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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Pauly, do you take any vitamin supplements? If you ever want to talk about nutritional stuff, PM me. The best thing I ever did for my health BEFORE I quit AL was clean up my diet. I swear it changed my life for the better. So much so that it helped inspire me to ditch AL. Ok... done preaching nutrition. Just keep it in mind. I'm here. 😊

    We had a great day exploring Chloride, AZ yesterday. It's an old silver mine town. Interesting. Lots of hiking!

    Hope everyone is working hard at quiting! Stay close and read read read!


      Hi Everyone, day 30 here. Nutrition is next on my agenda. Slowly getting this old menopausal body moving again. I don't know how you do it Minstar with the little ones. A weekend with a few of my grandchildren and I am pooooped!!

      I don't post much for some reason but I am always reading and keeping up with all of you. We are busy with the family business and the grandkids. Not much time for taking care of me but I am guarding my sobriety with my life!!
      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


        Hi friends,

        I set a timer and only allowed to be on here for 15 min. I have real work to get done.

        Ginger - Is Chloride in southern AZ? I have never been there. Warm and bright I hope.
        SS - a personal congratulations is due. Good for you on your 30 days. You must be feeling fantastic. Keep it up...
        Min - sure hope the little ones do not get sick. That is always hard on Moms.
        Pauly - how are you? Finding any sleep relief? I read that link Ginger sent - some good info there. A friend of mine who works night shift used a herbal product alled "Rescue Night". I havent tried it but she claims it helps.
        Cowboy - great to see such a long post...glad you have found an organizational method that works and helps reduce the stress of being self employed.
        Lizann- you know you are going to have to post pics of this kitchen when you are done.
        Open Halo - how did the birthday party go? How did you feel in that situation? Was it odd or a non event?

        After I get some work done, I am going for a hydro facial. (no idea what that was a Christmas gift). A little self care.
        Then I am taking my son to look at paint colors for his room. He is 14 and wants BLACK. Agh.. I have to put my foot down on this one. We might settle on a dark grey or even a taupe but not black. He can have all black bedding and dresser etc.

        Take care all.



          Hey everyone!
          SS. That's huge! Well done and congratulations! What a fantastic job!

          beachG. Thanks for the mention. Your post was very well done! I wish I had a spare few mins to hello and post to each of you. how was your hydro facial.

          Do know I am reading and posting when I can!

          How are you feeling Pauly?

          cowboy- you ok?

          My evening was painful. I've come to bed early to wish the day away. Baby really unsettled for a couple of hours this evening. I was a horrible shouty Mum! Thankfully both in bed around 7 and I had just one trip back up to each of them! Now I'm in bed. Ready to read.

          I got Allen cars book yesterday. I think I got the mini book- no more hangovers. It's very similar to JV. I was impressed with what I read but felt it very similar to JV. I may start JV again.

          day 2 done. A harder day but done!

          Hope everyone is well x


            Hey all,ugh NO black room Beachy! That would be so depressing, plus when he's sick of it it'll be a pain in the ass to paint over, have him look at some of the swatches, maybe he'll find something cool Ginger, I live for vitamin supplements, hubs irritates me cuz he takes nothing and usually always feels great,I take so many I rattle and feel crap! Min,I live in Las Vegas and allergies get bad here cuz it's dusty, usually windy,and people have planted things here that don't belong like olive trees,oleander,etc,SS,great on 30 days and I'm with you, I get so exhausted from watching Louie, I can't believe women my age still have babies, I'd die! I love when he comes over and I love it when he leaves haha,hope everyone is having a good day
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Sounds like everyone is doing well! I'm with you Ginger and Pauly about the importance of nutrition, feeling better about yourself and your health makes it easier to kick Al to the curb.
              Am feeling good about staying AF at a bar, but don't think I can make it a regular event just now, need a lot more AF time under my belt.
              Thinking of all of you and a big congrats to Sober Soul on 30 DAYS!!!! A big CONGRATS!!

              Watched an old movie called Clean and Sober with Michael Keaton and Morgan Freeman, another eye opening turn on the destruction of addiction..
              Keep Safe and AF everyone.. :heartbeat:


                Howdy all! Not much new to report, things are going great so far for me, but I did have quite a bit of sober time built up over the past 14 months in between binges! But seeing the counsellor is helping me understand why I binged, so just to keep emotions/stress at a minimum to avoid needing AL to cope..

