelings, the same day-to-day struggles and scenarios I was dealing with. I felt understood, and hopeful! Every poster on MWO is helping others; and the compassion and support, coupled with practical tips and advice is fantastic. I have many helpful and inspiring quotes from MWO saved in my mobile phone and read through them often. For various reasons I?ve not posted nearly as often as many others, but I?m eternally grateful to the generous souls who post here, and sincerely hope an odd post of mine has reached someone else.

    ? Telling trusted friends, relatives and/or professionals can elicit support you might not have expected. At first it was only my doctor, my kid brother, and a couple of close friends who knew the extent of my problem. The friends I told first were the ones I suspected would understand the best, and are social drinkers only, i.e. not ?drinking buddies?. (Telling drinking buddies came later, when I was more comfortable with my quit.) As time has passed I have revealed my non-drinking-for-life status to more and more people, which helps keep me honest. Maybe I?ve been lucky in not really encountering much negative response to my quit, but anyone who?s hinted that I?m ?missing out? gets put in their place very quickly; a benefit of my increased confidence since quitting!

    ? Keeping the benefits of not drinking at the forefront of my mind at all times became easier and easier, and helped me stay quit. My health began to improve after a couple of weeks, and has continued to do so. Body and mind are so much better now. I can commit to things without fear of letting anyone down. I am fully present in my relationships and enjoy them a lot more. I am no longer risking losing my job. I have saved AU$4,000 in just one year!! My life has opened up again, and I can take on new interests and, most importantly, take care of my elderly parents in their time of need. The benefits of not drinking really are exponential.

    ? Making a list of favourite activities, foods, non-al drinks, etc. was fun, and I slot things from the list into my days as often as I can. This can be particularly helpful in the early days of quitting. Be gentle with yourself and treat yourself to nourishing foods and whatever else makes you happy. For me, bubble baths and pampering were nice, along with movies and, when my concentration improved, good books.

    ? I don?t ever take my quit for granted. Even after one year, there are still days when I contemplate drinking. Usually it?s because I?m under stress with my folks, or my partner, or at my work-place, or because it?s a ?special? day when it seems like everyone on the planet is drinking. But I know that drinking would only make any problem so much worse. And even on special days, not everyone is drinking, and there are plenty of ways to celebrate and have fun without it.

    So many people I?ve only talked to when under al?s influence, so many places I?ve only visited with al in my system. Now I intend to revisit some of those places with a clear head (the seaside town of Robe in South Australia comes to mind as an example.) And I want to meet people and have real conversations, not slip and slur and not remember.

    I could probably go on and on, and I?m worried I?ve left something fundamental out, but this has already been a very long post! Thankyou to everyone I?ve met on MWO, an amazing group of individuals with the same goal in mind. As I?ve said before, I haven?t been a frequent poster. I work on a computer all day and find it hard to log on at the end of the day. I?ve also been very distracted the past five months with my parents? rapidly deteriorating health, and it requires a lot of my psychic energy. This doesn?t mean that I don?t have MWO and its people in mind. I truly think of many posters often, and I wish you all the very best in your quit. It is so worth it.

    love, Steady
    AF free since April 29, 2013

    Steady's wagon at one year

    Steady, what an eloquent post! Please put it in the Toolbox - I'm sure that so many people who are discouraged when in the grip of the bottle will benefit from it.

    Proper congrats and party on Monday!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Steady's wagon at one year

      Steady what a wonderful post and so very very true. I love it when you pop into MWO and hope you continue to do so, for some reason there doesnt appear to be many alcoholics in Aus that come to MWO or we are a bunch of responsible drinkers here. We know the answer to that comment.

      You have worded everything so eloquently and truthfully and now i have given up drinking also i can totally relate to your post. Each and everyday sober is a joy in life to behold.

      Happy one year for Monday and I am sure there will be so much to celebrate sober.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Steady's wagon at one year

        one for the toolbox.


          Steady's wagon at one year

          I have been thinking about you Steady. My quit buddy. I am so glad that we are both still here and af.
          What a wonderful post.
          Congratulations. :wave:
          You are a very special person to me and I hope you keep checking in.
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Steady's wagon at one year

            Great post Steady and congratulations on your one year!
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              Steady's wagon at one year

              Congratulations on your upcoming year! I don't know about you, but prior to my one year anniversary, I hadn't had many things to be proud of....when I hit that year mark, I really KNEW I had accomplished something. For once, I was proud of ME. I get that same sense in your note. You SHOULD be proud. This is a big one! Please accept this award a couple days early from the Newbie's Nest Roll Callers:

              You have arrived! Stay vigilant and grateful....that's all it takes. Well done!
              (I hope you will put this in the Tool Box as the others have suggested!!) It's beautiful to see written out what so many others feel!! (myself included). xo Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Steady's wagon at one year

                Thank you for sharing. Congratulations on your one year AF!


