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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Dang OH,that sounds good tooI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Cowboy that sounds delicious! Lunch went very well. I drank water with lime. Went to a new Cuban place and the food was amazing!!! Even ordered samplers! Conversation was as normal as usual and it was actually fun. Had a heart to heart with my sister and I'm feeling better about our relationship. Told her as kindly as I could to back off a bit. My husband and son will let her know if I screw up again. Exhausted so calling it an early night.watching the NBA all star game. So not my thing but BIL is here.
Good night and thank you for your kind words. I'll be feeling much better with a few days under my belt and some normalcy.
Hey all. Just checking in. Like you Lizann - weekend was a fail. Had deinks friday and Sunday. I wish I was able to do more than a week. Still a week is a week. Like the others said. Back on the wagon again Lizann. You have everything to gain- keep on trying and do not let this get you down. You've achieved lots of AF days so keep racking them up.
Hope everyone is safe x
I'm with you MinStar the acceptance here is so important. Don't beat yourself up about it. Does your significant other know about the drinking? I was able to hide it for a long time. Not anymore, which makes it way more difficult.
Check I. With you all later
Howdy all, it's a holiday here in Alberta, Family Day, so most people have the day off. Unfortunately for me, I have to go to work for a bit, but it's a job that will give me satisfaction, a senior widow needs her bathtub taps changed, so I told her I would drive up today and get them changed for her! She was so happy to hear it and said "God bless you young man" Young? I doubt that, but it made me feel good none the less! And looking out the window, it's snowing again, so the 45 minute drive will be a bit of a challenge lol, but I will do it...
Min, of course no one here will judge you, we've all been down that road! Just wondering if you can think out the steps that lead you to having those drinks, what can you do to prevent it the next time that situation comes up? Getting a week sober is great, you just had a bit of a setback... Is MWO your only source of support? If it is, then you need to be here every single day...again, as been said before, this is something that is almost impossible to do on your own! The day will come when your quit becomes more important than the need to drink, only you can determine what day that will be! We will never let you down....
Ginger, hopefully all is well with your mom, keep us updated please! We are here for you as well...
BG, halo, pauly, Liz, Chief, and all the rest, have a great day and make sure we don't quit on our quits!Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Morning all,
Just had a chance to have a quick read back. Mom isn't wanting to get out of bed. She says it's just too hard and not worth the effort. How do you convince an 82 year old that it's worth it to push on? Because really.... Is it? Is it fair to someone that has lived long and well that she has to fight to have a few more days/years that aren't quality? I'm just not sure. Today that's my quandry. If she manages to get through therapy/rehab she wants to move to my house for the final recuperation period. That will take a lot of changes for hubs and I to pull off. Rent storage, clear out the office, etc. All doable and we have LOTS of family to help but still.... I worry about it. My Mom is not particularly pleasent to be around and never has been. Hmmmm
No thoughts of drinking here though. I'm thankful I had 9 months AF before all this happened. Yikes.... I'd have that to deal with too? No thank you!
Min, just keep trying, girl! You want this you will get it. Liz, I'm glad the dinner went well and you had a chance to talk to sis. Pauly, wow... You are not exagerating at all about Vegas. It's in your face there. That's why we rarely get out of Boulder City unless I need to go to Trader Joe's! ABC, sounds like a wonderful dinner (except for the meat partLOL
SS and Chief, we miss your wisdom! Open, I sent you a private message. Did you see it?
No one but those on this site knows. He thinks I do drink a lot but has no idea how much.
As I'm pretty good with not drinking for days he thinks I'm just letting go at the weekend etc
Today is bad. I've felt down all day and want a drink :-/
Hope you're fairing better x
Thanks Cowboy and Ginger. I hope your mum is ok ginger :hugs:
Cowboy- just seems anything and everything is a trigger atm. I am trying to fight the weekend feeling I think! Friday was just friday- want my hair down etc. Yesterday just end of weekend. Lol. See all lame excuses. :-/
Happy Family Day to our Canadian Friends and Cowboys. (not in BC, we had it last week - go figure)
Ginger - life sure does hand us "learning opportunities" doesnt it? Hang in there.
Min - Hugs, go get that velcro! We want you here with us.
Liz, Pauly, SS, Chief, Open - hope all are well and grateful for today.
Beachy girl, I love that "grateful for today", what a wonderful sentiment! I most certainly am and more and more as I get those AF days under my belt.
Lizann and Minstar, I repeat exactly what cowboy said, please, please realize that you are not judged here, this place needs to be a place where you feel safe and a place where you feel comfortable to lay all your emotions and thoughts on the table. Lizann, so glad to hear the lunch went well, and that you are in a better place. Hope you get some alone TV veg out time this evening at some point. With three boys, it's sports, sports , sports all the time, so I feel your pain!