                Min, the first few days are always toughest, as everyone, including yourself can attest to, but if you can get through that first week, it does get easier, and we're all here to help!

                BG, what the heck is a "hydro facial"? If it has anything to do with a garden hose, I think there might be some easy money in it for me lol.

                Ginger, how long do you and hubby stay on the road, before heading home to restock etc?

                Pauly, hang in there, for better or for worse, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health..... hold it, think that belongs somewhere else, but applies here as well!

                Nutrition, well, well.... I used to be the worst eater in the world....lived on junk food, french fries and potato chips being the worst. Only ever ate supper(or dinner for the classies lol) no breakfast or dinner for me! Just coffee and barley sandwiches throughout the day. When I first started on my quit, I started eating more, and eating healthier, no breakfast, but dinner and supper now, lots of fruits and vegetables along with my real sandwiches at lunch. It really did help cut the craving for beer. My job has always been lots of physical labour, so exercise is something that I get everyday from 8 to 5. I think that's why I have stayed the same size for the past 40 years.

                Looks like everyone is doing okay, some better, some with tiny struggles, but hey, anything worth having is worth fighting for! Be strong my friends...

                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                  I can't skip meals, my blood sugar drops and I get shakey,I try to eat healthy but sometimes, especially the weekends we eat bad! It does sound like we're all doing pretty darn good Cowboy
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Hey all!

                    Hate allergies Pauly. Are you able to use a neti pot? It's a way of clearing sinuses and can help with allergies?

                    Cowboy- I've just spoke to a counsellor. A general assessment and has given me number for alcohol abuse. In a rush as kids to sort, school run and errands but will post more later.

                    Hello everyone else. Hope you're all well xx


                      I'm the newest newbie there is. I'm also a woman in her 50s and I'm all swollen and my head is foggy in the day from the night before. I could do with some tips on getting home from work and not pouring myself a white wine.


                        Hi Annette, So glad you found us. There are a number of us men and women in our fifties here at MWO and especially on this thread. We are all struggling with trying to quit the booze. We've had varying amounts of success. Right now I'm at just over 30 days. You would be very smart to stop right now on your first attempt rather than having numerous attempts until finally realizing that we cannot moderate and the only way to stop thinking about drinking is to stop drinking.

                        You may have to change your after work routine at first to avoid your triggers. I don't know if you have a schedule you have to adhere to but hopping in the bath right away might switch things up. The Newbies Nest has lots of advice as far as dealing with those relentless cravings. You have to really want to quit in order to be successful; not just sort of half want it.

                        Read many posts on this amazing site and post often. That will help you stay focused on why you are here. Alcoholism is a progressive disease and every time you relapse, quitting seems to get harder.

                        Again, welcome and I would love to know more about you. :-)
                        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                          I did a post last night, but I saved part of it for today... thank you SoberSoul for starting this thread, you've brought together a group of strangers who quickly became good friends!

                          SoberSoul on your "last" 1 month milestone!
                          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                            Hi Annette :welcome: SoberSoul gave you some great advice, changing habits is something you have to do to succeed! I might add, get rid of any alcohol in the house, you can't drink what isn't there! Stock up on healthy non-alcoholic beverages and drink as many as you need to, and eat, eat lots!
                            This is something you can't do alone, so come here everyday, as many times as you need, read and post, read and post! You'll find great advice and tons of support. We all had a Day 1, we'll help you get to week 1, month 1, it only takes one day at a time....
                            Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                            Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                            Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                              Welcome Annette! Glad you found us. You've come to the right place if you are ready to make this your last quit. Great advice from SS and ABC. I can't stress enough the importance of staying close and having a plan. Go to the toolbox and find some ideas that will work for you. Some people use rewards at the end of each week. After all, think of the money you save when you don't drink! One person had a $$ jar and each day they dropped what they would have spent on booze in the jar. After a few months they had hundreds of dollars. Find what works for you and do it. You will never regret it and the rewards are amazing.

                              We can do this together!


                                Quick check in. I'm at work and doing fine. I'll try to get back on later!