                  Steady's wagon at one year

                  Your hope that an "odd" post of yours might reach someone, just did - me!! Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to share your story...It has made a big impact on me today... Congratulations!
                  God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                    Steady's wagon at one year

                    MAE, MyWayOuters!

                    Am glad i got in a few days early with my One Year post - will be at work Monday so it'll be harder to get on this site.

                    DTD, thanks for your support and for all those great mugs of coffee, the pictures are lovely and always cheer me up!

                    Ava, thanks for your support too, i often think of you since you live in Melbourne. Well done on your AF Thailand holiday!

                    Thanks also to Roxane for your kind wishes, and stay with your quit!

                    Little Beagle, we made it! I hope all's well in your world, and yes, i'll be checking in as much as i can. :l

                    Thanks for the congrats Jane27; i wish you well in your quit! It really does get easier as time goes by.

                    Thanks also to J-Vo. I like your quote - so true - one day at a time.

                    Byrdlady - yes, i do feel proud. Thanks for the undies (or is it a bum?!) and yes, i will stay vigilant.

                    Soft Focus, thanks for your kind words, and yes, we all need encouragement. This is a great place to find it!

                    Choppersmom, thanks for your good wishes. Onward for us all!

                    Spirit Girl, i love your 'screen-name'! Best wishes to you too!

                    Phew, i hope i haven't left anyone out. I don't know you all very well, but we share the same struggles and it's nice to know we're not alone. :thanks:

                    It's Saturday night here in Australia, and i'm enjoying a decaf coffee. Sundays are fantastic now!

                    take care everyone, one day at a time,
                    AF free since April 29, 2013


                      Steady's wagon at one year

                      Congratulations Steady!

                      Fantastic achievement.

                      Bravo friend.

                      G bloke.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Steady's wagon at one year

                        Your post is awe inspiring for me, too.

                        In many ways, we are like teenagers that are learning geometry- a teacher shows us this alphabet of letters called "formulas" and tries to tell us that IF you string them together, you will get a certain result. At first, we look at the formula and ridicule the teacher- what is he thinking? :H We scoff at his persistence that if you follow the formula- that if we add "X" to "Y" and subtract "Z"... then we will get a defined outcome.

                        The dedicated teacher tries a different approach--- he loses the pencil and paper and brings in marbles and dominoes and playing cards and tries to show us the answer with real world examples.... This time, some of the students understand it, and can see how increasing "X" will result in less of "Z" or even more "Y"s- and those students move on to their next assignment. :applaud:

                        Yet some of us, we dig in our heels, we stand fast, and we insist that WE are right and despite the teacher's insistence that the formula is proven over and over and over again... WE know better
                        - WE know he is wrong- we can have as much "X" as we want to, and the "Y"s don't matter. Through our amber colored glass spectacles, our perspective is that our teacher is wrong.
                        The teacher either keeps trying to teach, or leaves us idiots in the classroom to convince each other, as he moves along to the receptive students that are willing to embrace the next life lesson.:l

                        Like you, I've finally started to look around at my classmates, not in judgement, but in recognition that we've all been trying to convince%
                        "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
                        so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."


                          Steady's wagon at one year

                          A few more thoughts...

                          MAE MWO-ers! Now that I've started my second year on the wagon, I'm thinking over the past 30 something years of heavy drinking and asking myself what purpose such an ultimately destructive habit served me.

                          Am making a list, which so far includes comfort, self-expression, rebellion, license, reward, boredom and escapism. There are lots more to add to the list! The plan is to come up with other positve and healthy ways to meet these needs.

                          Something that's stuck me forcefully is that from a very young age, I did not learn to look after or respect myself properly. (My folks though not bad parents were kind of distant and negative.) Thank the gods the message has finally reached me!

                          I'm enjoying learning my lessons; better late than never!

                          best wishes to all,
                          love, Steady
                          AF free since April 29, 2013


                            Steady's wagon at one year

                            Thanks for your 150 congrats Stead, since there dont seem to be many alkies in Aus (mmm) we need to stick together. Tonnes of alkies overseas though so glad we live here. ha ha!.

                            Repairing our life is what its all about being af and it feels so good to wake up daily sober and content. Its taken me half a century to get to where i am today and like you thank god the message finally hit home.

                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Steady's wagon at one year

                              Yeah, that's right Ava, no alkies in Oz!

                              It's been 50 years for me too (i turn 51 this year!)

                              I see your mood status is "sick" - hope you feel better soon :l

                              Logging out now, time to watch Spicks and Specks (and actually remember it tomorrow!)

                              love Steady
                              AF free since April 29, 2013