Min star , I was where you are for a long time. Remember though when other people, that you love, become aware of what you are trying to accomplish, getting rid of AL from your life becomes easier. My husband knows that giving up AL is difficult. Battling a disease, especially at the beginning, can be trying at the best of times. He is very supportive, and does all the "little things", more than ever before, to help me. You can get the weekend under your belt! We know you can.
Ginger, wishing you the very best with your mom. So glad you have a lot of family to help.
Cowboy, so great that you are helping the lady with her bathroom pipes. Byrdie once told me that if I ever felt like drinking do something to help someone else. It does work wonders. I do a lot of baking with my kids and give it to my neighbours, a good lesson for them, makes me feel good, and keeps AL at bay.
Sending a very happy Family Day to the MWO, and as this is the only thread I post that means all of YOU ! Without you, I wouldn't be in a better place with my life and my family. Thank you :hug: :heartbeat:
Hey all,late check in for me, time just slipped away this morning as it tends to sometimes, Ginger, that's kinda sad your mom is feeling like thatbut like you said she is older,probably tired and feeling down atm,Min,I hear you on the same old excuses, shoot I've used stress,happiness, sadness, period(sorry Cowboy) full moon you name it! To me drinking just truly isn't fun anymore for me or my family or my bank account, you'll get it,just stick around here and keep trying
hello to Beachy,OH,Cowboy, SS(where you at?)Liz,I hope everyone has a good rest of the day
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Another day done. Tired and snuggling here with Lucy. Hubby has a late meeting tonight. My son and daughter were out late too but are home now. Perfect opportunity to drink but did not. Didn't really even have the craving. I'm just so amazed at how those cravings creep up on me.
Min I'm so sorry you didn't have a good day. Is there something you can do to pamper yourself to cheer you up? I was gonna take a bath with a book, but got caught up in the stupidest tv show, which made me laugh! Mark shared some hysterical you tube videos with us a few nights ago. Sometimes a good laugh that makes your tummy hurt is good medicine too. Sending hugs your way. Feel free to pm me anytime if you want to talk. We can do this together
MAE everyone. Liz, glad you made it through yesterday. Just one day at a time is all we need to do. I have to remind myself of that when I'm with Mom. I look at her and think about things 8 months from now. I can't do that! I can only think about today. If I don't, I'll frustrate her and make myself crazy. I spent several hours with her yesterday while she was doing OT and PT. I felt much better about things after getting some solid information. I found myself frustrated with my sisters for not knowing things about Mom's care. They don't ask questions or write things down. Arghhh We are so different.
Thanks you guys for being here, sending your thoughts and staying AF. We need to make our sobriety priority number one no matter what. We can't allow "reasons" to steal that from us. We are too important to let that happen! Have a good AF day.
Hi quitters! I love this thread! We are a small, close knit group, only here to help and support each other. I had a really good weekend, and I have a lot of confidence that I'm finally winning!
Ginger - I hear what you're saying! Even though it's hard to see someone we love want to give up, who are we to determine what is best for them? I saw the same in my mom as well. After losing so many loved ones, I think she just decided it was time for her to join them, and died peacefully in her sleep at age 80, in the house her and dad built and where she raised her 4 sons. Bubba's dad has an aggressive form of dementia and her mom's eyesight is failing, the Doctor said in a few years she would be almost blind because of the disease. Neither of them want to go to an extended care facility. So, at some point in time, they'll have to move in with us so that they can be cared for. It is what it is and I will gladly accept them into our home, it will be a big change, but life is full of change as we all know, especially us!
BG and OH, I enjoy seeing your posts! I can feel the determination in both of you to make this your last quit and that determination gives all of us a goal to strive for, making our lives AF!
SS & Chief, haven't seen you around much, hopefully that means you are getting by and not needing daily reinforcement in your quits! Come back soon and update us please!
Pauly, glad you are making this a regular spot as well! The more the merrier, it never hurts to have as much support as possible!
Min and Liz, you can do this! It's just a matter of realizing all the heartbreak that drinking causes. I'm not sure what faith, if any, that you practice, but in the Catholic/Christian community today is Shrove Tuesday and tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. It is customary through the Lenten Season to give up something, to sacrifice a bit of ourselves in honour of what the Lord sacrificed for us. So whether you believe or not, why not give up drinking for Lent? No reasons/excuses to pick up that first drink for the next 40 days? You don't have to count, just come to the 24 Hour Club everyday for the next 40 days and prove to yourself that you can do it! We'll all be here to help you along the way!
Well, enough of my preaching for today, I hope and pray, that each and everyone of us finds the courage and determination to make the rest of our lives so much better by not drinking! Not just for ourselves, but also for the people around us who care as much as we do....
Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.